Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1371: Leaving the second floor

When the words fell, the Lord shook his sleeves, and the two felt a whirlwind. When they saw the surrounding scenery, they found themselves standing at the gate of the city.

"How to do?"

It turned into grief and embarrassment to the arrogant look. The grief is that the ancestors of the family have fallen here. What is embarrassing is that they have seen the power of the demon Lord. He does not know how to resist.

Qin Double took a deep breath: "We must immediately rush to the transmission array, where the transmission will be destroyed, no longer let the monks enter the second floor, to provide blood to the Lord.

Judging from the current state of the devil, it seems that he has not been able to leave here, or that he can leave here, but it is too expensive for him to lose. Therefore, as long as no monk enters the second floor, he can slow down his recovery. And we go out from the secret road that leads to the first floor. ”

"That is the channel left by the Lord. If he can stay, he can seal it."

"He won't seal." Qin said with a sigh: "He is confident that I will come back and ask him to set up a big line for him. So even if I destroy the transmission line, he will let me go."

"You..." is full of anxiety on the face of arrogance: "Do you really have the fourth way to cultivate the magic heart in your heart?"

"Yes! And I don't know how long I can suppress this idea." The doubles flew in the direction of the transmission array. Said with a dignified look:

"To brother, if I am enchanted in the future, and you have a chance, you must kill me."

To the moment of arrogance, nodded: "I will, if I completely break into the magic road in the future, you must also kill me decisively."

"I will. I am afraid that my situation is worse than you. No wonder the Lord is just giving you the top three in the magic. Once the magic is cultivated to the third level, the magic will be screamed every moment. You have the idea of ​​cultivating the fourth weight, and I suppress it very hard."

"What should I do?"

"Only take a step and take a step."


Qin Shuanghe Xiangjiao two people fell in front of the transmission array, the piano doubled a punch, blasted off a corner of the transmission array, and then spit out a long breath.

"let's go!"

Two people flew up and flew away to the secret passage. The piano released a void beetle to explore the surrounding conditions.

"Piano double, there are people on the second floor?"

"There should be, but there will never be more. If there are no other monks entering, then there will be a few of the immortals and the immortals. Even if there are monks entering, there will be no more than a dozen. After all, The transmission array has just been fixed and there are not many people who know it. They are still looking for opportunities on the first floor."

Speaking of this, Qin double sighed a sigh: "These people can only ask for more blessings. Even if these people are finally absorbed by the Lord, the number is too small, and the recovery of the Lord is not much help. I am afraid it is not as good as the blood of a nine-day Xuanxian."

Having said that, the two people suddenly silenced. Ten nine-day Xuan Xian have died here, so that the entire Tianlin Star has two nine-day Xuan Xian, one is the Terran, and the other is the Yaozu. At this time, they are in the river of the first layer. The strength of Tianlin Star has deteriorated to the lowest level.

"Qin double, how do we go back?"

"Can't say!" Qin doubled his head and said: "On the one hand, even if we say it, those monks may not believe it. Do you believe that ten nine-day Xuan Xian will be blown away by one breath? Instead, they will attract them to the first The second floor, although we will destroy the transmission matrix, but who can guarantee that between the first layer and the second layer, will the devil create an open channel? In that case, even if we did not give him a big array, He is also able to continuously absorb the blood of the monks and recover. In the second aspect, ten nine-day Xuan Xian are dead, but the two of us are back, which can't be explained. Let us disclose our two demons. ?"


"Even if it is public, what good is it for Tianlin? So, after we go back, you immediately leave the secret, just when you have never been here, and don't tell anyone that you have been here to experience ordinary life. , to cultivate heart."

"how about you?"

"I will not reveal the things I have been to the second floor. Now, apart from you, no one knows that I have been to the second floor. I will go to find them, then return to Xiangjiacheng and find ways to suppress the magic. heart."

"Then my mother..."

"I will go and see, but I am not sure."

Two people came to the secret passage. After Qin Qin practiced the magic, he also sensed the secret passage. He extended his hand to run the magic power, and a magic word appeared in the palm of his hand. A black vortex appeared and two people stepped into the black vortex.


Two people flew out of the lake and landed on the shore. Looking at the piano and praising the road: "Qin double, I went to live in the hometown, my mother's things will get rid of you."

"Well! I try my best! I will contact you when I arrive."

When the words fell, the two exchanged the message of the jade, and they greeted the piano with a deep ritual:

"Thank you!"

Qin Double Ceremony: "Repair!"

"I understand, take care!"

Starting from the arrogant flying, the piano looked at the back of the arrogant disappearance, the look suddenly ugly, did not meet the strong anxiety, her condition is very bad. On the one hand, the negative emotions radiated by the magic heart constantly impact her heart, so that she is resisting all the time.

The sound of Haoran is consumed all the time, and the white tiger **** in the heart of the heart is playing Longfengming all the time. On the other hand, the scream of the magic heart exudes all the time, so that Qin double has an idea that he is eager to go back and ask the magic master to teach her to practice the fourth heavy work of the magic.

A heart, but to suppress two kinds of attacks, and the piano is still very clear in the heart, the more it is suppressed, the more it is suppressed, the more violent the rebound, and finally it can not be completely suppressed, the collapse is certain.

"Can't go on like this!"

Qin Shuang's heart turned, suddenly, double slamming, the town demon tower was moved back to the sea, and then took out a fragrant fruit, three mouths and two ate, a kind of cool in the heart shed, let the piano double mind clear . Although there is still a magical attack, and the impact of the thoughts, but the piano is inexplicably loose, as if contaminated with countless dirt, wiped a bit, although only wiped a bit, did not completely remove the dirt, but let The heart has a hint of translucent.

The double look of the piano is a joy.



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