Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1408: Blood cave

Suddenly, the eyebrows rose, and he felt the mystery...

At this time, Ouyang Yin, Wang Dan, and Lu Tingfang did not realize the spirit, but they felt a faint direction and immediately immersed themselves in comprehension.

At this time, no matter the human peak, or the monk on the demon peak, no monk thought. At this time, there were monks who realized the mystery. Everyone was immersed in the comprehension. No one except Ouyang Yin’s four people found the piano. The pair has begun to climb upwards.

11,000 kilometers.

One thousand two kilometers.

One thousand three kilometers.

When the piano doubled out of 13,000 kilometers, even if the piano double released the mysterious, it felt the pressure. However, Qin double is not surprised, she found that in the scope of her sacred cage, the hard mountain becomes soft and elastic, as if the skin is normal. From the place where it looks like the skin, there is a mysterious exudation, and the mystery of the piano double resonates. And it is obvious that the silky mystery that comes out is higher than the realm of the piano.

Qin double immediately sat on his knees, letting his mysterious Xuanhe's fingers radiate the mysterious resonance and comprehend the mystery.

Unconsciously, Qin double took out a December fruit to eat...

Unconsciously, the position of the piano double is a little bit ahead...

A month later.

The position of the piano double has been sitting for 14 kilometers. Under her ass, the hard mountain becomes soft and elastic, and a trace of mystery exudes from the soft and elastic mountain. The layer of parcels, and the mystery of the Qin double resonance, in the Qin double still has eleven times the comprehension, the realm of Xuan has finally risen to the fourth.

Qinqin looked up and looked at it. After another kilometer or so, he reached the peak, and he could not help but frown a little, and there was a disappointment in his eyes.

"It seems that even if you are on the peak, only the mysterious five. The master of this finger only understands the mysterious five weights, or because this finger has been cut off for too long, Xuan has already spilled away? Only the rest Xuan Wuzhong?"

Thinking of this, Qin double suddenly laughed, and he was too greedy. It is already a surprise to be able to understand the mysterious five-fold here.

She did not climb up immediately, looking back down the mountain, seeing Ouyang Yin, Wang Dan, Lu Tingfang and Xiang Lie have moved forward, but this time it is not Ouyang Yin in front, but in front of the fierce. At this time, the Xiangli was about 10,000 to 100 meters, that is, just two meters away from the second, and behind them were Ouyang Yin, Wang Dan and Lu Tingfang. The distance between the four people was not Big.

Looking at the opposite demon peak, the battle is still sitting in the same place, it seems that there is no slight understanding of Xuan.

Qin double turned her head and closed her eyes. She decided to try again to merge the knot method.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Ten days.

Qin double opened his eyes in shock, and the piano was not surprised at the way that he could quickly fuse the knots. Because he had already experimented here, after comprehending the mystery, he in turn merged the Tao. It will become very simple and fast. She was surprised that she had already realized the mysterious three-foldness, and only merged the 30-year-old method of the knot-bearing period. Now that she has realized the mysterious four-fold, it is possible to integrate the knot method of the knot to 40%.

However, she never imagined that once she realized the mysterious four, the degree of fusion of the Taoist law doubled, and the piano double blended with 60%, plus the 30% of the previous comprehension, the Qin double has already been completed. The Taoist method has learned 90%.

“Why is this?” Qin’s double-mindedness has a color of thinking: “It must be like this. Before the mysterious triple, it was just the beginning of Xuan. And Xuan Sizhong entered the middle of Xuan, and doubled the effect of the fusion method.


It must be like this! ”

Qin double looked excitedly ahead. If I realized the mysterious five weights, wouldn't I be able to fully integrate the Taoist method?

Qin Qin doubled up in excitement, and now has eleven times the comprehension, and has the human peak and his own mysterious resonance, so that the mysterious world is clearly displayed in front of himself, and it is not difficult to realize that the mysterious five is heavy.

Qin double immediately penetrated into the comprehension, time passed, the position of the piano double moved up a little, behind her, Ouyang Yin four people also moved up a little, and at the second knuckle horizontal stripes More and more monks, even some people have already crossed the second knuckles, sitting cross-legged half a meter away from the second knuckles, but no one can understand the mysterious, can make another half step. These people did not get the eight-character mantra of the double "Xuanzhi and Xuan, the door of the wonderful things", and they could not touch the veil of Xuan, but the Taihuo on the peak of the demon world still did not realize the slightest.

Twenty-six days have elapsed since time, and Qin Double has finally arrived at the peak of the human world.

At this moment, she realized the mysterious five-fold, and because of the promotion of Xuan, her morality was elevated to the eighth floor of Da Luo Jinxian. Once again, the distance from the magic is opened. And her cultivation is also unconsciously reaching the peak of the tenth layer of Luo Tianshang.


Just sitting in the peak of the human body, the moment of comprehending the mysterious five-fold, the whole human peak suddenly shook, and the mysterious atmosphere on the whole human peak converges, and the whole mountain becomes ordinary. There is no such thing as a constant pressure, just like an ordinary mountain.


Then the whole mountain began to become soft and elastic, more like a finger.


All the monks looked a glimpse, and then looked up and saw the doubles above the peaks, one by one, and stood up and swept toward the peaks.


Qinqin suddenly jumped from the state of sitting on the ground, looked down and saw where she was sitting, actually began to wriggle, and then revealed a hole, this is a primitive hole, the blood in the hole, blood vessels Raised.

"This..." Qin Qin was shocked.


A strip of people rushed to the peak, and their eyes fell on the blood hole.

"Is this... Is the human boundary really a finger? The finger is smashed and dropped into the dust, turned into a rock, and now the rock is restored to flesh and blood?"

Ouyang Yin shocked and said, Wang Dan’s heart jumped: “Does this finger have the knowledge of the original owner?”

The piano double feels the coldness of the tail vertebrae, the scalp that has been licking, and the entire scalp numb. There is a lot of uneasiness in my heart.

"Maybe this finger is long and deep, and he has born a god." Lu Tingfang whispered.

He rubbed his feet twice and felt the softness and elasticity of his feet:

"The rocks of the entire human peak have been restored to their fingers."


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