Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 888: Black and blue sea

In an instant, I came to the front of the cockroach, and the cockroach suddenly moved, and the right arm was lifted up, and a punch hit the past with the arrow in front of me.

Although the arrow is fast, but the repairs of Baige and Tan Xiao are not weak, they have been focusing on the arrows that the piano has shot. In their field of vision, they see that they are originally one. The arrow suddenly split into two and became two. One of the arrows did not change direction, and the right fist was lasing away, while the other arrow was falling and shot at the front chest.

At this point, the arrow and the cockroach are very close. In such a short distance, the speed of the arrow is fast, and the cockroach simply does not react. The ear hears a "when" sound, the arrow One third of the shot was shot into the slightly raised part of the front chest, and the two-thirds of the arrow left outside violently trembled and hummed.

The piano doubles the mind and moves, stimulating the power of the soul.



The arrow burst into flames, and the sly chest was blown out of a big hole. The sly body swayed a few times, and finally slammed and fell to the ground, motionless.

"Successful!" Qin double excitedly waved his fist in the air.

Bai Ge and Tan Xiao and his wife looked at Qin Double with a dull look. Tan Xiao and his wife once saw the double archery, but at that time, the piano double was only shot out of the day, and the speed and strength of the day was incredible. However, it is incredible, and the arrows that are not seen today will change direction and trajectory.

Bai Ge was awakened by the excitement of Qin’s double excitement and could not help but make a nap. If the piano double hides in the dark to give himself such an arrow, even if he is a silver five-story, I am afraid it will die?

Before he was polite to the piano, it was only because of the identity of the piano double alchemy, even if it was polite, it was limited. But now looking at the eyes of Qin double, there is a hint of jealousy, there is a trace of respect. This is recognition of strength.

"let's go!"

Qin double put the bow on his shoulder and bent over to hold the arrow on the ground in his arms and strode toward the donkey. The three people in Baige were also excited at this time. They have the singer and the archer, and maybe they can really gain something in this ruin. I also held the arrow and followed it behind.

Qin double came to the front of the scorpion and did not stop. Before she used the power of the mind, she had already made this sly exploration very clear. This 傀儡 is a king of melee, that is, in a specific place on the mainland of the earth, Qin double has a threat. If the piano is not locked in Dan Tian and the sea, and there is no spiritual power here, the piano can easily smash her. Therefore, the piano pair did not have any sorrow for this shackle, striding across from the top of it, following the passage, while moving forward, and refining an arrow.

Sure enough, as they marched forward, there was a cockroach constantly appearing. The piano doubles used a dart to shoot a cockroach, although the level of those cockroaches increased again and again, but still could not stop the pace of the double. .

Suddenly, Qin double's footsteps. Step forward and look forward.

They walked along this way and continued to walk in the passage. At every interval, there will be two passages, but no matter how they choose, they always walk in the passage, as if they will never reach the end.

However, at this time in front of them, it seems to be the exit of the passage, from which there was a sound of water. The four people exchanged their gaze and their looks became dignified. The white grid is holding down the voice of excitement:

"Master Qin, do you still have a Danden?"


Qin double took out the seventh congenital Dan Yao, crushed it, and released a pig. The piglet ran to the exit of the passage according to the command of the double.

The Dan demon of the double refining system is different from the Dan demon of the alchemy refining division on the mainland of the Yuan, and the Dan demon of the alchemy refining on the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty needs the blood to recognize the Lord. The result is that the Danden will only listen to the owner's orders and no other functions.

However, the Dan Demon of the double refining system is different. She does not use the blood to recognize the Lord, but the brand of the power of the soul. The things that the pigs saw were clearly presented in the heart of the piano.

The pig had already rushed out of the exit, and the piano saw a wide underground world. The pig did not encounter any danger and still ran to the front.


Qinqin sighed low and rushed toward the exit.

I rushed out of the exit, and my eyes were dim, showing a strange black-blue color. There was a sound of flowing water coming from the ear, and it looked very far. Outside of the kilometer, it seemed to have an underground ocean, boundless.


The four people of Qinqin saw several figures standing on the beach, and at that time, the figures also turned their heads to the piano pair and they looked at them. When they saw the Qinshuang and Tanxiao couples, they could not help. It was a surprise.

Qinqin did not go to see the few figures for the first time, but looked at the endless underground ocean. The ocean was filled with a strong black-blue fog, and the visibility was very low. The piano double ordered the pig to stop, and then he looked at the figures.

At this time, standing on the beach with five figures, it is Lu Binwang, Shu Ying, Wu Hai and the white-bearded dagger old man, and the indifferent youth. As for those who have been in the bronze period, one is missing. The piano is in the heart, and those who have been in the bronze period should all die in the passage. At the same time, my heart is also amazed. These five people can actually get out of the channel and should have their own cards.

At that time, the five silver-smelling sculpters also looked at Baige with amazement. They didn’t think that they were strong in Qinshuang. They walked out of the channel with their own skills, and they all thought it was the strength of Baige. Gao Qiang, with the piano double three people killed the channel.

Wuhai converges on the surprise of the heart, saying sullenly: "White, unfathomable!"

Bai Ge snorted and naturally understood the misunderstanding of the five people opposite, but he did not explain it, but looked at Shu Yingdao:

"Shu Ying, what do we do next?"

Shu Ying smiled bitterly: "I haven't gotten in here before, and I don't know where to go. However, there is no way to go, we should cross the sea from here."

"How to cross the sea? How to cross?"

Qin double also frowned slightly, here is the earthen continent, gravity is incomparable, and blocked by the sea and Dantian, simply can not fly, how to cross the sea?

I can fly with Confucianism, but what about them?

Is there a flying technique in this world?



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