Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1139: What is the beginning of this!

The monk slammed high and the momentum of his body broke out, like a hurricane. Although the body strength of the piano pair is placed there, it is not sitting on the ground, but the gods and souls have been fiercely suppressed. Fortunately, the man’s momentum is on the rise, and he is no longer playing the piano. He is in a daze.

Qin double shakes his head and wakes up from the dizziness. Without saying anything, he turned and left the Flying Hall.


Don't leave, waiting to find abuse here?

However, after going out, Qin doubled up again.

What is going on here?

Zhang old brother lied to me?

No way?

The piano doubles and looks around and walks towards a building. With a gaze, I saw two monks sitting in a gazebo, and it was also a look of grief. However, Qin double can sense that the two people are the same as themselves, and they are all early in the immortal period.

"These two people are just flying up? Ask them."

The piano walked in two directions, and the footsteps let the two people look at her, then turned their heads again, sighing in unison, sitting down with their heads down.

"What happened to everyone here?"

Qinqin is inexplicable, but still walked in front of two people, arching:

"Two brothers, please."

“Newcomer?” one of the monks asked sloppily.

"Well, I just flew up." Qin double said helplessly.

"Sit down!" the man said weakly.

Qin double sat down and handed to two people: "In the lower Qin double, ask two?"

"Water wave!" The youth road, then said: "He called the house full bloom. Was it being bombarded by the stone predecessors?"

"Oh, is that the name of the Flying Hall?" Qin asked.


"That's it!" Qin double's face was black.

"We were also bombarded and pulled out. Do you want to know what happened after the ascent?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "I invite you to drink!"

Qin double is a person with rich experience, knowing that you want to get it, you have to pay. I don’t want to get anything out of it. Maybe Shui Boping will talk to her, but it’s a big possibility to simply say it, but if you take something out, you can talk about it in detail.

Qin double explored the gods into the town demon tower, and saw those monkeys in the fairy fruit forest still brewing. It is necessary to know that Qinshuang retired in the mainland of the Warriors for a year, but the town’s demon tower has been more than a thousand years old. The monkeys continue to make wine, and when they are brewed, they are put into the gourd and buried under the ground.

The gods of Qin double explored the ground and swept those wine gourds. In addition to the twenty-eight wine gourds that were robbed in the Xiaoling world, the rest of the wine gourds can be refining the piano, so the gods of the piano pair can easily sweep into a wine gourd.

In the end, Qin double chose the shortest one, only one hundred years of monkey wine, let a monkey take out a jar. Qin double does not want to take out the wine gourd, these wine gourds are the space fairy refining space, although the level is very low, and can not save the goods, that is, the role of a storage ring, but the space is very large A gourd can hold a few stone jars of monkey wine.

Let the monkey pour a jar of a hundred years of monkeys. Qin double took the jar out. As soon as the jar was taken out, the scent of the wine was filled, and the monk who had never spoken did not immediately raise his head and looked at the jar of wine in the hands of the piano.

Qin double put the jar on the stone table, then took out three wine glasses, put the wine in, put down the wine jar, and picked up the wine glass:

"This is the wine I got in a monument. I only have this jar left. Today I am drunk with my two dear friends."


The two men picked up the wine glasses, and when they touched each other, they drank in. The faces of the two people changed. When they said "good wine", they closed their eyes and began to work on the exercises to refine the monkey wine.

Qin double also closed his eyes and began to refine. Now she seals all the repairs, but leaves the phoenix fire repair, so the speed of refining is not fast.

Although this wine is only a hundred years old, don't forget it. This is refining in the town demon tower. The extent of the fairy power in the town demon tower is so strong that the piano does not know, but it is definitely better than the piano. The place is rich. Moreover, Qinshuang can perceive that when the military is on the mainland, because the outside world is spiritual, the town demon tower has long since absorbed the spiritual power of the outside world. However, after entering the spiritual world, Qin double found that the town demon tower began to absorb the outside of the fairy power.

This shows that the concentration of Xianyuan force in the town demon tower will be further improved. The monkey wine brewed in such a fairy-tale town demon tower has been amazing for a hundred years.

Qin double felt that his own phoenix fire was growing in a little bit. After about two quarters of an hour, the three people almost opened their eyes at the same time. The water wave and the room were blooming and blurted out:

"Good wine!"

Qin double took the jar and gave each of them two glasses:

"Then drink again!"

The water wave looked at the wine glass in front of him, squirmed the throat, and finally shook his head:

"I am not in a hurry to drink, I will tell you about the situation here. However, I also listen to others, and some places may not be detailed and accurate."

"What else did people say?"

"Well!" The water wave looked calm and helplessly said: "The two of us almost flew up at the same time, about six months ago. At that time, our experience was the same as you, and was bombarded by the stone predecessors."

Having said that, he stroked his hand toward the surrounding building: "There are a lot of monks flying up from the lower bounds, some are late than ours, some are flying earlier than us, we are all rising from the sky. The men of the monks slowly learned about the situation here.

It is called Tianlin Star. The place we are in is a flying pool. We will be sent to the nearest Flying City. However, at this time, almost the entire Tianlin Star was caught in the flames of war, and the Terran was at a critical juncture of being destroyed. ”

“The Terran is destroyed?”

"Well!" said the water wave with a sullen face: "In Tianlin, there are two major races, the Terran and the Yaozu. However, the Terran has always been in a weak position, and the Yaozu is much stronger than the Terran.

It is said that today's Terran is fighting in the horn of the Tianlin Star and the Yaozu. If this race wins, it can still save half of the Terran. If it fails, it will only be able to retreat to the eastern corner and rely on the land where it is trapped.

Therefore, our ascendants are left here. Our repairs are too low and we don't need us to go to the battlefield. If the Terran wins, the Flying Hall will send us to the Flying City. If the Terran fails, we and the people who fly to the Hall here will go directly to the land of the sun and meet with everyone, and then through the land of the sun, to the last habitat of the Terran, the eastern corner. ”


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