Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1133: recovery


The shape of the piano double flies out of the little spirit world, and the look is a glimpse. When she wants to come, outside the small spirit world, there must be a large number of Mozu monks. However, at this time it was empty and silent.

"what happened?"

Qin Shuang's face is full of confusion, looking back to the small spiritual list, the gaze is a move, she saw the top of the Xiaoling list, his name ranked first.

"Oh, huh..." Qin double couldn’t help but laugh: "This is the first in the world of the devil, and I am the first. I don’t know what the future Mozu monks will see every time I see my name, oh..."

The space left a series of laughter, and the shape of the piano pair has disappeared.

Magic Trail Defense.

At this time, millions of Demon monks have gathered, and they are attacking the defense line. Every punch in the labor network broke out with awesome power. It was just that the big array was slightly swaying and there was not much change.

The Terran coalition forces in the big array looked dignified, and they were not worried that this big battle was broken. Even if this big array is continuously attacked, it will not be broken in a few months. They are worried about the piano double.

At this time, all the saints and the Mahayana period of the Terran stood on the line of defense, and did not plan to kill the labor net after the arrival of the people. Reminded by the blood coat, they realized at this time that only a magical network led a demon to attack the defense line, which is very abnormal. Moreover, the Emperor of the Moon was obviously coming from the magic path, but there was no news. This made Shen Qiu and others lose their backbone, and they did not dare to go out and kill the labor net.

Everyone's heart is very anxious, but they dare not ask the moon emperor. I am afraid that the morale will be reduced, but the longer the time, the more anxious the heart is.

Magic Trail.

The figure of Qin double walked out of it, and his look was a glimpse. He looked up and looked in the direction of the magic path. Although it was thousands of miles apart, the roar of the millions of monks attacking the big array could still be heard. It is even more affected by the Dafa.

"I said that there is hardly any encounter with the Mozu monks in this way in the devil world. It turned out to be the mainland of the warriors."

It’s a long way to go.

Lao Net is violently bombarding the line of defense, and he feels that there is a wave of fluctuations in the space behind him. He does not care. There will be no enemies behind him. His enemies are within the opposite line of defense.


He then heard the sound of the air being blown up. Huoran turned his head, but he turned halfway. The corner of his eye saw a woman's face. The mouth just spit out two words:

"Moon Emperor..."


A good head was blown by a double fist, and the Terran coalition forces in the line of defense always looked at the army of the Mozu, the only one of the devil's work. At this time, seeing the sudden appearance of the piano, see you again. The doubles of the piano broke the head of the labor net, and they couldn’t help but utter a cheer of the sky.

The Mozu monk is a quiet, fearful emotion quickly spread in the hearts of the Mozu monks. Then I saw the piano double gently raised his hand, and a filigree palm shot to the millions of Mozu monks.

Cover the sky!


A big hand appeared in the sky, covering the sky, and the hand pattern was clear, like a real big hand.

The big hand of the immortal!

Nowadays, the cultivation of Qinshuang is very close to the peak of the Mahayana period. In this world, it is already an invincible existence. This one is going down, that is, nearly one million demons have become a powder, leaving a deep on the earth. hand print.

"Oh la la..."

The groundwater spewed, forming a large lake, which was later called Xianshui Lake.

The Mozu monk made a cry and fled toward the magic path. The big ray of light dissipated, and a personal family chased the demon monk. Shen Qiu and others came to the front of the Qin double.

"Moon Emperor, have you gone to the Devil?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "The Mozu killed me hundreds of Devils, and the threat to our Terran is not great. If the Mozu is not in the Devil, our Terran can enter the Devil's Trial."

"Killed... Hundreds... Devil..."

Everyone is petrified immediately.

Qin double stayed in the magic trail defense line for a day, then went to the demon door defense line. At this time, the demon door defense line has been completed, the basic pattern and the pattern have been laid, and the piano used 11 days to complete the demon door defense.

Snowless Legion, Volde Corps, Cold Front Legion, Town Demon Legion, Xuanwu Legion Town to guard the demon door.

Jin Longxing returned to the Wuzong Empire with the Frost Front Legion and began to formally form the empire. Qin Lie returned to the Daqin Empire with the Volde Corps and officially founded the Daqin Empire. Cold Che returned to the Frost Empire with the Frost Front Legion and officially founded the Frost Empire. The Qinshuang is with the Fire and Phoenix Corps, the Qinglong Legion, and the White Tigers Regiment returning to the central part of the mainland, officially establishing the Crescent Moon Empire here.

The realm of comprehension is to stay in the South, and to discuss how to build a sect, how to divide the southern continent, and how to form an alliance.

In fact, at this time, the entire warrior’s mainland was in ruins, and the empire of several parties was the honeymoon period. The relationship between the realm of cultivation and several major empires was also very harmonious.

Every empire is busy with the establishment of its own empire. The so-called empire, just now has just established an imperial capital, there are too many things to do, and the warriors ushered in the best times.

Qinshuang will be in the innocent desert in the Wanli Huangsha and the rejuvenation burst, and the rejuvenation land will be placed in the emperor of the Crescent Moon Empire.

The Crescent Moon City.

Then I changed the Wanli Huangsha big array and set up a four-image array with the help of the geology under the city.

Subsequently, the piano double closed.

I have isolated everything outside and closed in the Imperial Palace.

The place where the piano is closed is not a place like a secret room, but a small building in the backyard of the palace.

At this time, the piano sits on a futon on both sides, and has been busy with her in the founding of the country. At this time, she is free to pour out the time to sort out her own achievements.

The first thing she took out was the water pearl. After a little thought, she entered the town demon tower. As soon as I entered the town demon tower, I felt that the water column in the north was shaking, and the piano doubled, and the water pearl flew toward the giant pillar. When the piano stepped out, it stood before the giant pillar, and saw the water bead sticking to the giant pillar, rapidly shrinking, and the crack on the giant pillar was also quickly closed.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.


The town demon tower rumbling in the rumbling, as if the heavens and the earth were first opened, the crack on the giant pillar of the water property has completely disappeared. The above-mentioned fascinating and fascinating pattern runs on a mysterious and mysterious trajectory, emitting a blue light. The town demon tower has stabilized a lot.


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