Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1383: Sharpen the heart

"According to the original plan, go to the Yaozu experience. It must be used for a long time, the Terran and the Yaozu will go to war, and enter the Yaozu territory one step ahead, it can be regarded as a station."

With a decision in the heart of the piano, he went all the way to the land of the sky. Shrinking into the ground and walking on the earth, the mind is between the heavens and the earth, and there is no understanding of the heavens and the road all the time. Although this understanding is only a slight improvement, but the accumulation of time, the mood of Qin double is steadily improving.

Every time passing through the city, Qin double will also go to the restaurant teahouse to listen to the news of today's human race. Before she entered the land of the sun, she finally heard it. The Terran began to assemble, and the Confucius ancestors personally led the team to collect all the monks above the fairy period and launched a counterattack against the demon.

And while the Terran is still gathering, Qin double has stepped into the land of the sun.

As soon as I entered the land of the sun, an uncomfortable feeling swept through the body.

God's knowledge is inseparable from the body. This is undoubtedly a disguise for a monk who uses God's knowledge to explore.

And most importantly, even if the monk does not release the gods, the knowledge is extremely sensitive to everything that happens around him. For example, the monks spread the knowledge of the gods, just like countless eyes. Now the piano double loses the knowledge and extension, it is like no eyes. When the gods do not spread outside the body, the keen perception of the outside world is like the ear, but now this kind of hearing-like perception is also shielded in the body, just like losing the ear.

Therefore, any monk who entered the land of heaven fell from a cultivator to a mortal.

This mortal refers not only to the decline of strength, but also to the perception of the outside world, which is truly sudden and mortal.

Even if the piano double enters the land of the sky, it is still abnormally unsuitable.


The piano spit out a long breath, and the mind was moving, the fire field was released, and everything belonging to the monk came back.

Power, the perception of God, beyond the confidence of mortals...

Wait a minute, etc., all come back.

Last time in the land of the sun, she once saw Wu Xianjun release the field, and now she is finally able to release the field. It was only in this place where the sun was trapped, her field was suppressed so much that it could only release a radius of ten meters.

"This is already very good!"

Qin double whispered, with a field of outside, at least she can take out all kinds of supplies from the town demon tower, or the storage ring at any time...


Qin double suddenly remembered the days when he used to be in the mainland of the warrior, and he only practiced martial arts, but did not practice the days of the Fa.

"The land is trapped!" Qin double looked up into the air: "As if I had returned to a weak time! In this land, I lost all my feelings, as if I changed back to the original Tianqin town. Look, I don’t know why this place will make the monk so?


This is indeed to return to the mortal! ”

Qin double closed his eyes! The experience of rising from a weaker point is replayed in the mind.


From the mortal step into the cultivation world, it is undoubtedly a kind of broken butterfly! The piano doubles back to the moment when she broke into a butterfly, and the heart surged!


The piano double spit out a sigh of relief, and the heart seemed to give birth to a hint of embarrassment.

"Maybe I lost everything, let me return to the mortal, I will have a hard time on my heart."

Qinqin suddenly became interested in the burgeoning, looking to the depths of the land, the twins shine. Step by step toward the depths, the body gradually drowns in the land of the sky.

She is really walking step by step, without shrinking into the inch, one step at a time, walking on the ground in a down-to-earth manner, to perceive this piece of heaven and earth. Although the land of depression has blocked everything in her, so that she does not have the slightest perception, but she still uses the mortal attitude to perceive this piece of heaven and earth.

From this moment, even if there is still a fairy power in her body, she still walks like a mortal in the land of the sky, and even does not release the field. She takes a little food from the storage ring and the town demon tower. With their own hands, the monsters that hunted the land of the trapeze, even if they took the fire, were all fired like fire, like a real mortal.

During this period, when fighting with the monsters, the double pair of pianos used their own hands, and even the phoenix sword behind them was useless. Although the land of the sun is blocking everything in her, the strength and strength of your body cannot be shielded. With a pair of fists, Qin double solved his own food and clothing.

However, although the body strength of the piano pair does not hurt her, even if the claws of the monster are photographed on her body, it does not hurt her body. She is like a strong man in a mortal world, but her clothes. Still being torn by the cockroach. The claws of the beast can't hurt her body, but they can tear her clothes. And her perception disappeared, so that she could not prevent it from happening, especially when she encountered some extremely fast monsters or hidden beasts, and her sudden attack would make her feel confused. Losing her perception, she is like a stupid idiot, just a day, the clothes on her body become cloth.

Even so, she did not use the field, take out the clothes in the storage ring, but take the material on the spot, simply made the hunted demon skin into clothes and put it on her body.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

The piano double is like a savage. Her direction has changed. It is no longer straight through the direction of the land of the sun. Instead, she walks freely in the land of the sun and walks with her heart.

Gradually, she has a hint of perception, in the fight with the monster, she can have a hint of the direction of the attack of the monster, even if the speed of the monster is faster.

Gradually, she had a glimpse of the hidden monsters who were preparing to attack her suddenly. When entering a dangerous area, there was a bit of vigilance in advance.

This is not what the eye sees, nor what the ear hears, nor is it perceived by the gods or the soul.

That is a perception of the mind!

This day.

She walked a forest, and as soon as she stepped into the forest, a warning sign was raised in her heart. The piano stopped her footsteps, closed her eyes, and used her heart to perceive the direction of the warning.



She is able to perceive the danger and the perceived direction and distance in this deep forest.


The piano spit out a long breath, opened his eyes, shook his head slightly, his eyes became shining, and he walked toward the forest.


A two-meter-thick python was in the middle of the road, raising his head, two bell-like eyes, with endless oppression, looking at her.


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