Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1328: transaction

The speed of the arrogance suddenly increased, and flew in the direction of the call.

Two days later.

He stood on the edge of a **** pond and looked at the **** pond.

"Calling is coming from this pond. What is in this **** pond? Why is he calling me?"

The blood in the blood pool gathered toward the center of the pond, and then bulged in the middle. In the astounding view of the arrogance, a **** water column was raised, and then the water column began to change into a person, a blood robe, a somewhat feminine face, but It is the skin like snow, looking at the arrogance standing on the edge of the pond, the face has a hint of satisfaction, whispered:

"Oh... I didn't think that on this planet, for hundreds of thousands of years, I finally met a enchanted person."

"Imagined?" Looking at the young man who is stunned by blood, "Are you talking about me?"

"Isn't it?" The young man looked at him with a smile, and the smile was warm, and the heart of the arrogant cold gave birth to a hint of attachment.


To the arrogant face gradually pale, lost the blood color, the fists gradually tightened, the more grip the tighter, the nails into the palm, **** silk oozing out. The pair of babies gradually shed madness.

"Yeah, I am a sorcerer, huh, huh... hahaha... Everyone regards me as a betrayal family, assassinating a big brother, is an indifferent person, I am a passing mouse, everyone yelling, I am an enchanted person who is rejected by the human race and even pursued by the human race, hahaha..."

"Do you think you are wrong?"

"I'm right!" He screamed at the arrogance, and there was no fear of the blood robes youth. Only crazy: "Since I was eight years old, my older brother poisoned me, I know that the world. On the other hand, family is ridiculous, is a luxury jewelry, the world, the strength is the most reliable.

As long as I became a patriarch, I was able to support me with the resources of the whole family, but I failed, but it does not mean that I am wrong. ”

"It's a good statement. No matter which world, it is based on strength. Others are luxury jewelry. Only when it is stronger, is it the most real. I am asking you now, do you want to become stronger?"

"miss you!"

"I can make you stronger!"

"why me?"

"Because you are a enchanted person, only the enchanted person can accept my inheritance perfectly, otherwise it will be confused and collapsed and the king.

Not afraid to tell you, my inheritance is magic, only the Mozu and the enemies are qualified to accept the inheritance.

Can you follow me? ”

"Follow your enchantment?"

"Not bad! As I enter the magic, accept my inheritance, you will become stronger."

He released a radiant glow in the eyes of the arrogant, and he took a deep breath, and the light in his eyes gradually disappeared and became deep.

"What do I have to pay? Is it for me to pay for my soul?"

"No! Just need you to do things for me."

"Do it forever?"

"No! Your body is still a little worse, but I can upgrade your cultivation to the peak of the early Luo Jinxian, and then teach you the top three of the nine magic powers. This triple magic power allows you to practice until the fairy king. period.

All you have to do is lay a big array on each of the four sides of the planet. Each big array needs the blood of millions of creatures. You can return to me after each set of a big array. I will teach you Give you a magical power, that is to say, when you set up four large arrays, you can get my seven magic works.

After you have done these things for me, you and I will be clear. ”

Picking up the eyebrows: "What about the eighth and ninth magic?"

"It requires you to do things for me to exchange, of course, when I need something to let you do."

Silenced to the arrogance for a moment: "What big line do you want me to lay?"

"look by youself!"

The young man in the blood robe stretched out his finger toward the eyebrow of the arrogant eye, and a brilliance entered the sea of ​​arrogance. Read to the arrogant eyes, with the eyes open, the eyes flash.

"These four big arrays, each big array can make my cultivation a big step?"

"Not bad!" The blood robe youth nodded: "A million blood is set up in a large array. When each big formation becomes a sea, it will feed back your blood. This blood will make you break through. That is to say, I will first upgrade your cultivation to Da Luo Jin Xian. After you have set up two large arrays, the blood of each large array will temper your body and enhance your cultivation. You broke through to the nine-day Xuan Xian. When you set up the fourth big array, you will upgrade your cultivation to Xianjun."

"You are not afraid that I have received your inheritance. After leaving here, I will never come back? Or will you control me?"

"I won't control you, you will be willing to do things for me, huh, huh..." The blood robe youth smiled confidently: "You are a enchanted person, your inner desire will make you willingly do things for me. When I am When you upgrade your cultivation to Da Luo Jin Xian, you will feel the power of strength. In order to make you stronger, you will set up the first big array. When you set up the first big array, When that kind of blood makes your cultivation leaps and bounds, you will be able to complete the second big battle unstoppable.

If I control you, you will have a rebellious mentality. With rebellious psychology, you may not perfectly complete what I have given you. However, if your desire forces you to do things, I believe that you will do it perfectly.

do you know?

Why do I let you set up a big array every time, come here, and teach you the next magic? ”


"Because the blood you absorbed, I can feel the perfection of the blood from the breath of your body. If it is perfect, then the big array you set up meets my requirements. If it is not perfect, I am Will not teach you the next magic.

You said, would you be willing to do things for me? ”

I took a deep breath of arrogance: "If I don't want to? Are you killing me now?"

"No!" The blood robe youth smiled softly: "Because you are a enchanted person, even if you have rejected me at the moment, it is because you have not yet fully enchanted, and there is still some humanity in your heart. However, once you enter the devil, you cannot turn back. Even without me, you will step into the magic and lose the last humanity.

At that time, you will come back to me.

So why should I kill you? ”

Silence to the arrogance, the ups and downs of the body. After a while, the magic gas surged, and in a strong magical moment, a little flash of light...

Finally, looking up to the arrogance, looking at the opposite of the blood robe youth said: "Well, I received this transaction."


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