Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1334: Thousands of people

Therefore, the Ouyang family simply can't hold so many people. The whole corner of the East is gathering here. From the time of the immortal to the Dalu Jinxian period, there are hundreds of millions of monks. Of course, the majority of the stations are low. There are very few Da Luo Jinxian.

Qin Shuanghe and Wang Wang sat in a restaurant window, looking through the window to the family.

There is a mountain peak in the family. This mountain peak is the highest mountain in the surrounding area. The Ouyang family established a family family centered on this mountain. The 30-story space tower is located on this mountain peak. This mountain peak is also named as Weiyang Peak because of the existence of the space tower.

Weiyang Peak is located in the center of the Ouyang family area, while the Ouyang family site is located in the center of Weiyang City.

The Weiyang City is the great city built by the Ouyang family with the ethnic land as the center. In any corner of this huge city of Weiyang, you can see the Weiyang Peak, and you can see the 30-story space tower on the Weiyang Peak.

At this time, Qin Shuang and others looked at the space tower on the Weiyang Peak through the window of the restaurant.

"So many people, can the space tower be loaded?" Xiangyang looked curiously at the space tower.

"Since it is called a space tower, it should be able to fit in."

"makes sense!"

Two days later.

The bells in the Ouyang family sounded and it was time to enter the space. The rolling people flowed to the Ouyang family. Today, there are a total of seven nine-day Xuanxian, five major families, scattered repairs, and one of the Wanjie firms.

The nine-day Xuan Xian of Wanjie Commercial Bank was trapped in the second floor of the secret. Two other nine-day Xuan Xian stayed outside the secret environment to monitor the Yaozu, in case the Yaozu suddenly broke through the secrets. Although the nine-day Xuan Xian of the Terran and the Yaozu had vowed before the secret, they had to guard against it. And the Yaozu also left two nine-day Xuanxian there to monitor the two nine-day Xuanxian. In this way, there are still four nine-day Xuan Xian. At this time, they are all in the Ouyang family. The huge powers are unmasked and let hundreds of millions of monks who want to enter the space tower enter the time tower honestly. No one dares to grab the position.

In fact, the Ouyang family has already announced the world, and it is useless to grab the position. Time is from each monk entering the time tower, starting with each monk. In other words, each monk can be guaranteed to spend one day at each level of the time tower.

Qin double is not in a hurry, just follow the crowd, go along the street, enter the gate of the Ouyang family, look up and see the Weiyang Peak, the tower's top of the tower has a bead, that At this time, the beads were bright, and a light curtain drooped from the top of the tower and fell to the ground. There were a thousand names on the light curtain at this time. That is the name of a thousand people who first entered the space tower.

This is a thousand people list.

This list can only show a thousand people. At this time, it is ranked according to the order of entering the space tower. Then, it will be ranked according to the number of layers, the order of each person, the length of time, and so on.

On the wide light curtain, a thousand names are shining, not to mention the Luo Tianxian, like the Qinshuang, who is a disciple of the refining period. In any corner of the central city, only the fairy power can be gathered together. , can be seen clearly.

At this time, the rankings of the thousand people changed. Someone started to enter the second floor. The look of Qin double is a glimpse, and the one side frowned at the king, but there was no words. Xiangyang saw the piano double, and whispered:

"That should be a loose repair. I don't know how to get into the space tower. It is a big opportunity to comprehend. I just regard it as a simple matter. Even if I use it as my own temper, I feel that I am trying to be similar to myself. The opponent is the opportunity to sharpen."

Qin double understands, and my heart can not help but sigh. The difference between the dissertation and the family is all-round, not only the cultivation of the exercises, but also the overall lag behind in terms of news and knowledge.

Those who are rushing to smash the tower, perhaps holding the name of the thousands on the list, but do not know that they have lost the opportunity.

Qin Shuang and others came to the foot of the mountain and followed the mountain road to climb the mountain. Being in the respect of the Ouyang family, no one is flying, they are all on the ground.

Over a long time, Qin Double finally came to the top of the mountain. On top of this mountain, there were four old people sitting there. These four old men are the nine-day Xuan Xian Da Shi. At this point, they all looked down and seemed to be not paying attention to anyone.

The piano looked up at the huge light curtain and saw that someone had reached the tenth floor.

"It's really fast!"

"Open look, Bi Lu is now ranked first, he is the third place on the list of the fairy. It is the pride of our scattered, it seems that those family monks are not good. Bilu is only the peak of the late Tianxian period, but now it has passed Those big Luo Jinxian, ranked first, too much."

"Bilu, you are the pride of the scattered."

"Bilu, wait for you to come out, I want to marry you!"

At this time, in those scattered repairs that have not yet entered the space tower, one by one excited, and in the city of Weiyang, those people below the fairy period are also excitedly shouted.

"Oh..." The family's monk laughed and said: "It's just a bunch of earthen buns."

"Nine brothers, what do you do with them? A group of ants who have never seen the world."

"What do you say?" The raging crowds are raging: "You are awkward, winning the inheritance for the Terran, or watching our dispersal."

"Oh..." Another family disciple laughed and said: "What do you guys know about this earthen buns? This space tower is a big opportunity. When you enter the space tower, you don't understand the Tao and space attributes in layers. So fast, this is not Is it silly?"


"What? Ah, the earthen buns are the dumplings. You see, those who were on the thousands of people in the last few days, at the end, there will be no one who will enter the thousand-person list. And I can tell you with certainty that the thousand people are not Dare to say, but there will be no one in the top 100 who will be a mess, and all will be family monks."

This kind of dialogue took place in the Ouyang family area, in various places in the central city, and the silence was silent. However, they have not yet entered the space tower and have heard these conversations. They all look at the caves and remember them in their hearts.

At the same time, their minds also thought of it, and only those monks in the process of their celestial temperament, I am afraid that there is not much to know the opportunity in the space tower, but like those of Luo Tianshangxian and Da Luo Jinxian should know, after all, their The realm is there, and I usually make family disciples. However, they did not tell them...


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