Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1247: Thorn

"That is the king!" On the flying boat of the Ouyang family, the figure of the double and the king appeared on the mirror. The black robe said calmly:

"He is the future star of home, such a good opportunity, you don't kill him?"

"No hurry!" Ouyang Liang said firmly and calmly: "Without him, the play is not exciting."

The goshawk swooped down toward the door to the home, and the mountain gate opened. Qin and the king marched into the big circle. Behind them, the big array instantly closed.

"What happened to the family?" asked the king to seize a monk.

"The patriarch...the old patriarch was in a coma."

There was grief in the eyes of the king. As soon as he was swept, he flew into the sky and flew to the place where his father lived.

"The old patriarch was in a coma? To the violent predecessors?" Qin double frowned and looked at the monk in front of him.

"Go to Cangshan Mountain and look for Jiuyang Grass."

The piano took a step and the body shape has disappeared.

It’s a long way to go.

"Oh..." The shape of the king has fallen outside the gate to Jin Ding.

"Hey!" The figure of Qin double appeared behind the king.

Looking into the door to Wang Chong, the piano doubled his body shape. She could not enter without the permission of her family. She looked at the back of the king and could feel the mournful atmosphere of the home. The grief in my heart is also boiling like a tide.

"How can my Terran fall into such a situation? It has just been rushed out of the habitat by the Yaozu, and now it is shrinking in the corner of the East. I don't want to work hard to regain the territory that belongs to the Terran, but I am intriguing here. Where is the blood of the Terran?

Has the Terran here already surrendered?

They are only willing to hide in the corner of the East and become the most humble and despicable race. Waiting for the day, the Yaozu will cross the land of the sun and become the blood food of the Yaozu! ”

"You are a double pair?" There was a voice behind it.

When the piano turned around, he saw two people standing behind his back. The piano nodded twice:

"Two are?"

"I am the big brother to the king, Xiangyang!"

"I am the second brother to the king, to the arrogant!"

Qin double arched hands to see the ceremony, not humble and swearing: "Qin double has seen the patriarch, I have seen the proud brother."

The eyes of the sun flashed, and the face showed a sunny smile:

"You don't have to be polite, the third brother is afraid to stay with his father for a long time, and our three brothers have not been together for a short time. I let people arrange the piano friends to live first."

"Thank you!"

Xiangyang arranged for the person to take a piano pair to an independent small cross-story, which is a place specially prepared for VIPs. Although the place is not big, it is quiet.

"Hey..." Qin double sighed: "Mountain rain is coming to the wind!"

The piano double turned into the bedroom, releasing the power of the soul and carefully scanning every inch of the room. Even if the realm is higher than her monk, if she leaves a glimpse of the gods here, she will be discovered by the power of her soul.

When the power of the soul was scanned, the piano doubled a sigh of relief, and there was nothing left to pry at home. Even so, the piano double throws a flag, and after setting up a formation, this is a thought to enter the town demon tower.

Looking at the seal that floated in front of the seal of the seventy-six xianjun waterline, Qin double began to extract the Xianjun waterline inside the seal. She felt the crisis and branded a Xianjun waterline, she felt very unsafe. So she has to try to imprint it.

The Xianjun waterline was taken out, and then suppressed by the town demon tower, quietly floating in front of the piano double. The piano double began to brand the gods on it.


The branding was blown up in an instant, and the face of the piano pair was helpless. The town demon tower can suppress the Xianjun waterline, but it can not completely suppress the power of the Xianjun waterline.

Or to say, the power of the town demon tower can only completely suppress the power of the Xianjun waterline, leaving you a brand on it.

Qin double shook his head slightly, no longer try, scattered the suppression of the town demon tower. The trace of the Xianjun waterline went through the air and rushed into the sea. Soon, a vortex formed in the sea in the town demon tower, and the vortex gradually expanded.

When Qinqin thought about it, he went to see what he had refined when he first learned the way in the town demon tower.

These symbols are the symbols of the five-level to seven-level of the immortal teacher. When the piano was refining a large number of symbols, it pushed his own realm from five to seven.

There are still fewer five-level symbols, there are more than 5,000, the sixth-level symbol is the most, there are more than 10,000, and the seven-level symbol is also more than 7,000.

Qin Double puts these symbols together and collects them in different categories so that they can be released at any time.

After doing all this, the piano double came out of the town demon tower, sitting quietly on the bed in the room, waiting for the arrival of the king.

Sun room.

After seeing his father in a coma, and after half a day with his father with grief, he was invited to his room by Xiangyang. At this time, the two people sat opposite each other, but they were silent.

Half-sounding, Xiangyang whispered: "Three brothers, do you know the current situation of the family?"

"There are strong enemies outside, and there is no inner sitting in the town. At this time, the strongest family is actually Luo Tianxian. It is said that the first landlord of the shadow is Da Luojinxian. If he comes to attack at home, he alone. Maybe you can get rid of your home."

"Is there?" Xiangyang whispered softly.

Closed his eyes to the king, and opened his eyes after a few breaths, looking directly at the opposite side of the sun:

"This month, although I am far from the family, but since the second uncle gave me a pass, I know that the split of the family is inevitable. I just don't know, this month, is there a big brother? solve this problem."

Xiangyang silently, the king knows that Xiangyang has not been resolved. I whispered:

"Big brother is relieved, when the second uncle comes back, my father wakes up, I will leave the family. And I am not in the position of the patriarch, I just want to leave Tianlin, to see the world outside."

When the words fell, Xiangyang had already stood up and walked toward the door. Xiangyang looked at the back of the king and disappeared into his own vision. He could not help but whisper:

"The world outside... I think too!"


A sword flashed in front of the sun and pierced his eyebrows.

"It's you……"

Sun Xiang only had time to say two words, then fell to the ground, just eyes wide, and died. The smell of blood became more and more, and gradually spread out of the house.

"The patriarch was attacked..."

Suddenly a cry of fear rang in the air above the family.


Countless figures flew from all directions and flew to the land of the patriarch.


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