Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1226: Not breaking the cloak

"I don't know who made this blood sea fan refining?"

"I don't know, it is said to have been obtained from the monuments."

"We should be safe." Qiu Niang looked at the fighting in the sky and said with ease.

"If the Yaozu no longer has a monk coming, we can safely leave." Lu Cuicui squinted and swept away.

"I hope that the Yaozu will only send a Luo Tianxian, if they send another one, they will not have the strength to escape."

When I heard what Wang Yuntong said, the talents felt a burst of fatigue. Qin double light:

"Let's hurry and adjust your interest."

Everyone couldn't help but feel tight. They took the medicinal herbs and sat on the ground. While they were alert around, they resumed the adjustment.

On both sides of the piano, while watching the battle in the sky, the brows were slightly wrinkled. She was keenly aware that the breath to Wang Xiaoshu became a bit arrogant.

"I won't be countered by **** fans?"


Qin Shuang’s heart just raised this thought, and he saw a fan fanning out of Wang Xiaoshu. Then there was a **** sea spreading out. The **** sea striated flickering turned out to be a **** character, trapping the demon monk. Among them, countless bloodthirsty ants flew over the body of the demon monk, only ten times, the body of the demon monk was eaten by bloodthirsty ants.

The piano double looks like the hair is upright and the hair is stunned. This is not a sinister, but a strange door.


Wang Xiaoshu was standing in the air, holding a blood sea fan in his left hand, but he saw the blood sea fan screaming, and the look on Wang Xiaoshu’s face became awkward.

"This is to fight back!" Qin doubled in the heart, ready to fight back.

However, the final look of Wang Xiaoshu became calm again, and the blood sea fan in his hand was quiet and was taken away to Wang Xiaoshu.

Wang Xiaoshu’s eyes fell and fell on the king’s body. To the king hurriedly stood up and looked up:

"Thank you, Xiao Shu!"

"How can you be chased by a Luo Tianxian?"

Wang Xiaoshu fell from the air, frowning and asked, Qin double and others have been grateful. To introduce the identity of several people to the king, and to simply say that Qinqin in the Xianjun Cave, even the monk on the list of the demon people, said:

"It should be that the Yaozu thinks that Qinqin is a genius of the human race, and wants to kill before the piano pair has grown up."

Nodded to Wang Xiaoshu, then looked at the piano and took a look, then regained his gaze:

"You mean, the inheritance in Xianjun Cave does not know who was taken away, and then those nine days Xuanxian are ready to search for Xianjun Cave?"

"Yeah!" Nod to the king.

"Then I will not go. With my cultivation, there are a bunch of nine days of Xuan Xian there. There is nothing about me. I will leave you with you. And..."

Seeing that Xiao Shu’s words and thoughts were stopped, there was no floating thing, and the king could not help but ask:

"And what?"

"And nowadays, the family has been stared at in the dark, and the family disciples have died a lot. Now people are worried."

"What?" angered the face of the king: "A small killer organization, dare to target us?"

"Of course not a shadow."

"Uncle, you didn't just say..."

"The shadow should only be hired."

"You mean..." A flash of light to the heart of the king: "Is it Ouyang?"

Lu Cuichao and Wang Yuntong are all changing. Although their four families were on the other side of the land, there was a dispute between them. But now they have come to the corner of the East, but they have to join together. They know that this eastern corner is the site of the Ouyang family. If they don't unite, they may be eaten bit by bit by Ouyang.

Nowadays, it is targeted at home. If the Ouyang family is really behind the black hand, it will be eaten away from home, will it let them go to the Wang family and Lujia?

Several people were nervously looking at Wang Xiaoshu, hoping to deny to Wang Xiaoshu, but sighed to Wang Xiaoshu:

"There is no real evidence. I will send you out to the fairy hole, and then you will return to the family yourself. I will investigate the dark shadow for our home, and it is best to find the shadow of the nest."

It became heavy in the heart of the king and nodded gently. To Wang Xiaoshu:


Everyone rushed and rushed, and the heart became heavy. Qin double turned to look at Qiu Niang and Xuan Miaodao:

"Autumn sister, Xuan Shijie, where are you two going?"

Qiu Niang thought for a moment: "The family is just settled in the corner of the East. I want to see the family."

Xuanmiao can be cold: "This time there is some gain in Xianjun Cave, I am going to go back to retreat for a while."

"What about you?" Wang Wang looked at Lu Cuichao and Wang Yuntong.

"I want to go back to the family and return the shadow to your family for the sake of your family." Wang Yuntong whispered.

"Me too!" Lu Cuicui whispered.

Nod to the king, did not ask the piano double. Now Qinqin is being chased by the Yaozu. It is not safe to leave the Xianren Cave. The Qinshou is naturally going back to the Qincheng Palace.

Two days later.

Everyone said goodbye at the fairy hole, Qiu Niang, Xuan Miaoke, Wang Yuntong and Lu Cuiqiao left each other, leaving only the Qin double, to the king and the king's uncle to the altar. A cloak was taken from the storage ring to the altar and handed to the king:

"This is not a broken cloak. I will lend you a kid first. When I return to the family, I will return it to me."

Immediately to the king, he showed a mouth-watering color. "咕咚" swallowed a sip of water and took the unbreakable cloak:

"Uncle, you are all Luo Tianxian, and you still have to do this without breaking the cloak? Not yet."

"Hey!" Raised his hand to the altar and took a slap on the head of the king: "You are beautiful. This unbreakable cloak is obtained by the little uncle who has tried his best to survive. It can continuously block the attack of nine days of Xuanxian. Baby, little uncle, I am a Luo Tianxian, of course, useful to me. Remember, just lend it to you."

"Okay, okay, I know!" The king will not break the cloak.

"You are a stinky boy!" smiled at the altar and turned and left.

"Not far from here, there is a town. Let's go there for a night and let me refine this unbreakable cloak."

The gaze of the king came back from the back of the altar and whispered.

"Good!" Qin nodded.

Xianren Town.

Qin double and Wang Pan sitting on the floor in the inn room, Qin double set in the room with a ten-level fairy squad, to the king is refining the cloak, sitting on the opposite side of the piano, to protect him .

After two quarters of an hour, the piano pair was a little boring, and the Fenghuo Yuanshen entered the town demon tower and came to the two bodies in the fairy tower of Xianjundong.


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