Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1319: Refinery

Qin double just hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to go and see. In the direction of memory, a thousand virtual beetles were released, and the piano flew away in the direction of the **** pond.

On the way, she also occasionally encountered two Luo Tianxian and a giant Luo Jinxian giant monk monk, but that was all discovered by Luo Xin through the void beetle, so the giant Dai people did not find her. Qinshuang’s cultivation is now the tenth-level peak of the Tianxian period. It is completely possible to compete with Luo Tianshang’s tenth-level peak. The first giant monk she met was just a middle age. So Qin did not hesitate to rush up, kill the giant monk monk, and put his body into the storage ring.

After the death of the giant monk monk, the original form was revealed. It was a giant python with a large body, which is a huge wild boar. The piano pair knows that the giant scorpion meat is still very delicious, and there are also cultivations. The benefits, especially a giant python that has been cultivated to Luo Tianshang, how can Qinqin give up?

After she hunted the first monk monk, she suddenly remembered that when her body was controlled by Gorefiend, it seemed that there were Da Luo Jinxian among them, and a nine-day Xuanxian. She immediately entered the town demon tower, and suppressed and branded a Xianjun waterline, which came out again, and then met the second Luotian Shangxian giant monk, Qin double also killed it, just in case When I arrived at the Da Luo Jinxian Giant Dai, I fought for a long time. In the end, Qin Double relied on the body power of the eighth mid-term of the 9th Tian Xuan Xian to kill the Da Luo Jinxian.

Although this time killed the big Luo Jinxian, but Qin Qin was injured, let her see her own shortcomings. Thanks to the giant monk monk is only in the middle of the big Luo Jinxian, if it is late, Qin double feels that he may not be able to kill each other, I am afraid he can only escape.

Because the body strength of Qin double is enough, and it is more than that of Luo Jinjinxian, but her **** and soul realm just just reached the beginning of Luo Tianshangxian, Da Luo Jinxian has a strong suppression on her, let her in and When Da Luo Jinxian fights, the body is inevitably uncoordinated. If you don't rely on the powerful power of the ontology to reverse this inconsistency, the piano pair can only escape.

"It seems that after leaving here, after returning to the hometown, I have to retreat for a while, first raise my own gods and souls, so that I can take advantage of my ontological power."


The piano doubled a few kilometers away from the **** pond, and saw a scene through the void beetle. A giant Luo Jinxian was flying towards the **** pond at this time. It seems that the **** pond was also found.

The big Luo Jinxian came to the edge of the **** pond, at which time the pond was full of blood and could not see the huge heart in the **** pond. However, the sound of the heart beating can still be heard.


The big Luo Jinxian stood by the pond and hesitated whether he would use the gods to probe the blood pool. At this time, Qin double suddenly felt a horror in the soul, and then saw a hollow beetle closest to the **** pond died, fell into the **** pond, and other nearby hollow beetles also felt A breeze was generated from the **** pond, and the giant monk monk of the great Luojinxian was blown. The monk monk fell to the ground, and then the blood in the pond explored the scorpion. The body was entangled and dragged into the **** pond and disappeared.


Qin double was surprised to see that in the place where the big Luo Jinxian fell, a refining and chemicalization was quietly generated.

"this is……"

The piano doubled his mind and immediately ordered a few hollow beetles to surround the lotus flower, then pushed it to the piano and flew over, and the piano doubled out and grabbed it.

"Sure enough, that kind of lotus!"

Qin double took the lotus into the storage ring and frowned and frowned.

"It seems that the breeze that can destroy the soul and the **** of the monk is scraped from this pond, but why did the huge heart deal with itself without the wind that annihilated the soul? Instead, it brought itself closer. Eye space?

Isn't this wind released at any time? And not subject to that huge heart control? ”

The piano double watched the **** pond thousands of meters away and listened to a heartbeat.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

The feeling of heart is coming again, and it seems that there is a breeze.

"It's really uncontrollable!"

When Qinqin thought about it, he dug a hole in the ground, then sneaked into the hole, and sorted out a small hole in the ground, released two symbols, isolated the knowledge, and then used Taoism. The ground was treated a bit and the original appearance was restored. While taking care of the surrounding conditions and the **** pond by those hollow beetles, one lotus flower was taken out.

Qin double-lap sitting in the underground cave house, holding the first lotus flower in both hands to start refining, at this time she already understood that this first lotus flower is the soul of the breeze annihilating the blood of the blood of the blood, the breeze is really powerful. It is possible to completely purify the soul of Gorefiend into pure energy.


Qin double has just begun to refine the refining, the lotus between the hands suddenly entered the body of the piano, the energy of the cockroach spilled out of the lotus, horrible and pure, like the tide is divided into two The torrent, a wave of enthusiasm toward her, rushed toward her soul space.

When the piano doubled, I felt that my soul space and sea of ​​knowledge began to swell up. When she was in her heart, she immediately began to refine and refine these two terrible energies. However, she suddenly found that the speed of her own refining could not keep up with the speed of the refining and explosion.

At the beginning, when the combination of the martial arts and the martial arts, the four major gods of the lyrics were concise and narrowed down to the inch, even if it was now upgraded to the peak of the fairy, it did not grow to a foot. The same is true of the sun **** in the soul space. When the sun was washed and the sun was condensed, it was reduced to a inch, and now it is less than a foot.


Nowadays, between less than ten breaths, one **** and four gods swelled to one foot, and then broke through one foot and one inch, one foot and two inches, and one inch and one inch quickly increased.

Her sea of ​​knowledge and the vibration of the soul space, the obstacle avoidance of space is like a balloon constantly expanding.


Qin double heart anxious, she only thought that this lotus is the soul of the blood of the blood demon is purified, but don't forget, this is the blood that it swallowed the heart, how strong that heart, that Still use it?

"This is bad! My gods and souls are too late to refine these energies, and they will be completely annihilated by these energies."


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