Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1274: visit

The southern layer of clouds and white fog need to cultivate, learn alchemy, and sell the medicinal herbs in Danpu. Yuan Tong is still young and still has to cultivate. Yuan Ziyi has to take care of Yuan Hic-Ching. The front gardens that are so large are usually taken care of by the yard. It is really less that they think.

Qin Shuang let the king go to the room where he lived before and merged with the kendo. She stood in the backyard and looked around. The last time to protect the king from the backyard, the dead face tree, now the whole There are only a thousand ghost trees left in the back garden. The piano doubles remove thousands of ghost trees from the town demon tower, complementing the number of 5,000 trees, and then letting ten of them face the formation of the human race. Every day, I am responsible for cleaning the entire backyard.

After that, the piano double opened to the front garden, and let the ten ghost faces become the appearance of the human race, let them be responsible for cleaning the front garden and taking care of the medicine garden, thus liberating the southern clouds and white fog.

Qin double returned to his room and thought about his plans. Qin double knows that at her level, qualifications and talents have become unimportant, and the important thing is understanding.

Qin double is not lacking in understanding, but understanding is virtual, and it requires real knowledge to be reflected. Qin double is a heritage with a blood piano, but those inheritances are really old, it is not known how many generations of Gorefiends have accumulated, and the original blood piano is also a random collection, not only disorderly, but also not comprehensive . Therefore, Qin double now needs systematic knowledge.

"I hope that the five major families can help me! However, I still go to the slave market to see if I really have the Yaozu I need."

Qin double left the piano and flew directly to the family. Just fell from the sky in front of the mountain gate, I saw that Xiangyang had stood in front of the gate and looked at the piano with a smile:

"Welcome Master Qin!"

"See the patriarch!"

"Master Qin please!"

After the two people came to the place where Xiangyang lived, they asked about:

"Master Qin, my little brother?"

"I gave him some kendo inheritance, and he retired from me."


Xiangyang’s eyes brightened, but he knew his younger brother. He was fascinated by the kendo in his life. The family has been constantly collecting various kendos for him. However, it has been difficult to collect new kendos in recent years. Qin double gave the martial martial to the king, so that the king could immediately retreat, and his heart could not help but be overjoyed.

"Master Qin, thank you. What do you need to contribute to your family, even though."

Qinqin heard Xiangyang say this, and the heart is also slightly happy: "I came here, there are really two things to seek."

"The master of the piano please say." Xiangyang said on the surface, but there are some concerns in his heart. He is also afraid that the piano will raise some things that make him embarrassed.

"The first thing, I want to go to the library of the family. Of course, the home can seal the practice of not passing, or temporarily put it away."

At the beginning, I heard the words of Qin Double. It was a glimpse into Wang’s heart. Every family has a martial arts practice. Such a practice is naturally not rumored. Even most of the disciples in the family can't learn, only the elite geniuses in the faculties can learn, and some can only learn from the patriarchs. How does this make him open to the piano?

However, after hearing the second half of the piano pair, he couldn't help but sigh with a sigh of relief. He thought that the piano would be sent to Wang Chuancheng, and he decided that he could not be stingy, except that only the patriarch could learn. In addition to the law, even the skills that can be learned by the elite geniuses are also open to the piano. Immediately open to the piano double channel:

"Master Qin, except for the martial arts who can learn the exercises, the rest is open to you."

"Thank you!" Qin double sincere thanks. Then continue to say: "The second thing, tell the king and me, let me buy some demon slaves, but he hurriedly closed after he finished, I don't know where to buy, please send me to the patriarch. A trip."

"Oh, this is a small matter!" To the king's heart was loose.

In the heart of the piano, one of the movements: "Yes, you are famous for being a royal beast. Wouldn't it be a demon slave? Is it home-oriented?"

"No!" Xiangyang smiled and shook his head: "The beast and the demon slave are two different things. Our royal beast is not to deprive some of the gods of the beast to control the monster, but there is a practice, that is, We are going to the home of the beast..."

Speaking of this, Xiangyang apologized and said: "Sorry, the master of the piano, the imperial beast is the foundation of our foothold to the family, can not be taught to you."

"I understand!" Qin nodded.

Seeing the double understanding of the piano, Xiangyang put down the heart and continued to say: "We are at home with the sacred beasts that resonate with the monsters, and finally merge with the monsters. The monsters can usually live in the monks of the monks to warm up, need At that time, you can fight side by side with the monks. And those hunters are different. After they have captured the demon monks, they will peel off the gods of the demon monks, so that the strength of the demon monks will be weakened, and will not be Being able to improve again, the master can kill the demon slaves with only one thought. So, this is just a low-key approach."

Qin double does not agree by nodding, the way to home, is the way to truly reflect the strength of the monster.

"I have nothing to do now, just go with you." Xiangyang smiled.

"Thank you to the patriarch." Qin double is not polite.

"Wait for me, I will arrange the things in the family."

Xiangyang soon came back. Two people walked out of the room and flew out a bird from the sun. It was instantly enlarged, but it was a fierce golden-winged Dapeng. The double end of the piano is a bit detailed, and the gaze is a shrink:

"This is King Jinpeng?"

"Yes, its royal blood, not yet adult, once adult, it is the big Luo Jinxian. Today is also Luo Tianshang Xianfeng, not far from adulthood."

Qin double looked at this King Jinpeng, and his heart was also envious, and couldn’t help but think of his beast.

"I don't know where Huatai is now?"

Qin double knows that Hua Taixiang is not in Tianlin, and should not know that he was sent to the demon world of that planet. Because she can't perceive the fragrant flowers, if they are all in Tianlin, Qinqin will be able to perceive it.

Thinking of the flower is too fragrant, Qin double can not help but love this Jinpeng Wang heart. Then he reached out and tried to touch the King of Jinpeng, but he saw that the King of Jinpeng would hide his head, then squinted his head and looked at the piano. Qin double could not be laughed at by the smile. After thinking about it, he took out a medicinal medicine and placed it in his palm, looking at the King Jinpeng.

“The best fairy?”

The sun on one side couldn’t help but exclaim, and the best Dan was the elixir of Xiandan’s mid-term peak. Qin double is so casually taken out, or a pair of gestures to give Jinpeng Wang to eat, can not help but sigh to the sun, in the end is the master of Xiandan, take Xiandan is not something!


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