Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1314: heart


Through the vision of the Void beetle, the piano double looked at the trees. It was strange that the trees were exactly the same, all of them were trunks, with five branches and no leaves.

"How is this so like a huge arm?"

"Master Qin, what did you find?" asked the monk Kong Jia, when he saw the piano stepping slowly, he asked nervously.

Qin double shook his head, but his eyes dignified: "Nothing found, but always feels dangerous ahead."

Qin double said that the Confucian monk was more alert and the two walked cautiously forward.

After a few hundred meters of resurrection, two people have seen the rows of strange trees. Through the space before the trees and trees, they also saw the huge **** pond.

"What is that?" The monk Kong Kong suddenly snorted.

At this time, Qin double also saw those rows of rows of trees, and they felt a cold ice from the tail vertebrae straight down the spine to the scalp, and the sweat of the whole body stood up.

The shape of those trees is simply a huge arm, open the arms of the five fingers, and the eyes of each palm are always closed eyes...

The Confucius and Confucius both clasped the sword in their hands in an instant, because those eyes with closed palms might have heard the shouts of the Confucian monks and opened their eyes all at once.

That is a pair of eyes!

It’s all white, not a little black, and it’s pale in the huge eyelids. However, the Piano and the Confucius have a feeling of being locked by the eyes.

"what is this?"

The piano doubles in the heart, and at this time, the rows of arm-like trees have jumped up like thousands of huge arms, slamming toward the Qin and the Confucius.

The monk of the Confucius was stabbed by a sword, and thousands of swords were like a dragon, and the numerous arms were twisted into powder. The piano double next to it is also a sword stabbing, the strongest swords and swords, and even the battle with the Confucius of Kong Jia is not bad.

The monk of Confucius looked deeply at the piano. At this time, both Qin and Kong’s monks had a lot of ease. The two of them found that these weird trees were not difficult to deal with, that is, the appearance of the early Luo Jinxian. The Confucian monk did not say it. This is the peak of the Da Luo Jinxian mid-term, and the fire attribute of the Qinshuang also reached the first layer of the Da Luo Jinxian, and with the strongest sword, it was able to barely reach the peak of the early Luojinxian. That is the third layer of the Great Luo Jinxian.

The monk of Confucius and the Qinshuang teamed up to kill the weird trees, while the heart was secret:

"No wonder the piano dare to explore alone. Only the nine-day Xuanxian ninth floor is repaired, but it has the third layer of the great Luo Jinxian. It is not simple! It is not only the reason for her practice, but also her sword. Meaning, too strong. I also reached ten layers of swords, but not as good as her."

A **** rain fell in the air, and a strange tree was strangled by them into countless segments, falling from the air.

The weird trees around the **** pond constantly slammed against two people, but they were all strangled by two people, but less than half an hour, all the strange trees were strangled by both of them, the earth became blood red, countless The **** stream flows toward the **** pond.

Qin Shuang and Kong Jia’s eyes looked at the **** pond. The **** pond swayed in a circle, swaying from the middle, and with a circle of ripples, the two heard a voice.


"this is……"

Qin and Shuangjia’s monks looked at each other and their eyes were shocked. Kong Jiaxiu whispered:

"This is the sound of a heart beat!"

Qin double stared blankly at the **** pond, watching the diffusing circle and listening to a "beep" sound.

Every time the sound of "咚" sounds, there is a circle of ripples that are generated and spread towards the surroundings, matching perfectly.

"Under the **** pond!" The piano doubled the voice and said, "Is it a heart?"

"Listen to the sound!"

The two men looked at each other and saw their firmness from each other's eyes. Already here, how can you not figure things out?

The two men approached the **** pond carefully. They were not far from the pond. Even if they walked slowly, they were careful. In less than a quarter of an hour, the two men also walked to the edge of the **** pond and stood here. The heart beats more clearly, and even two people can feel the ground shaking slightly under the feet.

Two people looked into the **** pond, but the blood was very rich, and the eyes could not wear the blood, and could not see what was under the water.

"I try with God, you protect the law for me." The Confucian monk whispered.

The piano nodded twice and clenched the sword in his hand. The Confucian monk transmitted the gods out and stalked toward the **** pond.

His gods had just touched the **** surface of the blood, and he saw the horror of his eyes, quickly cut off the knowledge of God, and involuntarily stepped back.

Qin did not go to see the Confucius, but looked nervously at the **** surface of the blood. When I saw that there was no reaction on the water surface, I carefully stepped back and stood next to the disappearance of the Confucius. :

"what happened?"

The Confucian monk also had a terrified eye in his eyes, and his voice was a little flustered: "There is a strong god, and I want to follow my release of the gods into my knowledge of the sea, but fortunately, I am decisively disconnected. knowledge."

The face of Qin double changed: "Do you mean that there is a person below this?"

The Confucian monk squirmed dryly and said: "It is very possible."

Qin double turned his head and looked at the **** surface of the blood. After thinking a little, he ordered a hollow beetle and fell to the surface.

The hollow beetle that fell on the **** surface of the water, under the command of Qin Double, drilled into the bottom of the water. The Void Beetle flies in the air, and there is absolutely no room for fluctuations, and it is completely transparent and cannot be found at all.


How can it not fluctuate when it falls on the surface of the water and drills down the water?

Only in an instant, Qin double felt that the void beetle died.

Qin double is thinking about whether he ordered a hollow beetle to look at it, and saw that the **** surface suddenly fluctuated drastically.

The Qin and the Confucius were shocked, and the two men could not help but step back. The Confucius monk released the defensive shield, and the piano double hurriedly released the defensive shield.

"Oh la la..."

The **** surface of the blood began to decrease, as if something was quickly absorbed. Just in the blink of an eye, the huge pool of blood disappeared, and at the bottom of the pond, a huge heart appeared.



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