Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 959: Denounce



They just watched Tian Yunfeng and Tian Haifeng disciples fleeing, and the humiliation of many years just broke out, and the excitement still echoed in the heart. At this time, let them condemn the piano, but they can't say it.

At this time, the wave is even more excited: "You think that I want to be humiliated. I want to be bullied like this. Am I so embarrassed?"

The strength of their Tiandan Peak is there. We have been the last one in a hundred years. If we don’t give other hills extra compensation, they will kill the same door of our Tiandan Peak in Dabie. .


do you know? ”

The uneven eyes were wet, and his look was a bit mad, his neck was exposed, and he was screaming at the piano:

"I don't want to be an awesome man? I don't want to be an awesome master? I don't want to be a man with the same door of Tiandan Peak? Have dignity in front of other peaks?"

Am I so embarrassed? ”

At this time, the mood of the waves has been time and space, and tears are flowing.

"But what can I do, our strength is not good. Do you know what life is being passed by the disabled door? Even if it is restored, it will not be able to restore its original appearance. The strength is often stagnant, and only for a lifetime can only Hey.

Do I have to send the same door to this road without future for my own time? ”

The disciples around Tiandanfeng were all saddened by their faces, and some disciples with weak personality had already sobbed.

Qin double sighed in his heart, can not say that the waves are not right.

Everyone's life has different choices, and those who make choices have to bear the results of their choice.

Waves can be chosen for various reasons, but the piano can't, but it is not. Uncertainly interrupted the roar of the waves.

"Do you think that you choose to give in, isn't it? You have no body, but your heart is crippled, and you are living a life of jealousy.




You think about dignity in your heart, but you have given up your dignity in your actions. What is the qualification of a person like you to talk about dignity?

Do you know what you are in the eyes of other mountain disciples?

Do you know what the whole Tiandanfeng disciple is in the eyes of other mountain disciples? ”

"What is it?" The wave was inconsistently asked by the piano.

Qinqin suddenly raised his voice: "It is a group of locusts struggling in the stinking ditch!"


The waves were so wide and swelled, and the lips couldn’t say a word. The eyes of Qin double swept the dense crowd and snorted:

"My piano will participate in Dabi, who is willing to go with me?"

There was silence around, and everyone looked blank. Because everyone is very clear in their hearts, Qin double stunned the patriarchal days, when the ratio is over, Tianyun Summit will let Tiandanfeng disciples?

"I am willing!" Yue Hao's macro voiced.

"Good!" Qin Shuang's eyes swept through the silent people, and said: "We will go to other peaks when we are two. The refiners, rather stand up to death, you can live."

"I am attending!" Suddenly heard the groaning noise.

Qin double looked at the waves, condensed: "You are sure!"

The waves were red and the eyes were red: "I am sure, I don't want to be a locust struggling in the stinking ditch."

"Good!" Qin double raised his hand and took a vigorous shot of the uneven shoulder: "You will win your dignity."

"I attended!"

"I attended!"


When I saw the wave, I had just experienced the excitement of watching the disciples of Tianyunfeng and Tianhaifeng fleeing. The blood in the body was not cold. Finally, someone stood up and then more and more people stood up.

The piano double-handedly pressed down, and the surroundings were silent. The piano eyes swept through the crowd:

"I know that the number of people who participated in Dabi is 100. I also know that everyone is very enthusiastic and wants to find their own dignity. But I only need 81 people. You can go to the master to register and register to the deadline. Then, the master chooses one hundred masters to be the strongest. I will gather here tomorrow afternoon. In the next three months, I will give you training. After the training, I will pick out 81 people and eliminate them. Nineteen."


Everyone has a glimpse of their hearts. They have heard of Tianjianfeng, Tianyunfeng and Tianhaifeng. They and Tianfengfeng have never been trained. At this time, the piano double turned to the waves:

"Trouble master."

"give it to me!"

At this time, although the waves are not flat, they will not admire the five bodies, and they are also skeptical about the so-called training of the piano pair. They are full of worries about the future. However, on the piano double dare to sland the patriarchal day, for the strange force of the piano double on his shoulder, the heart still has some admiration, so simply agreed.

"Thank you!" Qin double arched hands for the ceremony.

The waves are not fair and say: "This is my business."

Qin nodded and did not continue to be polite, but turned his head to Yue Hao:

"Yue brother, you must go to the task first."

"it is good!"

Yue Haozhi ran to the hall with a box, while Qin double was interacting with the disciples of Tian Danfeng. In fact, it was a process of mutual understanding. Prior to this, Qin double was a stranger to Tian Danfeng disciple. Soon, Yue Haozhi ran back, and Qin and Liang were determined to set the time for tomorrow, and they left with Yue Hao.

"Yue brother, how come you come to Tiandanfeng."

"Running with you."

"How do you know that I am at Tiandan Peak?"

"After we cleared the customs, we asked the registered seniors."

"You?" Qin’s eyes lit up: "Are you all inside the door?"

“Yeah!” Yue Hao’s proud nodded: “We will go to Shaoguan 21 days after you have cleared the customs. All of them will pass.”

Having said that, Yue Hao’s face slammed: “But, I didn’t expect to come to Tiandan Peak, but I couldn’t find out where you lived.”

"Where do you live?"

"From a hillside about seven miles away."

"Go, go to your first place."

"it is good!"

Qin Shuang and Yue Haozhi ran up, and the seven miles to the two of them running, it took less than a quarter of an hour to come to the hillside. Qinqin looked up and saw several wooden houses on the hillside. At the same time, he saw several figures on the hillside.

"Teacher, see who is coming!"

One of Yue Hao ran to the hillside and shouted. Qin double is behind, but also a smile. If we say that Qin Double has just entered the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, the friends who made friends are Tan Xiao and Jiang Hanrong, then after entering Tianjianmen, the friends who made friends are the six people of Yue Hao.

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