Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1111: Magical demon

The first three layers of the magical sanctuary, which was captured by the piano, was also standing behind the demons, and the eyes were full of smiles. Other devils may think that the piano is arrogant, but he has personally experienced the power of the piano.

The look of the demon sacred Hesser was a stunned look. She had seen the piano twice, once by the piano, and once she went to the harps. However, no matter which time, Qin double is a high-profile, master. How is this style changing so fast?


Those devils broke out. These devils are between the six layers of the demon and the eight layers of the devil. The magical sanctuary does not dare to challenge, the self-sustaining identity of the devil's eighth floor or above.

A dozen Devils were not singled out at this time, and all of them rushed to the piano to kill the past. Every magic saint broke out all its power and speed, but it instantly rushed from all sides to the piano double.

Although they have heard of the name of the Yuehuang of the Qinshuang, but after all, they have not seen the power of the Qinshuang, and the piano double repair at that time is far worse than today. The most important thing is that the human race is weak. If there is not a double piano, in their eyes, the human race is a blood food for captivity.

The ears are imaginary. They originally looked down on the doubles in the subconscious. Now Qinqin said such humiliating words, let these devils go away.


Xidong first rushed to the front of the piano double. At this time, his body had turned into a big demon, and there was a horn on his head. The whole figure was like a mountain and pressed against the piano.

The feet gave birth to a black magic cloud, and the feet were together and stepped on the head of the piano pair.

When the piano double looked up, he saw the magic lines on the two big feet of the Xidong, which added a bit of pressure. But the piano is not afraid of it, and if you make a fist with both hands, you have to hit it. But suddenly saw the two thighs of Xidong suddenly swayed to the sides.


From the legs of Xidong, a black gas ejected from the anus, covering the piano with the past, with a strong rancid smell.

"It's too disgusting!"

The black gas has not yet reached the front of the piano, the piano double almost spit out, do not have to use double punch to attack, hurriedly step out.

Take a step.

The figure of Qin double disappeared in an instant, and Xidong was laughing with a big mouth, but suddenly felt the top of his head being hit. In the eyes of the demons, he saw the figure of Qin double appear suddenly in the east. On the top of the head, one foot stepped on the head of Xidong. The head of Xidong was like a ripe watermelon, and was broken by the piano.

"Opening the distance, her body is strong."

Suddenly there was a demon shouting, and a dozen devils had opened the distance between the two, and surrounded the piano from all sides.


A demon screamed at the piano, and the magic sound swayed and swayed toward the piano.


In the sea of ​​Qin double, the fire and the phoenix gods use the hands to move the seven-string space, and the dragon phoenix sounds, so that the consciousness of Qin double is always awake.


Another Devil shouted heavily, and he shot two black lights from his nostrils and spurred the piano.

At the same time, the magic saints in all directions released the demon supernatural powers and drowned the figures of the piano pair.

The shape of the piano double suddenly spun up, hovering like a crane dance, while the double fists alternately blasted out, one punch was not completed, another fist had moved.

Wrapped in Fengqin!


The rolling flame rises, and the time, countless fire and phoenixes come out with the momentum. The black and white magical magical powers are like a black bowl with an inverted buckle, and the piano double buckles inside.

However, the black bowl of the inverted buckle seems to be holding a volcano that is erupting. The black magical shroud covers the gaps from time to time, and a flame is rushed from the inside.


The inverted black bowl, just insisting on the time of his death, burst into anger.


The group of phoenixes screamed, and countless phoenixes came out like fireworks bursting.


More than a dozen Devils were flustered, releasing their own magical powers and blocking a fire.

Cover the sky!

The piano double-handedly took a handkerchief and a hand-painted large handprint hangs from the sky, and the palms are lingering, and the power is full. "Boom", the two magical saints became a powder.

"Magic chess enchantment!"

A demon shouted, and a dozen or so devils around him immediately moved their hands and sang in the mouth. It was seen that a series of vertical and horizontal lines were formed around the doubles, and the piano felt that it was isolated in an independent world.


A black and white chess piece was born around the piano. When the piano double-empty stepped, the figure flew up and looked down, and then saw the space below forming an enchantment, which was like a chess game. Looking up, there is also a chess game enchantment, shrouded down.


The black and white chess pieces burst and turned into a big demon, from the upper and lower sides, to the piano double pursuit. The piano stepped out in one step.

Shrink into the inch!

The face of Qin double is a change, she found that she is still shrouded in the game.

Close to the horizon!

Qin double wrinkled her brows, her step by step, not to mention that there are thousands of miles away, but also a thousand miles away. But she is still in the game.

"Curious game world!"

The piano double-handed fingers swiftly swept, then swept around.

Burn out the eight wastes!


Only in an instant, the chess enchantment became a sea of ​​fire, and the roads were burned and destroyed. The fire spread toward the dozen or so demons.

Suddenly a figure flickered toward the piano, and the piano felt the scene around him change in a double moment. He was in a space where the magic was rolling, and the shadow was heavy.


In the heart of the piano, the dragon and the phoenix in the sea are more and more high, and the environment around the center has changed. However, it only has a square of two or three hundred meters to restore the original appearance, and then the distance is still magical, and the shadow is heavy. .

"How many layers of magic?"

Because Qinqin was trapped by the illusion at this time, he could not see the magical magic, and he could not truly perceive the realm of the magical demon.

In the illusion.

The magical turmoil, a huge demon in the top of the field appeared in front of the piano double, the piano double in front of him like a piece of dust, the magical opening screamed:

"The devil is nine layers, I want to make you a magical soul, hahaha..."

"Dream? What is it? Is it a magical power of the magic?"

When the piano eyes condensed, I saw that the magical demon of the top of the sky suddenly opened a big mouth, like a river breaks a jet, and ejected a black air from his mouth. Qin double gaze, the group of black gas, turned out to be a demon soul, all kinds, some are the image of the demon, some are the image of the demon, some are the image of the human, rushed toward the piano, each devil actually Ability to communicate with the world and release the channel of God.


I am very grateful to Jiuyi classmates (100), Dong Bing classmates (100), and listen to the night rain classmates (100), and study hard and earnestly learn the rewards of classmates (100)!



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