Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1222: Lunar month

Qin double turned his head and looked at Futian.

Futian snorted and stepped forward, and reached out and pushed carefully toward the door.

Use force!

Use it again!

Then Futian loosened his hand and shrugged his shoulders at the piano.

The piano double-viewed the door, and then sheds a glimpse of the gods from the eyebrows, outlines the lines in the air, and then imprints the lines on the door.


A sound that seems to be unlocked, the heart of the piano doubles a joy, back two steps, looking to Futian.

There was a sigh of anger in Futian’s eyes, but he also knew that under the attack of Qinshuang and Fengming, he could not occupy the upper hand. Carefully stepped forward and reached out and pushed toward the door.


The door opened a slit in the inside, and the sky paused. When there was nothing in it, it was forced again. The two doors slowly opened, and the scene inside the door gradually appeared in front of everyone.

This is an extremely large hall.

In the center of the main hall there is a golden avenue, which leads directly to a high chair with a crown on the chair.

The crown is very gorgeous, with a gemstone in the shape of a crescent moon.

Looking around, there seems to be nothing to watch out for, besides some bronze sculptures. The eyes of the three monks could not help but fall on the crown.

The three monks walked toward the crown in unison, but only three people did not preempt, but were careful. When they were a hundred meters away from the crown, a curved string above the crown suddenly released a layer of brilliance. Only in an instant, all three monks felt strong resistance.

The eyes of the three monks showed amazement in their eyes, and they were running and moving toward the front. Qin double, Feng Ming and Fu Tian's eyebrows all shed their stocks and broke the resistance.


Just walking for 20 meters, Qinqin felt that his own power of understanding was hard to break through the layer-like resistance of the moon, looking toward both sides, but seeing Fengming and Futian still moving forward. .

Qin double put away the knowledge of the gods, the body's spiritual power burst out, they felt the resistance is light, and once again moved. Futian looked at the piano and looked at it. Although he accelerated his pace, he did not want Fengming to take the first step.

After walking for another 20 meters, Qin Double felt that his martial arts could not break the layer of moonlight. He glanced at Futian and Fengming and saw that two people could walk forward. In my heart, I have speculated about my current state.

Although the martial arts practice of self-cultivation is very high-order, the fairy period is the sacred sect. If you don’t break through the fairy period, you can’t go beyond it.

"In the end, I have to rely on the body!"

Qin double is a bit boring, and the repair is completely compared by Feng Ming and Fu Tian. At this time, Futian couldn't attend to see the piano double. At this time, he had already felt the difficulty of moving forward. The layer of moonlight fluttered like water, but it gave him endless pressure.

"Treading step..."

There was a footstep behind the footsteps, the footsteps were steady and powerful, and at a constant frequency, they did not move forward.

"How is this possible? Is it another master?"

Fu Tian turned his head and rolled his throat. She saw the double wind and the light wind passing by him. The layer of moonlight hit her.

Broken, annihilated...


The cold sweat of Futian immediately flowed down, sweating like a pulp, carefully perceived the piano double, and found that her body did not have the slightest spiritual fluctuations.

"This is the!"

"Treading step..."

Qin double all the way forward, has stood in front of the chair, his eyes glanced at the crown on the chair.

A cloud-shaped crown with a crescent moon.

However, from the appearance point of view, it has been gorgeous to the extreme, and then look at those materials is even more dazzling. The piano double reached out and took the crown. When the crown was in the hand, it seemed as if there was a voice that kept ringing in her ear.

"Put it on... wear it..."

At this time, Fengming and Futian both stopped behind her, and the crown had been taken in the hands of Qin, and Futian knew that he had no chance.

In the view of Futianyu, he saw the piano holding both hands in the crown and slowly wearing it on his head.

"Ha ha ha..."

In the moment when the crown was put on the head, the smirk of laughter sounded in the sea of ​​the piano. Along with the laughter, a figure appeared in the sea of ​​the piano.

It was a woman in a palace, and her face was ecstatic.

"Sure enough, people who can resist the lunar month are very powerful. And you know the sea is very special, hahaha, this body is mine, hahaha..."

"Treading step..."

The white tiger **** of Qin double came out of the palace and looked at the palace woman silently. The palace-dressed woman looked at the white tiger gods indifferently, and then exudes a huge breath, and rushed toward the white tiger god, opened the cherry mouth, sucked in, a huge gravitation will **** the white tiger From there, flew away from the woman’s mouth.

"Great and powerful!"

At this moment, Qin double felt that the palace girl was stronger than the original Xian Jun Zhang Daoji.

"What is the origin of this little spiritual world?"

However, at this time, Qin double has not considered other things, the mind is moving, the Fenghuo Yuanshen, the Qinglong Yuanshen and the Xuanwu Yuanshen appear one after another, and the four gods instantly construct a four-image array, and the palace will be surrounded by women. in the middle. When the Fenghuo Yuanshen, the Qinglong Yuanshen and the Xuanwu Yuanshen cooperated with the White Tigers to build a four-image array, the white tiger gods were attracted to the figure, and the four elephants were running and began to strangle the palace women. .

The look of the palace dress was a glimpse, and then ecstasy.

"It’s weird, I actually cultivated four gods. Ok! Good! Good! Waiting for me to swallow these four gods, it’s too much to surprise me to study your body. It seems that you still have a lot of secrets, no I was discovered. Hahaha..."

Then I saw that the woman in the palace was transformed into a three-headed six-armed arm, and the four palms grabbed the four gods.

The four gods are shining, and the four images are all coming together to make a vicious image. In the eyes of the woman in the palace, the four gods disappeared instantly, and they were born in a magnificent world of Vientiane.

"Give me a sham!"

The woman in the palace costume shouted, and the eyebrows of each skull showed the eyes that had been erected. The eyes shot golden light, the illusion of the Vientiane collapsed, the four gods became wilted, and the palace women extended four hands and each seized A **** of the gods swallowed away from the mouth.

"Do not!"

Qin Shuang’s heart struggled wildly, and the four gods who knew the sea were struggling wildly, but they were caught by the four big hands of the palace-loaded woman and stuffed into their mouths.


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