Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1304: Recruit

God-given enchantment forms a rebellion, and there is also a god-given and heavenly struggle, so that the heavens can not exert their true strength. If the ancestors of the Wang family enter the magic, I am afraid that they are really enchanted, and his cultivation is now the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian.

If you don't get into the magic, it's hard to improve his cultivation. It's basically impossible to break through Xianjun.

However, once he enters the devil, he will directly break through the realm of Xianjun.

Today, Tianlin Star does not have a Xianjun. Once there is a fairy who is enchanted, who else can stop him?

I hope his heart is not lost yet!

Qin double sighed and watched his blood. The blood of the Gorefiend was rich, but it was far from affecting the extent of the Qinshen. After all, Qin Shuang's state of mind is very high, has reached the level of Da Luo Jin Xian, and the blood of the Gorefiend has been stripped by the Qin double, but now just recovered. The most important thing is that Qin double has a great heart and has great resistance to the blood of the blood.

Qin double did not think about stripping the blood of the blood of the blood, because once she stripped the blood of the blood, it will lead to punishment, will inevitably alarm the ancestors of the Wang family. When the ancestors of the Wang family saw the doubles in the penalty, they would associate this with the blood of the blood. Such a terrible punishment, the Wang family ancestors would not even dare to strip the blood, so the ancestors of the Wang family are certain.

"The blood of the blood in the body persists for several years without a problem. Maybe I can stick to the Tianlin Star and go outside and strip the blood.


Once I left Tianlin, I was enchanted by the Wang family."

Qin double feels a headache, she can not disclose this matter, because her body also has blood and blood, so it is impossible to unite the ancestors of each family to kill the Wang family ancestors.


"The Terran is really a disaster!"

Qin double came to the front garden, these days are not cultivation, patiently teach Yuan Tong, or point to the southern clouds and white fog alchemy and cultivation.


The sound of a milky voice sounded up, and the piano turned around and looked at it, but Kendo, a little girl who was a little over three years old, was running towards herself with a small hand, and Yuan Ziyi was running behind her.

"Hate Qing, slow down."

Qin Shuang’s face showed a smile, and it was Yuan Huai’s daughter Yuan Hic-Ching, who is now three years old. Because her brother Guan Qin was called Master, she also called Master. Yuan Ziyi was not happy when he saw Qinqin. He was delighted in his heart.

Qin Shuang reached out and lifted Yuan Hic-Ching up, and Yuan Hughing was happy and giggled.

"Qin sister, hate Qing can be like a child?" Yuan Ziyi looked forward to Qin double.

Qin double put down Yuan Hic-Ching, holding her in her arms and whispering: "The physical condition of Hate Qing is the same as that of a child. The only way is to break the leg, crush the meridians, and reorganize.


It was in the door of the ghost door. I told the child that I might die, but the boy came over. Yuan Jie, standing behind, the danger is too big, maybe hate the Qing is not that level, it will die. ”

“Master!” Yuan Tong came over and said: “You can help Hate Qing. Otherwise, you can’t cultivate, you’ll die in a hurry for a hundred years. What’s the difference? It’s only a few decades before you die. ""

Qin double looked at Yuan Ziyi, and Yuan Ziyi showed grief in his eyes. He shook his head:

"I do not know."

"That's it!" Qin Shuang indulged for a moment: "I first taught Hate Qing refining, so that I can make Hate Qing physically strong and live longer. Even if I want to break in the future, the body is strong, right. She also has great help. The reason why the child can survive, on the one hand is his strong mind, on the other hand, his body is strong."

"Thank you Qin Qin sister!" Yuan Ziyi said excitedly.

"Mother, you are also broken and stand up!" Yuan Tong looked forward to Yuan Ziyi. Yuan Ziyi also looked forward to the Qin double.

Qin double is shaking his head: "No, Yuan Jie, your mind and child are too much, your mind is not strong enough. You certainly can't pass that level."

Yuan Ziyi looked stunned. She knew herself. As Qin said, her mind was very bad. When she saw Yuan Ziyi’s look, Qin double sighed a voice:

"When do you feel that your mind has reached a realm that will allow you to break through and stand up, come to me."

"Thank you!" Yuan Ziyi's face is full of gratitude.

"You also learn to practice the body."

"it is good!"

Since then, Qin double has two more teaching people, one is Yuan Ziyi, one is Yuan Hic-Qing, and Qin Double sees Yuan Hingqing young, it is not too strict. However, Yuan Tong was very strict with Yuan Hsien, and he was severely slackened. Qin Shuang also knows that this is Yuan Tong’s hope that Yuan Hsien will be able to survive the break in the future, so she just sighs in her heart and does not block Yuan Tong.

Every day, Yuan Hsi-Qing is in the swearing of Yuan Tong, crying and doing the daily cultivating tasks, so he taught for three days and came to the king.

The piano doubled the people in the palace, especially Qin Yi and Qin Er, let them protect the home, and then left the Qin House with the fairy king. When he walked out of Xiangjiacheng, he saw a flying boat parked on the edge of the city gate. Qin Shuanghe and Wang entered the flying boat, and they saw Xiangyang, the patriarch of the family, and also brought a few home-grown monks. However, the family ancestors and Jin Ding did not come.

Qin double and everyone in the court, everyone is very polite to the piano, not only because Qin double has been fighting with the family, but also Qin double as a master of Xiandan and master of the fairy, in both respects, are standing At the peak of the Tianlin Star, its status is not inferior to the patriarchs of each family.

The flying boat vacated and went to the Wang family. Looking at the piano to the king:

"Right, what gift did you have?"

Qin double shot on the forehead: "Oh, I forgot. What have you prepared? Yes, you don't have to prepare, it is enough to send a gift to the representative of the patriarch."

Shaking head to the king: "It was ok, but the relationship between us and Wang Yuntong and I must send a gift. Our family prepared two golden-winged Dapeng, and gave Wang Yuntong and Lu Cuiqiao as mounts. It’s a family of Fa, you know that Lu Cui’s method is extraordinary, so I am going to send her a broken front!”

Speaking to the king, he took out a battle and handed it to the piano. The piano doubled over and looked at it. It turned out to be a broken array. It was already broken a little and could not be used, but for the research array. For Lu Jia, it has a lot of help. She knows that today's Tianlin Star does not have a fortune. This gift to Wang, for Lu Cuichao, can be said to be very precious and sent to the right person.


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