Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1221: Royal Thunder

The look of everyone is a joy, it is time to harvest the spoils. And there are still a few celestial bodies of the demon monk, and the storage ring should not be shabby.

Lu Cuiqiao smiled and put away the flag. Six people walked to the bodies of the fairy-tale demon monks. The piano double went straight to the body of the purple-eyed demon, and she had a pair of purples against the demon. Very interested. Reaching out to remove the storage ring of the demon monk, broke the prohibition, and then dumped everything in the storage ring on the ground.

She is deliberately like this. It can be said that the five people who have been treated to the king have suffered from her. If they leave themselves, they will not put themselves on the verge of death, and when they are in a coma, these five people have not abandoned themselves. Instead, I fled with myself.

Qin Double knows how much determination and how much courage it takes. This love, Qin double will not forget, she is very happy at this time, came to the spiritual world, she is no longer lonely, and a few more confidants. Therefore, she poured out the contents of the storage ring, and if anyone saw something, she would not hesitate to sell.

When I saw the piano pair to the king, I looked at each other and quickly took down the storage rings of several other fairy-tale monks, and then came around the doubles of the piano, which would be inside the storage ring. Everything fell out. Qiu Niang looked at everyone and said:

"Everyone is divided according to their needs."

Everyone nodded, then they were welcome, and they started looking for what they needed. But everyone is also very disciplined. Everyone takes something they like, and then they wait for others to pick it up. After a round, they start picking.

Qinshuang’s knowledge sweeps through these things, and there are a lot of fairy crystals, herbs, medicinal herbs, fairy, ore, jade and so on.

Qin double did not go to see Xianjing, the gods swept the herbs, found that there is no shortage of their own, they swept the ore, but there are two kinds of ore themselves, and then swept the fairy, there is no need. In the end, her gods swept through a jade.

At this time, the five people of Qiu Niang each chose a fairy. After all, this is the fairy used by the monks of the Tianxian period, which has great appeal to them. Then everyone looked at the piano double, this time is the first lap, only the piano double did not start.

Qinshuang's knowledge is divided into countless 缕 into a jade, not all finished, just to see the beginning of the content recorded in the jade, Qinqin knows whether he needs it.


In the heart of the piano, the eyes fell on a jade, the jade is very simple, as if it has a long history. It was the purple-eyed demon monk’s storage ring that was poured out. Qin Shen’s knowledge only saw a beginning, and the heart was shocked. He reached out and grabbed the jade, and the gods were transmitted.

Qiu Niang and others saw Qinshuang reading the jade slip there, and they started a new round. Soon it was the turn of the piano double, but the piano double was a hand-made:

"I don't want to, I see something interesting." Qin said, while reading the quaint jade.

"What interesting things?" Everyone looked at the piano pair with interest.

"After a while, you pick things first."

Everyone started picking things again. Since the pianos don't, they are not polite. At this time, Qin Double is completely immersed in the content of Yu Jian.

The content of this jade is a practice of tempering and upgrading the gods. Qin double does not know that the purple-eyed monk is a gift of talent, or after practicing this practice, he has that pair of purple eyes. However, there is no doubt that this piece of work is absolutely precious.

This essay is called the royal thundering gods. Through a special method of vomiting the gods, the first thing is to absorb the space of the ray element to quench the gods. When the strength of the gods rises to a certain level, you can Hey, close to the thunder layer, absorb the Thunder to quench the gods, and finally deep into the depths of the thunder.

The Yuanshen is the most afraid of the Thunder, and this Royal Thundering God has a unique feature. After special handling, the tyrannical Thunder can be tamed. This is the so-called Royal Thunder, and then the Yuanshen.


It is only the tempering of the gods, but it is not the realm of the gods. In other words, this practice does not have a direct effect on the improvement of the monk's cultivation, but it has an effect on the strength.

This practice will temper the monk's gods more purely and more solid, so the power of such possession will naturally be stronger and deeper. When the Yuanshen is more pure and profound, nature also has an indirect effect on the improvement of cultivation.

Moreover, the piano has a feeling that when the gods are tempered to reach a certain level, qualitative changes will occur. Once a qualitative change occurs, it is possible that a new function will appear. Moreover, it must have an extraordinary promotion effect on the improvement of cultivation. Just as the soul of the soul is tempered to a certain extent, it undergoes a qualitative change and forms a sun god.

Perhaps the reason why the demon monk can illusion a pair of purple eyes is because the gods have been tempered to the extreme in a certain realm.

"Qin double!"

Qin double looked up and thought of a few people, pointing to the king pointing to the trophy that had been divided into six piles:

"We have a bunch of people, no problem?"

Qin binoculars swept over and found out what those celestial crystals were. Everything that everyone didn’t particularly look at was equally divided into six, and there were still many storage rings in each pile, and looked up. I found out that I didn’t know when, the average ring of the monks’ monks’ monarchs was taken down, and the average was divided into six.

"We don't have a view of the storage ring of the monk's monk's monk. Let's take your luck." Looking at the king and looking at the piano.

"Good!" Qin nodded, grabbed a pile, and handed the jade in his hand to Wang Dao: "There is a practice here, it applies to us, and it is very precious. Everyone will copy it. ""

He took over the jade to the king, and some of the looks were disapproving. As a disciple of the five major families, he did not think that there was any other skill that he needed, but he still explored the gods, and then his face changed, about half. After the engraved clock, he took out a blank jade slip, copied the partial work method, and handed the jade slip to Wang Yuntong around him, while he held the jade slip and began to read it carefully.

At this time, Qin Shuang has already carried the contents of Yu Jian down. When he thought about it, he secretly solved the seal of the White Tiger God, and let the White Tiger Yuan Shen push the legend of the Thunder.

After half an hour, everyone copied it and returned the jade to Qinqin. Qin double put away the jade:

"Let's set off, it will make it harder for the demon monks to follow us at night."


I am very grateful to seriously study and seriously study classmates (100), who does not know the reward of Junyi students (100)!



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