Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 884: Clean mountain range

The piano nodded twice and was slightly relieved. So I have time to return to Tongtiancheng to participate in the assessment of Zongmen.

"Qin Shimei, which Zongmen do you want to join?" Jiang Hanrong whispered: "Do we join the tyrants together?"

Qin double shook his head and said: "I am learning the sword, so I want to join the Tianjianmen."

"Also!" Jiang Hanrong said regretfully: "It's just that we can't be together in the future."

Qin double smiled and said: "We are not staying in the Zongmen, we have to come out and experience. At that time, we can team up again."

"Not bad!" Jiang Hanrong smiled happily.

"Do you know what relics we are going to explore this time?"

"I heard that it is an ancient ruin!" When it came to this, Tan Xiao smiled embarrassedly and smiled: "You also know that we are from the side of the bear city, the news is blocked, even if we tell us what is the relic, we have not heard Over."

The piano nodded twice and whispered each other about the different experiences. After five days of sin, everyone came to the dust-free mountains and parked their horses in an inn under the mountain. After a rest, they entered the dust-free mountains.

Qin Double doesn't know why it is called a dust-free mountain range, but once it enters the dust-free mountain range, it feels that the air is extraordinarily fresh, and it really seems that there is no trace of dust. The ground under the feet is very hard, like a rock. However, on such a hard rock, there are countless large ancient trees that form a continuous forest.


Shu Ying lightly sighed, his feet were full of strength, and his figure was like a sharp arrow, spurting toward the depths of the forest. Everyone has their own ability, and they are behind Shu Ying, walking through the forest.

The piano double glimpses the light, but controls the speed, hangs in the end, and looks at the people running in the field of vision.

Obviously, the six people of Shu Ying and Bai Ge are all in the silver period, but these six silver periods are not used to take care of these bronze periods, so they can't see their true cultivation. However, for those of the bronze period, they gradually separated their cultivation.

These bronze period smelters were between the fifth and the ninth floors of the bronze period. The worst was Jiang Hanrong, and the five-layer peak of the bronze period was repaired. Tan Xiao was surprised by the Qin double. The bronze period is nine layers. It seems that his qualifications are really good, and he is worthy of being the first young man in Xiongcheng. From Xiongcheng to Tongtiancheng, the spirit is getting stronger and stronger, the gravity is getting stronger and stronger, and the medicinal herbs given to him by Qinqin make his repairs leaps and bounds.

Tan Xiao and his wife did not know that Qinshuang had broken through to the silver period. He thought that Qinshuang was still in the bronze period. He only saw that Qinqin was in the end, but he was leisurely, and obviously did not make full effort. I am afraid that even the general strength Did not make it out, my heart was not surprised.

So I ran for three more days, and everyone came to a cliff full of vines. Lu Binwang stayed in his footsteps and his eyes condensed:

"Someone has been here!"

Everyone's eyes fell on the ground in front of the cliff, and they saw many messy footprints on the ground. Shu Ying also screwed his brows:

"I took a few people last time to find a herbal medicine, and I found this ruin by chance. In this ruin, the organs are heavy, and several people I brought are dead inside. I was also slightly injured. I left At the time, I hide it here and cover up the footprints. Now there are footprints here, it seems that someone found it after me. I don’t know if those people have left, or they are now.

Wu Hai hoarsely said: "Look at these footprints is very new, it should be just left."

The white glance swept across the footprints on the ground: "These footprints are all facing the inside, not facing the outside, they should still be inside, just don't know if they are dead or alive."

When Shu Ying stepped forward, the vine hanging down was opened, and a stone door was opened. The stone door was a dark passage, and the situation inside could not be seen. She looked back at the Bronze Road of Qin Double:

"You are ahead."

Tan Xiao and others are all changed. At this time, they all understand that the reason why they came with them during the silver period is not to kindly let them share the harvest, but to use them as cannon fodder. But do they have the ability to resist?


I have come here, and if they dare to resist, the six silver periods will kill them. Those eyes of the Bronze period could not help but fall on the Qinshuang and Tan Xiao couples. Because in these three days, Qin double has been in the end, and Tan Xiao couple naturally followed the Qin double, so it also fell to the end, let the other nine bronze period think the strength of Qin double and Tan Xiao couple lowest. Although they have to go in front of the cannon fodder during these bronze periods, whoever is at the forefront is more dangerous. At this time, they naturally have to rely on their own cultivation, forcing the piano to walk in front of three people.

Tan Xiao and his wife couldn’t look at Bai Ge’s eyes, but Bai Ge’s face was apathy:

"Just let you go ahead and sharpen what?"

Jiang Hanrong only has five layers in the bronze period. He listens to Bai Ge’s words and his face is not in a hurry. Tan Xiaoshang’s hand on the side of the body suddenly clenched, and the color of regret appeared in his eyes. He was really a dumpling from the side! Let the world in the middle of the world squint, and the curiosity in the heart makes you lose your attention to people.

"How? Unwilling?" Wuhai's hoarse voice sounded, giving people a layer of goose bumps.


The sound of the piano double fainted and walked toward Shimen. Tan Xiao couple's face became a little pale, and they followed behind the piano pair. After the Qinshuang and Tan Xiao couple walked into the hole, the remaining nine bronze periods followed behind the three people, and finally the six silver periods.

When Qin Double entered Shimen, he spread the power of the soul and followed the passage to see the messy footprints. There were also some arrows and iron anchors. There were more than a dozen people’s bodies outside the kilometer. .

The double look of the piano has not changed, but the heart is slightly relieved. With these dead people, it should be exhausted by those organs. Then they snorted and listened carefully to the Tan Xiao couple, then walked slowly toward the front.

Soon, everyone went to the bodies, and everyone’s look was changed. The doubles were still in the footsteps, and they still walked toward the front without letting them go, which made the fears behind those bronzes behind them. In addition, the dark piano is a two fool. Instead, Lu Binwang smiled at Bai Ge:

"The people you choose are good!"


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