Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1029: Qin double's suggestion

Bloody warriors are not pure warriors, and their strength is much higher than pure warriors. It is thought that the blood martial arts are the ancient martial arts, not the simplification of the military in the mainland, and the strength is higher than the simplified simplification of the mainland. That is to say, in the face of the warriors in the mainland of the warriors, they can crush the Wusheng, but in the face of the **** warriors, there is no advantage.

In this way, in the loss of the opportunity to subdue the double, the direct result is that the piano double starts a big battle and kills them. Several Mahayana monks looked at each other and sweated on their foreheads.

"What I am worried about is the view of Wu Zongdian on the cultivation of the real world when he cooperates with Wu Zongdian in the future. After all, the Yuyue Empire and Wu Zongdian are much worse than the Wuzong Temple. Now the strength of Wu Zongdian is not tight. It is a combination of Wu Zongdian, the Daqin Empire and the Frost Empire. It can be said that at least at present, Wu Zongdian is the absolute main force against the demon. If Wu Zongdian refuses to accept you, this is really a headache."

The piano squinted at the temple with a headache, and looked at the nine Mahayana monks to continue:

"And, we can not hate the world of comprehension, but what about the empire of the moon?

As the Lord of Huyue said, this hatred is mutual. It is not only the warriors who hate the monks, but the monks also hate the warriors. Therefore, mutual trust must also be mutual. ”

"We have a problem on this side. Although we were driven out of the mainland by the warriors, we are resentful, but we are also the ones who are rescued by the emperor in the siege of the demon. Our monks also have distinct grievances. ......"

Hu Yanyun indulged in a moment: "I want to know why the Moon Emperor will be a martial arts double * repair? As far as I know, the Moon Emperor grew up in the mainland of the Warriors since childhood, and is still a nobleman, compared to Wu Zongdian The influence should be hated by the monks. And it should be regarded as a enchanting **** martial art. What is the reason for you to accept blood vessels?

If the emperor can explain it, it can also make us feel good. Can cooperate with the Crescent Moon Empire without any slightest impetus. ”

Qin doubled a moment and said: "I can explain it to you, but there is a premise."

"What premise? Please also ask the emperor to speak."

"I give you two choices. The first one is that I am looking for an opportunity, then protecting you from leaving the mainland, sending you to the beach, and you returning alone.

The second option is that you stay with us to fight against the demon and the two, but not cooperation, but to become part of the empire of the Crescent Moon. The Crescent Moon Empire allows you to establish sects in the land of the Empire, but must obey the orders of the Empire. Follow the laws of the empire. ”

Hu Yanyun also indulged in a moment: "Is that we are either returning overseas or becoming part of the Crescent Moon Empire? There is no equal cooperation?"

"Yes!" Qin doubled nodded.

"Good!" Husband said that he did not consider how long it took, and nodded: "As long as we determine that the Jiuyue Empire will not hate our comprehension, we will seriously consider and, after deliberation, give the Moon Emperor a result."

Qin nodded, his eyes swept through the nine Mahayana periods, and slowly asked: "The warriors and monks hate each other, and the warriors hate the **** warriors. Right, don't you know if your monks are hateful?"

"Can't talk about hatred, but..." Hu Yanyun looked at Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan, apologetically said: "Please also ask the three Taoist friends for understanding."

Shen Qiu said faintly: "Nothing, you are telling the truth, we are used to it."

Called to extend the cloud and nodded: "Our monks are very discriminating against **** warriors and think that they are not human beings, they are half demon."

The eyes of the nine Mahayana periods were closely watching the enemies, the blood coat and Li Yan, and they saw an angry anger in the eyes of the three of them. They just endured and looked at the piano pair, but they saw the piano double. There is no anger in the eyes, but there is sorrow.

The nine monks of the Mahayana look a glimpse, do not know why the piano double will be sad, the hall suddenly disappeared, the needle can be heard. Let the hearts of the nine Mahayana monks not be nervous. Half-sounding, the piano double sighed, this sigh seemed to open the stagnation in the hall, so that everyone's heavy mood could not be loosened, and the eyes gathered on the piano double. Qin double whispered:

"The Terran should not discriminate against **** warriors, but should be grateful to the **** warriors."

Everyone's look changed, and the eyes were confused. Qin double sighed again and looked at the nine Mahayana periods:

"You and the military have hated countless thousands of years, can you know why each other hates?"

The nine Mahayana period looked at each other and showed a sigh of color. They only knew the hateful warriors. They only knew that they were driven out of the warriors by the warriors, but the roots of hatred were already drowned in history. Xiang Baiji swallowed a mouthful of water:

"Do you know the emperor?"

"I know!" Qin nodded, his eyes deepened, and he fell into memories, with a layer of sadness floating in his eyes. Looking towards Qinwudao:

"Second brother, open the hall door and let the people outside listen to it."

Qinwu stood up and opened the door of the main hall. The black people outside were unable to look towards Qinwu. Qin Wu condensation channel:

"The Moon Emperor wants to tell some secrets of the ancients. Let's listen together."

Everyone is a glimpse. I don’t know how Qinqin started to talk about ancient secrets, but it reminded them of their curiosity. At this time, the elders and core disciples of the comprehension community stood outside, and the warriors above the Wuyue Empire empire were also standing outside, listening to each other with their ears raised, and the clear sound of the piano was heard from the gate:

"I once entered a historic site by chance, and encountered a glimpse of the ancients' predecessors in that monument. My understanding and inheritance of blood vessels, martial arts and law is from that. A senior. He told me the history of the dusty history. I have to say that this is the sorrow of the Terran."

The look of everyone has become dignified. They believe that Qinqin’s identity will not lie. In the dusty historical truth, in front of the uncovering, no one is not excited, no one does not expect, but sees in the eyes of the piano. On the back, everyone’s heart is inexplicably heavy.

The hall was very quiet, and even everyone held their breath and looked at the piano.

"In the ancient times, the warrior continent was the era when the Yaozu was rampant, and the Terran was very weak. For example, before the Demon's Gate and the Magic Trail were not opened, the Terran is the master of the Warrior's continent, and those monsters are only human races. The rations. In the ancient times, the Terran was the ration of the Yaozu."


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