Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1216: coma


The dragon's mouth opened, a huge ball of light spewed out of the mouth of the dragon, spurting toward the bottom. With the lasing, the ball of light was rapidly enlarged, covering a radius of ten miles, connected with countless Yaozu. The monks are shrouded in it.


The huge ball of light finally slammed down. The moon above the lunar eclipse suddenly burst into a beam of light, and the light egg hit the past, a huge roar, the ball of light burst, turned into an infinite Thunder, shock wave Amidst the rapid impact around the area, there are huge thunder extensions everywhere, and countless demon monks are turned into ashes in the ravages of this thunder.

The piano doubles six people rushing wildly, the glory of the lunar month is shrouded in the piano double six people, but the Guanghua has become extremely thin, the piano double repair is not enough to maintain the lunar month, the body of the fairy power is once again consumed There are not many left.


The dragon explored a dragon claw, covering the sky and slamming down the six people.

There are still a long distance from the six people of the piano, which makes them feel irresistible. Let them feel suffocated, and their hearts are desperate.

That is the power of the peak of the late Tianxian period, which is the power released by the second place in the Tianxian list.

Celestial list!

It is no longer divided into the Terran List and the Yaozu List, which is the list of the Terran and the Demon Sisters.

Second place!

That is among the monks of the whole fairy, whether it is the Terran and the demon monk, only one monk stands above him, under the real one, above the people.

Qinqin suddenly stunned his body shape, and when he looked up, he had more bows and arrows in his hands.

Pulling a bow like a full moon, the arrow looks like a meteor!

Qiu Niang and Xiang Wang and others are looking forward to the arrows in the hands of the piano. If this arrow can't hurt Long Lei, they know what it means.


A string of sounds, the arrow is as light as electricity, lasing out.

Through the day!


The arrow shot above the dragon claws and collapsed into a dragon scale. An angry dragon screamed out of the sky, and the dragon claws that covered the sky speeded up and pressed down to the piano.

The eyes of Qiu Niang and Xiang Wang and others showed a desperate color. They were able to shoot the arrows of Hydra and Xiaoyue Silver Wolf with one arrow, but they just broke the dragon thunder of Longlei.


The piano double took a deep breath, and the bracelet made of water pearls on the wrist of the right hand slipped into the right hand of the piano pair, turning into a long arrow with a blue arrow flashing with lightning. .

Qin double puts the arrow of the water bead on the bowstring. This time she did not use the fairy power, but used the power of the body. Anyway, she bowed the archery and did not let her see the power of her body. Very strong.


The giant bow was pulled up by the piano. It was not a full moon, but an ellipse. The whole bow was pulled like an arrow. At this time, the dragon claws that cover the sky are far from their heads, which is less than a kilometer.


The sound of the bowstring sounded, and a blue light instantly shot through the kilometer, hitting the giant claw that covered the sky.


The huge dragon claws were blasted out of a huge hole, accompanied by the miserable bark in the air, and the long blue arrow crossed the hole in the giant claw and flashed away.


There was a huge hole in the body of the dragon, and the blood poured down like a waterfall. The huge dragon body rolled in the air, making a screaming shout, and turned around and fled to the distance.


At the same time as he fled, the huge dragon tail fell from the sky. The piano did not know if the lunar eclipse could block the slam of this dragon tail. She could not hide. Once she escaped, she would go to the king five people. It is likely to face death.

She took the long bow into the storage ring and looked up into the air, a blue light shining from the air towards her, like a blue meteor. The piano double reached out and grabbed the smudge of the blue, but it was the arrow made by fifteen water mines. The fifteen water thunder beads changed rapidly in the hands of the piano pair, turning into a huge shield, held in the hands by both hands of the piano, taking a step forward and standing in front of everyone.


The lunar eclipse formed by the lunar eclipse broke, causing the impact of the Qinshen’s Yuanshen, the nose and nose spurting blood, and the phoenix gods in the sea suddenly succumbed, and Qin double quickly unblocked all the seals. One by one, the gods appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the power of the gods was madly injected into the Taiyue Moonlight and the Water Rays. At the same time, the hands of the double-handed shields holding the water pearls also broke out the power of the nine-day Xuanxian. .


The huge dragon tail was drawn on the shield, and the strength of the piano doubled the huge impact force, and the body shape did not move. The water mines formed a shield and did not collapse, but the power of the gods filled with the water mines was immediately taken out by the water-balls that maintained the shield shape, and all the gods became wilted.


The shield in the hands of the piano fell to the ground, and the defense of the genius almost exhausted the power of her god. At this time, a cicada in her mind, a headache, and a body shape fell toward the rear.

"Qin double!" Qiu Niang reached out and held the piano double.

The eyes of the piano have already left a line, and they are too tired to open their eyes. However, she still used the last trace of knowledge, communicated the town demon tower, transferred the town demon tower into the stomach, and then transferred a fine monkey wine from the town demon tower, into the stomach, and adjusted A drop of empty lotus seed liquid, this closed his eyes, his body was soft, coma in the arms of Qiu Niang, lost consciousness.

On the ground, the shield turned into a blue radiant radiance, and turned around the piano double, and finally wrapped around the right wrist of the piano pair, turned into a bracelet.

Qiu Niang put the piano on her back and glanced around. There was no demon monk around, and all the demon monks fled when the dragon appeared.


Qiu Niang sipped a low voice, carrying the piano in two directions and rushing forward, and followed Wang Qiong’s face with worried face.

After half an hour.

They finally rushed out of the grassland and into a forest. Qiu Niang and others are still flying fast in the forest. Lu Cuichao slowed down and fell to the end. The hands continually raised and threw out a banner. Qiu Niang looked back and put it. Slow down. Looking at the flag on the side and hitting the ground, although I don’t know what kind of method Lu Juqiao is setting up, but seeing that she has so many flags, I know that this big array of power can not be small, my heart can not help but sigh, the big family The bottom line is really not to be underestimated.


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