Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1235: Breakthrough to the king

"Yeah!" Yuan Ziyi said happily.


"Thank you!" Yuan Ziyi smiled and nodded: "Piano sister, Luo Sijian is coming."

"Please come in."

Qin double took back the gods and walked toward the backyard gate. When I opened the door and stood at the door, I saw Luo Sijian walking towards her. Seeing the doubles, Luo Sijian had a happy face and walked quickly toward the piano.

"Qindaoyou, have you gone to Xianjun Cave?"

"Yes!" Qin doubled with a smile and said: "Luo Daoyou please."

"You..." Roth Sword shook his head and said: "It's good to come back."

"I just go and see, don't worry." Qin Shuangyun said lightly.

Two people walked side by side toward the back garden, and Luo Sijian was greeted by the gentle wind of the piano pair:

"You just go see it? It’s all going to kill, just go see? But..."

Luo Sijian looked up and down the piano. "You have improved this fast, but this is the eighth peak of the fairy period?"

"It’s a bit of an adventure at Xianjun Cave."

Luo Sijian looked at the Qin double with envy, and the piano doubled a white eye:

"You a big Luo Jinxian envy me a little land fairy what?"

Luo Sijian shook his head and said: "You are thirty years old?"


"This age is already the eighth floor of the immortal period. Qindaoyou, it seems that you are not only an alchemy talent, but also a cultivation talent."

"Are you sure you are not jokeing me?" Qin doubled his head and looked at Luo Sijian: "The king is only in his thirties, only three years older than me. Now it is the peak of the immortal period. And Luo Daoyou, you When I was thirty, what was it?"

"The fairy season!"

Qin doubled his hands without a word.

"That's not the same." Luo Sijian once again shook his head: "I lived in Tianlin Star when I was young, and I am not a person on the Tianlin Star, but a star from the Tianlin Star cultivation environment. The cultivation of the environment, to reach this realm at this age, can only be counted as normal.


In detail, the qualifications for Wang are much better than me, and should be regarded as a good qualification. Because the cultivation environment of Tianlinxing is not so good.

However, it is not so good. It is also the fairy power that flows here, and the spiritual flow that you cultivate in the mainland is only spiritual power. This is the difference between heaven and earth. ”

Qin double thought about it, and thought that Luo Sijian made sense. It seems that his qualifications are really unusual and he can't help himself.

"Qindaoyou, join Wanjie Commercial Bank, Wanjie Commercial Bank will take you away from Tianlinxing and give you a broader world."

Qin double shook his head and said: "I yearn for freedom!"

"No one interferes with your freedom..."

"I will talk about it later. I promise that once I have the idea of ​​joining a certain party, I will give priority to the Wanshang business."

"Okay!" Luo Sijian changed the topic: "I am here to persuade you, you are a great talented scholar. I have never met your talented Xiandan division, not in Tianlin. Star, even in the whole spiritual world, I have not encountered it. So, you should not take risks any more. It is not worth it. The cultivation resources you need can be exchanged with our Wanshang merchants through alchemy. Only your Dandao As the realm improves, as long as you can continue to produce the best medicine, there is no resource exchange, and Wanshang Commercial Bank promises you."

"Thank you!"

The piano double took out a few altars of three hundred years of monkey wine on the table and said: "These are for you."

"Thank you!" Luo Sijian's eyes lit up, and he waved his hand without hesitation.

"And, when will you hand me the drug of this month?"

"Oh, it’s still a little bit, you are coming tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Luo Sijian's face smiled, and the two men chatted for a while, Luo Sijian gave a speech, Qin double sent him outside the gate.

Qin double returned to the back garden. When he saw that Wang had already begun to break through, he took out a large number of Xianjing, and arranged a gathering of Yuan Yuan to the king, and then returned to his bedroom and entered the town demon tower. Flying toward the alchemy room, she will refine the medicinal herbs for the Wanshang business.


Her body and mind suddenly had a meal, and she saw the ghost trees. Today's Grimace Tree has grown to more than 100,000, and after the call of the double waking horn of the piano, these ghost trees have long been cultivated into demon, and after four or five thousand years of absorption nourishment in the town demon tower, these face trees Has reached the immortal period, although it is only the beginning of the immortal period, but this is the tree demon of the 100,000 immortals!

Qin double thought about it, and came out from the town demon tower, standing in the back garden, and constantly releasing the grimace tree from the town demon tower. These ghost trees were voiced according to the spirit of the piano pair, and they came by themselves. One by one, rooted in the ground. Then she went to the front garden and opened the formation. She blocked Yuan Ziyi and others, and once again released the ghost face tree. In the front and back, the Qinqin double released a total of 10,000 ghost trees, which is 10,000. The land fairy tree demon.

This is a lot of reassurance. Even if there is a monk in the fairy season, there are tens of thousands of fairy tree monsters, and you can kill the fairy. Luo Tian Shang Xian came in, as long as it is not too much, they can also beat them to escape. As for the big Luo Jinxian, I can always give the piano double some time.

However, Qin double was not satisfied. She returned to her bedroom and opened the array. Then she entered the town demon tower and went straight to the refining room to start refining the flag.

This time she is going to raise the piano's formation to the level of the 10th-level singer. Although her ten-level squad is not comprehensive, it is only a branch of the tactics, but it is stronger than the array of the squad. a lot of.

When the Qinshuang Town demon tower came out, she saw that Wang was still there in the comprehension. In fact, there was no past quarter of an hour. Qin double began to re-arrange the array.

This time, the array took two days and two nights of the piano, and finally the large array was laid.

In this way, Qin double finally feels a lot safer, even if the big Luo Jinxian comes in, it will definitely give the piano enough reaction time.

The piano double sits in the pavilion and relaxes his mind. I thought of the black jade bottle at once, and took the black jade bottle out. When I thought about it, I put the black jade bottle into the town demon tower, and then I released the Xuanwu Yuanshen seal and sent it to the town demon. Tower, let her refine the black jade bottle in the town demon tower.


Qin Shuang Huoran turned to the head and looked at the room. Then he saw the heavenly celestial force madly flocking to the alchemy room.


Qinshuang’s face burst into a smile, sitting quietly on the stone bench, looking at the door of the room.

"not good!"


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