Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1311: Transmission array

Qin double explored the past gods is a meal, and then shrinked the knowledge back, turned to look at the male repair, see that the male repair did not continue to talk with her mind.

Qin double thought about it, and finally found out a trace of God, touched the transmission array, and felt his own knowledge quickly along the line of absorption.

Qin double decisively disconnected that trace of knowledge, and with her current cultivation, losing that trace of God is nothing. Then she fell into meditation.

Why does the transmission array absorb the gods?

Mu Qingxiang closed his eyes, and his mouth was a little disdainful. He came from other stars and was a person who had traveled through the transmission array. Naturally, it is known that the transmission array can be transmitted because it has the power of space. Using the gods to touch the transmission array, naturally will be absorbed by the force of space, so any monk riding a transmission array, in the process of transmission, dare not spread a trace of God.

“Indigenous people are indigenous!”

"The power of space!"

In the heart of the piano, there is a flash of light. After all, she also has some insights into the spatial attributes, such as stepping into the air, shrinking the ground and measuring the world. Therefore, she quickly thought about the mystery of the transmission array to absorb the knowledge of God.

"It seems that I can't use God."

The binoculars of the piano fell on the transmission array and began to be deduced.

Quietly unveiled the seal of other gods, the four gods sitting in the sea of ​​the piano, the soul of the soul in the depths of the soul is responsible for the warning, the four gods began to push together.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.


Two months have passed.

At this time, Qin double is standing in front of a small transmission array. This is a model built by Qin Double. She has already printed the pattern and plaid of the real transmission array on this model, and the blank corner is also Filled up half of the model.

Qin double at this time the brow is locked, and at this time standing around this model is not only a pair of pianos, but the other seven people are also surrounded by a frown.

On the seventh day of the beginning of the study of the transmission array, Qinshuang refines a transmission array, and then begins to print a little bit of the pattern and the pattern on the real transmission array.

Although the piano double is still low in the realm of the road and the road, there are still no problems in portraying the patterns and the patterns. Patterns and patterns are the basis. Any monk who wants to learn the platoon and the path begins with the formation. The difference in the realm is only the combination of the patterns.

The double sense of the piano, the one-stop printing of this transmission array, will let you understand this transmission matrix more intuitively, and it should promote the understanding of the transmission matrix.

When Qinqin began to refine the transmission array, he successively alerted seven Xianfu divisions and Xianzheng divisions. They saw the piano double refining transmission stage, and the heart was a move, waiting until the piano double began to print the array. When the lines and the streaks are made, they are even more bright in their hearts, one by one:

"How come I didn't think of it?"

In this way, seven people also came around, and the piano doubled every moment, and seven people were discussing. However, they did not actively seek advice from Qin.

In their view, the piano pair is still too young, so how can a young monk know more about the road and the road?

But when the piano pair in the process of their discussion, saying that the direction of their discussion is wrong, and after telling their own derivation, the attitude of the seven people to Qin double has changed, so eight people will follow The engraving of the piano double began a fierce debate, and later it began to try to fill the corner of the transmission array missing from the model.

"Qin double, what is the result of your derivation?" The man who first reminded Qin double to open the channel.

"This is what I derived."

The piano doubled out a finger and used Xianyuan to outline a pattern in the air. The man repaired for a while, his face became ugly, and he also outlined a pattern in the air.

"This is what I am pushing."

"This is what I pushed!" Another monk outlined a pattern in the air.

"This is what I pushed!"

"This is what I pushed!"


“It’s very troublesome!” Qin’s brow wrinkled more tightly: “We’re not able to push the eight people.”

One of the oldest monks slowly said: "The seven characters that we have derived from the eight people are the same, but the remaining 30% is too different."

"But even if it is a different one, it is very likely that there has been a mistake from the beginning of this pattern. It seems that we have to start from the beginning." There was a monk with a helpless face and a deep suck. Mouthway:

"Come here today, let's take a break."


Everyone feels tired too. This is different from fighting. It is exhaustion from the heart.

In these two months, the seven people also fully accepted the Qin double, especially the four fairy charms. For the worship of the Qin double, Qin double has far more abilities than the two.

Moreover, Qin double also understands the road, although the realm of the circuit is far less than her ability, but understands both the circuit and the road, the speed of the transmission matrix is ​​beyond the seven people.

This made the three sects of the sects also admire the Qin double, and Qin double has become the core of this small research team.

The wood clear phase naturally saw the whole process from beginning to end, and occasionally looked at the eyes of the piano double, became different, sometimes gazing, sometimes flashing, no one knows his mind.

In the past two months, the eight people around the model made a cheer.

Mu Qingxiang and the seven Da Luo Jinxian suddenly opened their eyes, and Huo Ran got up and flew to the front of Qin Double and others. His eyes swept toward the look and there were surprises on his face.


The eyes of everyone gathered on the body of Qin Double. The piano nodded twice: "There is a theoretical complement. Can you really fill the transmission array? You need to try it."

"What are you waiting for?" Mu Qingxiang condensed.

Qin double looked at the seven immortals and the fairy teacher: "How? We started?"

"it is good!"


The three sects and the four sorcerers are also very excited. If they can really repair this transmission array, it is definitely a miracle for them, and by studying this transmission array, everyone's realm has improved.

Although Tianlin is not rich in heaven, the transmission array itself contains a wealth of heavens. It is the boundary of the Qinshuang, and it has also been upgraded from the five-level fairy sect to the realm of the first-class fairy tales. It also finally broke through to the seven-level fairy tales master, which is the late stage of the fairy tales.


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