Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1198: Inheritance

Bai Yansong said: In addition to the Chinese football team did not go to Russia, China's football-related people have gone!


The piano double fell to the ground, because the metal **** also fell into the epiphany, the piano double with the last trace of waking, and unlocked the wooden attribute god.

"Her strength is running out!"

Someone in the distance shouted, and the Qinglong Yuanshen in the sea opened his eyes. The body recovered his consciousness and looked up. He saw six or seven figures madly rushing toward himself. The distance was less than five. One hundred meters.


The piano double jumped again, leaping high in the distance, and crossed a huge parabola in the air.


The six or seven days of the monk's look was obviously a glimpse, only to clearly see the piano double power exhausted, one loaded, and now how to jump again?

And still that fast?

But this thought was just a glimpse in their hearts, and they continued to pursue it. They don't believe that even if a fairyland is refining, it won't be high, and it will take a long time to run out of power.

The shape of the piano double leaps and keeps the speed to the extreme. In her knowledge of the sea, the Fire Phoenix God and the White Tiger God have completely fallen into the epiphany.

A glimpse of the fusion of the road is constantly being understood. With the absorption of the jellyfish jellyfish, the martial arts and the law of Qin double are gradually merged, and a broader road is presented to her.

Qin double did not think that the mud jellyfish had the effect of combining two kinds of heavens, but it is not surprising to think about it. This kind of mud jellyfish is extremely scarce, and people who practice martial arts and law at the same time are extremely scarce. If these two kinds of scarcity come together, it is even scarcer.

I am afraid that from ancient times to the present, there is only one such one, and it is not uncommon for this ability of the jellyfish jellyfish to be recorded.

There was a slight expectation in the eyes of Qin double, but the speed was not weakened. The feet were on the ground, the figure jumped high, and a long parabola was crossed in the air, falling on the ground, the earth. Cracks, numerous cracks spread rapidly around the center of the piano.


The shape of the piano double jumped again and crossed the air...

After twelve hours, the monks in the back of the heavens stopped. They all knew that if they could not absorb the mud jellyfish into the sea within twelve hours, the mud jellyfish would return to the poisonous mud jellyfish. There is no more effect on the monk. Twelve hours have passed since then, and there is no point in chasing it. At that time, it is better to find other opportunities as soon as possible.


The figure of Qinqin fell on the ground, and the sense of locking his own consciousness disappeared. The piano double spit out a sigh of relief, converging strength, and the lawful atmosphere spread from the body, stepping out and disappearing. .

Close to the horizon!

Qinqin rushed for another half a day, and then stopped, looking for a hidden place, sitting cross-legged, taking the drug to start the recovery.

After two hours.

Qin double eyes opened, her state has returned to the peak, but the fire phoenix gods and white tiger gods in the sea are still wrapped in silkworm cocoons, kneeling in the heavens.

Qin double came out from the secret and chose a direction. Looking for his chance while looking for the king.

During the period, she also harvested some herbs that she did not have, and she experienced many kills. Gradually, the reputation of Qinqin has been smashed out. In the legend, Qin double is only the sixth layer of the celestial being, but the real power is not lost to the monks at the peak of the late Xianxian period, and once defeated the fairy tales. The tenth place on the list.

This day.

Qinqin was picking up a herb that he didn't have, and suddenly he felt that the jade that was hanging from his waist had shaken up, and he sneaked into the gods and heard the voice of the king.

"Qin double, have you come to Xianjun Cave?"

"Well, where are you? How come back to my message?"

"I and a few people entered a ban, just came out from there, and there was no message. I heard that the inheritance of Taishui Xianjun appeared. I will pass you a map, and you will come as soon as possible."

Soon, there was a map in the mind of Qin Double. The piano doubled the direction and swept away.

Three days later.

There was a water in the field of Qinshuang, and it was still a kilometer away from the waters. The piano doubled and stepped, and looked at the waters.

There are quite a few people and demon monks there, and there are hundreds of them. At this time, those people are looking at the piano and seeing it is just a fairy period, then they turn their heads.

Just being looked at by the hundreds of monks casually, the piano double felt like he had been cut by hundreds of blades, and even the Qinglong gods had a slight dizziness.

Qin Shuang’s heart is a glimpse. She knows that the monks who stood by the waters at this time should have surpassed her, and there should be more monks than her.

Qin Qin sighed in the heart, she knew that her weakness is very obvious. Don't look at your own body is very powerful, it seems to be able to fight with the nine days of Xuan Xian.

In fact, it is not the case at all.

Don't say that in the face of a nine-day Xuan Xian, it is to face a big Luo Jinxian...

Do not!

It is to face a Luo Tianxian immortal, the oppression of the gods will make her war power greatly reduced. Unless it is a self-raid, even if it is played with a fairy, it will be suppressed on the god.

Walking slowly toward the front, looking around, my heart is a move.

This water area is like a sea, hundreds of people stand on the coastline, there are few, and there are many places to be free. And these monks are also divided into several camps, cultivated to be close together. The piano came to the beach cautiously, erected his ears and listened, and also looked for the king, but did not find the king.

After listening for a while, Qin double looked into the water.

About two kilometers away from the shore, there is a huge whirlpool. The vortex is very large, and the radius is more than 10,000 meters. The huge sound like a dragon whistling from the whirlpool.

At this time, Qin double has already known that it seems that the portal of the inheritance of the water is in the whirlpool. Some monks have sneaked into the water to explore, and nothing has been obtained. Now only the huge vortex remains unexplored.

However, the whirlpool is terrible, and Luo Tianshang will be smashed and crushed. Da Luo Jin Xian will be hit hard. Only nine days of Xuan Xian can enter.

Nowadays, nine nine-day Xuanxian, five Terran and four Yaozu have entered, and as for the Da Luojinxian who entered, they are all injured and escaped.

The piano double eyes are slightly picked up!

"Nine days of Xuan Xian? I am not playing a nine-day Xuan Xian, but compared with the nine-day Xuan Xian than the physical strength, it is a ratio."


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