Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1137: Flying up

Their hearts are very clear, with their current body strength, they can not spend such a robbery, let alone complete the catastrophe, I am afraid that just a day of robbery, they will be smashed into powder.

Since the revision of the practice method, there has been no monk who has soared. Although they are not clear, it is the reason for the practice of the law, or the reason why the original warrior's mainland aura is thin. However, they know that the practice of their cultivation now, when they break through the realm, there is no thunder. It’s a distraction.


Who knows this last step, before the ascension of the fairyland, will there be thunder!

No experience!

Du Fu, looking at the snow, looked at each other, and the eyes of both people showed a dignified color.

Ink bites in the teeth, and a voice emerges in his heart: "It seems to be refining."


The thick Thunder bombarded it, and the piano raised a hand in two-way days. Like the sky, it lifted the big thunder, and operated the sword, absorbed refining, and tempered the body.

Now the body of Qinqin is already the seventh layer of the nine-day Xuanxian. The Thunder of this fairy period is nothing to her. It is only a moment, the thick thunder is absorbed into the body by the piano, running, flowing and quenching in the body. The body that sculpt the piano is just a thunderous force. It has little help for the body of the piano, but it has a slight faintness.




After a thunderous bombardment, they were all held by the piano and absorbed the refining.

"Too strong!" Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun looked at each other and showed excitement in their eyes: "Is this the method that the seven sisters (seven sisters) passed to us?"

"Too strong!" Du Fu, hair like snow and ink are clenching their fists.

"It's too strong!" Everyone has a burning gaze.


When the last Thunder crashed, the clouds of heaven began to disperse. In the eyes of everyone, the double shirts are neat and tidy, and the hair is not chaotic, as if they have not experienced the catastrophe.


Above the sky.

There is a gap, like one eye is slowly opening. A colorful beam will fall from the sky and cover the piano. The shape of the piano double rises slowly and floats toward the sky.

"Everyone, I am waiting for you in the spiritual world." The sound of Qin double hangs down from the sky.

"Give me the moon emperor!"

Spirit world.


After a dizzy, Qinqin opened his eyes and looked around. I saw myself immersed in a milky liquid pool.

The pool is large, the milky white liquid is rushing toward the body of the piano, and the surroundings are very quiet. No one, the double can hear the sound of the liquid pouring into his body.

"This is the Huaxian Pool?"

When the spirit in the body of the piano was in the mainland of the warrior, it was transformed into Xianyuan, but at this time she felt that she was still transforming. Without looking at herself, my heart is a jump. She finds that her body is transforming into a more pure and concise.

"It seems that in the lower bounds, the spiritual power is first converted into Xianyuan, but it is not only to make it easier for you to rob, but after flying to the spiritual world, it will also make the celestial power in your body more concise."

Undoubtedly, the more concise Xianyuan force will make the Qin double's fighting power stronger, and will occupy a big advantage in the same level of combat.

Qin double-running exercises began to absorb the energy in the Xianchi, but found that it would not improve his cultivation at all. This fairy pool only transforms Xianyuan, and makes Xianyuan force more concise.

Condensation is not only the immortal force in the body, but also the sun **** in the soul space, and the sword in the one hundred and eight holes. The sword is gradually becoming the essence, and the **** of the sun is even more embarrassing.

The piano doubled off the exercise and quietly sat in the fairy pool, waiting for the conversion to be completed.

One day later,

Qin double feels the energy of the Xianxian pool that flows into his body.


Qin Shuang just wanted to stand up, and he felt that the energy of the Huaxian Pool poured into his body again, but this time the energy directly poured into his own sea and began to consolidate his own knowledge of the sea. soul.

In the heart of the piano, it seems that the party is the martial art of transformation, and now it has begun to transform the law.

I can't help myself, and the piano is looking around.

At this time, it was at dusk, and the sunset glowed obliquely from the sky on the Xianxian Pond. On the grass on the shore, it was like a layer of colorful brocade.

Huaxianchi has a bluestone path, squatting forward, not knowing where to go. There are lush old trees around, and the air is full of rich fairy power.

"This is a valley. The bluestone path should lead to the mouth of the valley. I don't know what kind of world is outside the valley?"

Qin Shuang's heart is looking forward to it. Although she has been to the spiritual world, she only stayed on the ancient star for a while. The ancient star is a ruin of the battlefield. The understanding of the spiritual world does not play any role at all. Qin’s understanding of the spiritual world was also obtained from Zhang Daoji’s body. However, Zhang Daoji has left the spiritual world for a million years. Who knows if the spiritual world they say in their mouth is the same as the present?

Qin double took out a communication jade from the storage ring. This is a separate communication jade, which is the brand of Zhang Daoji.

Qin double thought about it, and put the communication jade back to the storage ring, whispered:

"It’s time to meet again!"

"How come no one?"

Qin double is a little boring, suddenly a heartbeat, began to communicate Fengming.

The connection with Fengming became clearer, but it was only a little clear. She could perceive the excitement of Fengming, but she could only perceive it here, unable to communicate with each other, and could not transmit information.

"It seems that it is far away from Fengming! Listening to Zhang Daoji said that this spiritual world is composed of countless stars. I don't know what the star that I am flying is called."

Two days later, the liquid of the Xianxianchi was another meal. The Qinshuang did not stand up immediately, but waited for a while.

Sure enough, only a moment, the liquid of the Xianxian pool began to rush toward Zhongdantian, and turned into a sigh of relief.

"Curiously, the fairy pool!"

Qin double was not shocked, because she learned from Zhang Daoji that there is a sect in the spiritual world called the right valve. Since there is a righteous valve, there may be a righteous valve in the lower bounds of the thousands of continents. So the disciples of the righteousness fly to the spiritual world, and naturally they must be transformed in the Xianxianchi...


Qinqin suddenly felt that there was a vibrating vibration in his Zhongdantian. He couldn’t help but look at it immediately, but he saw the golden glory changed and turned to white jade.

"Do gentlemen like jade?"


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