Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1296: Shen Dan

In the past, when the piano of the Qinshuang did not merge, the Dantian Yuanli and the Haiyuan Gods could each break through. That is to say, the realm of the martial arts can be higher than the realm of the Yuanshen, and the realm of the Yuanshen can also be compared with the martial arts. The realm of this is high. It depends on the respective opportunities of the two aspects.

However, after the integration of the piano and the law, it is impossible to break through in a single way. Only the accumulation of the power of Dantian and the growth of the gods of the sea have reached the critical point of the same realm, and the possibility of breakthrough is available.

Not bad!

There is a possibility, because the third condition is needed, that is, the state of mind, and the monk sometimes has a card for countless years in a level. Even after the life is exhausted, the breakthrough cannot be achieved. Nor is their gods growing up enough, but because their mood is not enough.

Therefore, the level is the state of mind.

Dantian needs the accumulation of strength, and the Yuanshen needs the absorption of the power of God. So, what does the state of mind need?

For the understanding of Heaven!

In fact, after Qin has reached the spiritual world, he has found that there is no legal difference, no separate law, and no separate martial arts. In other words, there is no division of monks and warriors at all. Every monk is actually a double-edition. This is the conclusion that Qin Shuang got from Wang Jiahe and his family's library, and it confirms this conclusion with the inheritance of the **** piano.

Because the monk must cultivate the Yuanshen and cultivate Dantian. In the battle, the gods are used by the seeds, and the celestial power is used as a medium to communicate the heavens and release the power.

In fact, there are only two classifications in the spiritual world, one is a monk and the other is a refiner.

The smelters do not repair the gods, do not repair Dantian, they only cultivate the flesh, and they can only fight melee.

What really separates the Fa and the martial arts is also the mainland of the Warriors. That is really to separate the martial arts from the law. The people who cultivate the martial arts do not cultivate the Yuanshen, the people who practice the Fa, do not cultivate Dantian, and the two sides separate the martial arts from the Fa, and each has gone out of the way to bring the martial arts and the Fa to the extreme.

However, when Qin Ding was cultivated from the beginning, the cultivation of the fire is the book of fire, which is simply the orthodox super-practice, which is simply the double-edition of the law.

However, after the change of Qinshuang entered the comprehension of the mainland of the Warriors, Luo Fuzong cultivated the law of embarking on the ultimate path.

At that time, the Qin double was not very clear about the cultivation. I didn’t know that the fire-fighting book of my cultivation was actually a double-education of the Fa-rectification. Therefore, the practice of Luo Fuzong, who was practicing violently, was the result of the cultivation of the sea lotus.

Qin double did not practice death, it is a miracle.

Therefore, the cultivation after Qin double is to integrate this new road that has been opened up into the original road.

It is as if the Qin Feng double original practice of the Fire Breeze Book is the same as the other monks in the spiritual world. If this is called the avenue, the Luo Fu Zong Gong method of the Qin double practice is a kind of path, but this path is coming. The ultimate, Qin double is to integrate this path into the avenue, making her avenue more powerful.

Fortunately, she finally succeeded!

Qinqin picked up the jade bottle that had just been refining and looked calm. With this kind of medicinal medicine, Qinqin will advance rapidly in the Yuanshen.

In terms of Yuan Li, she has the rich Xianyuan force in the town demon tower, and also has the Dandan level of the elixir. Whether it is the mainland of the warrior, the star of Tianlin, or even the inheritance of the blood piano, Qin Double has discovered a problem. In the aspect of promoting Yuanli, it is possible to enhance the strength and enhance the god. The power of Xiandan Dan has it. It is just a kind of remedy that can both enhance the strength and enhance the gods. The help for the gods is relatively small.

For example, in the **** heritage, the best effect of the Supreme Dan is also the accumulation of the strength of the accumulation of 70%, and the promotion of the Yuanshen only occupy 30%.

Does the fairy power have the power of the gods?

Of course!

But less than 10%.

Therefore, the accumulation of the monk's strength is relatively simple, because the spiritual world is full of a lot of fairy power, as well as a variety of treasures such as Xianjing. However, it is relatively difficult to upgrade the gods, because the energy and treasures that can raise the gods are relatively rare. Finally, the Yuanshen also grows to the critical point, but also stuck in the mood.

It is difficult to cultivate the road to immortality.

However, now Qinqin has become this kind of medicinal medicine, and this kind of medicinal medicine has no effect on the promotion of Xianyuanli. It is only effective for Yuanshen. In the realm of Qinshuangxianxian period, a remedy can Adding a penny to the power of God shows how terrible it is.

"Give it a name." Qin double thought a little: "This kind of medicinal medicine is not only effective for the gods, but also effective for the soul, just call it a **** Dan."

Qin double began to use here to refine the **** Dan with weak grass. She can only refine the **** Dan in the dark world, and then she can succeed, even if she enters the town demon tower. So in the past three months, Qin double refining more than 70,000 gods, and still left 500 weak grasses. At the same time, although she did not deliberately practice, because the power of the gods here is too strong, her four major gods have reached the mid-peak peak of the fifth layer of the fairy, and the Yangshen has also been promoted to the same as the gods. The realm of the piano is that the piano does not know the division of the soul, nor does it know what the realm should be.

Qin double put down the alchemy, entered the town demon tower, the outside world less than two hours of time, Qin double will once again come out from the town demon tower, her cultivation has reached the fifth layer of the Tianxian period.

Qin double did not leave the dark world, the mermaid has not yet returned, saying that she has not found a dark corner. At this time, the piano double in the dark world of the alchemy room, took out a dark corner, there are 18 kinds of auxiliary drugs, once again alchemy.

This is the Xiandan Dan Fang that was specially developed for the Yuanshen, which was derived from the dark apex. It was only in the days of Tianlin, it has not been successful.

Near an hour passed, the piano double opened the Dan furnace cover, and the blossoming cloud carried the elixir to the air, and was captured by the double-collective masters and put them into the jade bottle. Another thirty-seven Danyun-level medicinal herbs were successfully refining.

Qin double put thirty-five pieces into the jade bottle, leaving a meal to go on, and then enter the Tao cultivation. After nearly an hour, Qin Shuangxin opened his eyes, and Qin Double found that the immortal with the dark corners as the main medicine refining was twice as powerful as the Shen Dan. That is to say, Shen Dan could improve one god. The power of this refining of the elixir can improve two points.

"Great! The **** Dan, which is refining with weak grass, will be called the little **** Ling Dan later. The fairy that is refining in the dark corner is called the great god."


I am very grateful to a net weight classmate (2000), seriously studying and earnestly learning the rewards of classmates (100)!



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