Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1341: Killing road

The most eye-catching is the Qinshuang and Xiangwang two people, one is the third layer of Luo Tianshangxian, the other is the eighth layer of the Tianxian period, but it has won the two strongest realms, which is almost people to question The space tower chose the fairness of the strongest.

However, it is not surprising that Wang and Qin both won the strongest for each other.

Because both people have realized the mystery, and reached the mysterious two. Of course, the double understanding of the piano is the mystery of the property, and the only thing that is learned from the king is Jian Xuan.

However, both people know the mysteriousness of Xuan, let alone two people realize that Xuan is heavy, even if they only realize that Xuanyi is heavy, they can let them jump to improve their own strength. The repair to the king originally reached the peak of the eighth layer of the Tianxian period, and there is not much distance from the tenth floor of the Tianxian period. After comprehending the second weight of Jianxuan, it can completely sweep the Tianxian period. As for the piano double, there is no need to say.

Therefore, when everyone questioned the two of them, the two did not care at all. By the time they beat the opponents of the Yaozu, everyone will shut up.

At this time, the two of them were entering the gate of the Ouyang family. Under the guidance of the Ouyang family disciples, they went to the Ouyang family's parliamentary hall.

"To the brother, after you go back, should you be able to break through?" Qin said in a shallow voice.

"Yeah!" smiled faintly to the face of the king: "This space tower is worthwhile. I will completely consolidate my realm. After the Ouyang family has selected the treasures and returned to the family, they can successfully break through. The ninth floor of the fairy season. How are you?"

"I have already broken through to the fourth floor of Luo Tianshang. How is your space magical comprehension?"

"It's a pity. I just realized the perception of spatial volatility and didn't understand the pace of space. What about you?"

"I understand the pace of space, and I also gave it a name, called the stepless step, huh, huh..."

To the king's face, there was an envious color, and the Ouyang disciple who walked in front of him also showed an envious color on his face. She knows such a thing, Qin double can't lie, and now there is also a rumor in the Ouyang family, that is, Qin double understands the space step in the space tower, and even comprehends the space blade, otherwise she will be a heavenly fairy, not May reach the twenty-fifth floor.

Qin Shuanghe and Wang went side by side into the hall of the House of Representatives. At this time, in the hall of the House of Representatives, the patriarchs of the five major families were sitting. As for the ancestors, they left.

There are still three people standing in the main hall, namely the Da Luo Jinxian Wang Yu, the land immortal period Ouyang Fenqiang, the people immortal Ouyang. Qin Shuanghe and Wang Xian first met the patriarchs of the five major families, and after seeing the three princes, they looked at the five family patriarchs. Ouyang family patriarch condenses the channel:

"Now, with each patriarch, go to the treasure house to pick up the treasures, and then, after two months, gather in the Lonely Ridge, we go to the secret place. To the king, you come with me."

The other four family leaders also stood up, and the Kong family leader came to the piano on both sides:

"Master Qin, let's go."


The piano nodded twice, followed the empty patriarch and left the city of Weiyang, and flew toward the Kong family in a flying boat.

Kong Ling and Qin Qin are both female repairs, and the two are not the first time to meet, and the relationship is not bad. However, before Kong Ling respected Qin, most of them because Qinqin is a master of Xianfu and a master of Xiandan. But now it is different, the piano double can actually reach the twenty-fifth floor, what does this mean?

This shows that the true strength of Qin double is not weaker than the ninth floor of her big Luo Jinxian. Therefore, she is more polite to the Qin double, completely on the basis of equality, and the two people exchanged ideas in the boat, and they benefited from each other. She did not think that Qin double theoretically understood the heavens. Not weaker than her.

Where does she know that Qin’s state of mind has reached the fourth floor of Da Luo Jinxian, and most importantly, she has the inheritance of the blood piano, often just picking a few words from the inheritance, and let Kong Ling ponder for a long time. .

"Your cultivation is really the fourth peak of Luo Tianshang?" Kong Ling asked in surprise.

"Repair is definitely." Qin double shallow channel: "But my understanding of Heaven is higher than my cultivation. As long as my Yuanshen and Xianyuan force are accumulated enough, it is only a matter of time before breaking through to Da Luo Jinxian. There will be a bottleneck."

"Where is just Da Luo Jinxian!" Kong Ling smiled bitterly: "I feel that your understanding of Heaven is no weaker than me. Just give you time, you will catch up with my realm in a short time."

"Where is it so easy!" Qin double humbly said, then asked: "The patriarch, have you left Tianlin?"

"No!" Kong Ling’s face showed a color to the king: "When I was young, I was appointed as a minority patriarch, and then I broke into the Da Luo Jinxian, and became the family patriarch. I did not Before the patriarch’s position passed, I could not leave Tianlin.

However, it is fast! ”

Kong Ling’s face showed a smile: "The family's young patriarch, Kong Shaohui, is now the ninth-level peak of Luo Tianshang. When he breaks through Da Luo Jinxian, I can leave Tianlin. Right, from the interstellar The flying boat arrived at Tianlinxing. There are still two years. Have you broken me through Dalu Jinxian?"

"Almost!" Qin doubled down.

"Would you leave Tianlin? Well, I think you will practice in Tianlin for a while, and wait until the next interplanetary arrival, you will leave. Outside... very dangerous."

Qin double shook his head and said: "If I can break through Da Luo Jinxian before the arrival of the Starship, I still want to leave Tianlin and go out."

“It’s not easy!” Kong Ling frowned slightly: “Now we are shrinking in the corner of the East, far away from Star City. So, the time left for you is only one and a half years, then you need half a year, Go to Star City.

And on this road, it will be full of danger. The Yaozu will never let us safely reach Star City. Although, we vomit, will be protected by the heavens, the monks above the nine days of Xuan Xian are not allowed to shoot us, but the Yao Luo Jinxian will be shot to us. And the Yaozu are very despicable, they will use a lot of Luo Tianshangxian and Tianxian period to attack us. If you just broke through Da Luo Jinxian, I am afraid it is very difficult to go to Star City, it is simply a road to killing, paved with blood. road. ”

Qin double closed his eyes, and after opening his eyes, he opened his eyes and his eyes glowed.

"Then I have to try it!"

Kong Ling deeply looked at the piano double eye, and was able to take the third layer of Luo Tianshang to the twenty-fifth floor. This minimum strength is equivalent to the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, which has already surpassed her Kong Ling, if Qin Double really broke through to Da Luo Jinxian in a year and a half...


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