Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1241: Pride

Xiangyang once again waved his sleeves, and the door slammed shut, and threw the jars in his hands to the opposite arrogance. He took the guise and poured a few mouthfuls, then sat in the chair:

"Not very good, there is no monkey drink of the third brother."

"Three brothers..." Xiangyang silently said: "I am leaving?"


"Where is the piano?"

"It should be! He has no place to go, he has no temper, no friends."

Xiangyang grabbed the jar and took a few more drinks. He put down the jar and remained silent.

"What's wrong? Big Brother? Are you not very excited in the hall? Why do you seem to have something to worry about now?"

Xiangyang laughed and laughed at himself: "When the second uncle proposed to let the third brother inherit the position of the patriarch, I would not be excited. Second brother, you and I are very clear, the qualifications and talents of the third brother are the highest at home, he The future will definitely exceed you and me, and I believe this time will not be long."

Xiangjiao also smiled and laughed at himself: "Although there is a proud word in my name, I also admit that the third brother is a Jiaozi. Now he is already a fairy, it is a young fairy. How? Feeling? To the third brother threatened you?"

Xiangyang took the wine jar and took a sip: "Second brother, since the father has given me the position of the patriarch, it is mine. Even if the three brothers are not comfortable, he can't grab it. Just, two Uncle is publicly proposing the position of the third brother to inherit the patriarch. What will happen to this, do you know?"

Xiangfei said nothing, Xiangyang said faintly: "Second brother, three brothers because of the temper, our three brothers, we two have always been good, and the three brothers are somewhat alienated from us. Now big brother and you are attentive Speaking, you are silent, is it also to alienate your elder brother, is this patriarch’s seat so important?"

A smile appeared on the arrogant face, and repeatedly waved: "No matter which family, the boss is the most important, the oldest is always the most loved, only the second child does not pick up the sky, the next is not the place, no It hurts, I don’t love it. So I used to get used to it. I haven’t thought about the position of the patriarch. I’m not talking about it.”

Xiangyang smiled and said: "Just blame you. Tell your thoughts."

I took a deep breath of arrogance: "Split!"

Both people are silent!

"A split family, and a split family that is being targeted by other forces, is not a good thing. Even if we are one of the five major families, and historically, the so-called big family is internally divided, and eventually the example of extinction can be And quite a lot."

"What does Big Brother mean?" Looking up at the arrogance and looking towards the sun.

Xiangyang’s gaze flickers in the darkness: “The family has reached the most dangerous moment. Our foreign enemies are very strong. In front of this powerful foreign enemy, we need a unified family, and the family can only have one voice.”

"Excuse me!" whispered to the arrogance: "Big brother, the third brother does not seem to care about the position of the patriarch. He cares only about improving and repairing, leaving Tianlin. Otherwise, he will not take over as the patriarch." That night, I left the family."

"I know!" Xiangyang nodded: "If the second uncle did not face the matter of letting the three brothers take over as the patriarch, even if the third brother stayed in the family, there would be no problem. However, the uncle was raised in public and the seeds of the split had already been Planting. Even if the three brothers don't have this thought, others have this mentality. They will center around the three younger brothers and set up a force against me.

When so many people are rushing for the third brother, when they are willing to pay for their lives, the third brother must stand up.

As long as the third brother is there, the division of the family is inevitable. ”

The face of arrogance paled palely: "Big brother, what do you mean?"

Xiangyang pulled the eyelids down and said: "Only I am sorry for the third brother. I am here for the family. In my heart, I also love the younger brother, but... sitting in the position of the patriarch, feelings are a luxury accessory."

There was silence in the room, a cloud in the sky covered the moon, and the room was darker.

Half-sounding, to the arrogant: "It is not easy to kill the third brother. In the family, it is not easy to do. In the piano... Big brother, you know, Qin double once killed a big Luo Jinxian and a Luo Tianxian. ”

"I know! Qin double can kill a big Luo Jinxian and a Luo Tianxian immortal, not how high she is, how strong she is. It is only because she has a Xianbao."

In the darkness, both eyes glanced at the opposite side of the arrogant road: "Second brother, help the big brother. As long as the third brother and the piano double are killed, the magical treasure in the hands of the piano is yours."


"Of course!" Xiangyang nodded hard.

"But..." frowned at the arrogance and said: "It's really hard! There are a lot of tree demon in the piano, it's all in the fairy season. And we can't kill her brightly. It is even harder."

"It doesn't matter, and we are not in a hurry. As long as our brothers are united, they must lose their money. We can slowly find a way."

"Well, I help my eldest brother." Nodded to the arrogance.


Xiangyang extended his hand and extended his hand to arrogance.


The two men's hands were firmly held together.


The piano double and the king stood at the table, the unfolding picture on the table, and the spiritual pattern completed before the piano double.

"What are you talking about?"

Wang Wang looked at the spiritual scroll with great enthusiasm. As soon as he thought of it, he only watched the process of playing the double-painted paintings of the piano. He let himself realize the greatness of the heavens and the heart was smashed. What would be the effect if I could enter the spiritual painting?

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "But my realm is not high. It is only a five-level fairy teacher, which is the mid-term of the immortal teacher, and it is not the peak of the immortal teacher. Fortunately, my understanding of the heavens Very high, barely raised the realm of this spiritual painting to the peak of the immortal division.

In this way, the strengths of the Terran and the Demon monks in this painting have reached the peak of the peak of the immortal period, but none of them reached the stage of the fairy. Even him..."

Qin double raised his finger to the dragon thunder in the spiritual painting, the second demon monk in the fairy list:

"Do you remember him?"

"Of course remember!" Condensed to the king's look: "The strength of the tenth layer of the Tianxian period."

"But in this spiritual painting, he only has the strength of the tenth peak of the immortal period."

"This way!" Grab the head of the king and said: "I am now the first layer of the fairy season. This spiritual painting does not help me!"


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