Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1422: Fierce

"Strong! The twenty-first move, I was hurt and vomiting blood, using the secret method to escape."

"Qin double, have you had a few moves with the Tai?" No one asked Qinqin, and asked the singer to listen to the double, whispered.

"Two tricks!"

Xiang Lie no longer asked, and no one else asked for the desire of Qin.

One and the Tai fights twenty-one strokes, and one fights only two strokes.

What else can I ask?

However, everybody has a thought in mind, and the ability of this piano to escape is very strong.

Lu Tingfang looked at the piano and saw the thought that Qin double did not tell, and closed his mouth.

Qin double is not the loss of two strokes, but after two moves, the battle of heaven is the first to retreat.

Extremely far away.

Suddenly the demon cloud rolled, and the demon swayed, like a thousand horses, rolling in. In the Taiji battle, I walked slowly, came slowly, and looked at the monks. A demon monk has risen up and fell behind the Taizheng, a pair of etheric war horses are the attitude.

The sound of leisurely sounds from the mouth of the Taizheng: "Is everyone around the Taoist friends, almost all come together? Just so that I will look around for you, one by one. You will really think for me, thank you, hahaha..."

Confucius and Confucius have a stronger sense of war and murderous. Kong Tianyang said:

"Too fight, today is your last day."

Ouyang Yin, Wang Dan and Xiang Lie also fought in the sky. Ouyang Yin sighed: "Too much war, you dare to swallow my native monk, you will kill you today, revenge for the human race."

Too much war, I laughed and said, "Kong Tian and Kong Tong are not my opponents. Let's go together."

"Kill you, I am enough!" Wang Dan took a step forward.

"Wang Dan is the challenge that my brother and I first made to the Taiyuan War." Kong Tianyang said.

Ouyang Yin took a step back and said that he would not fight for it, but the war was still rushing. Xiang Lie also had a high degree of war, and he was able to compete with the demon's top ten list, which made his emotions very exciting.

Only Qinshuang and Lu Tingfang did not have half of the war, and the two of them would be introverted, surrounded by the whole body, ready to burst out. But the surface is very calm.

Because both of them know the strength of the war.

The gaze of the war was over, and I looked at Lu Tingfang and Qin Shuang. I laughed and said: "Lu Daoyou, Qin Daoyou, don't come innocent!"

Lu Tingfang glanced at him: "Take your blessing, innocent."

"Oh..." The Taishui looked at the piano pair, and the piano double smiled: "Innocent! It’s too brother-in-law, dare to face the seven of us, and the piano double admire."

Listening to this statement, Ouyang Yin slightly frowned, Wang Dan flashed a contempt in the eyes, to the fierce look of the fierce look, Lu Tingfang appeared in the eyes of admiration, understand that this is the psychological pressure of Qin double.

However, Kong Tian’s voice suddenly rose: “Too fight, you don’t have to fear to escape. Today, my Confucius brothers will meet you for a while.”

"Idiot!" Lu Tingfang could not help but whisper.


Ouyang Yin, Wang Dan and Xiang Lie couldn't help but look at Lu Tingfang. I don't understand why Lu Tingfang suddenly took out the two words.

"Is he in the hole and the hole?"

"Ha ha ha..."

The Taichao suddenly burst into laughter and stepped out. It was already in front of Kong Tian and Kong Tong. He punched Kong Tian with a fist and grabbed Kong Tong with one claw.

"Well!" Qin double eyes and jumped, whispered.

At this time, Ouyang Yin, Wang Dan and Xiang Lie also looked dignified. When the battle was over, the three of them realized the power of the Taishi.


Kong Tian clearly saw the fist of the Taizhen bombardment. In his imagination, he could have dozens of ways to fight back or get rid of it.

However, when this fist came out, Kong Tian’s face changed. He found that he did not have dozens of methods, only one method, that is to fight with the fist.

At that moment, Kong Tian felt that he was completely covered by the fist, there is no space to escape, there is no possibility of getting rid of, there is only one way, that is to fight hard with each other.


He took a deep breath and punched the other side against the other side, exploding all his potential. On the other hand, Kong Tong felt that he was completely covered by a paw of the Taishou War. There was no space to escape. He sacrificed a long sword and went to the big hand.

Kong Tian’s fist first collided with the fist of the Taishi War. It was only an instant, Kong Tian’s fist, arm, and then the body was shattered.


The other hand of the Taiji battle suddenly popped up and slammed into the long sword of Kong Tong, flying the long sword of Kong Tong and pinching the hole in his hand.


Kong’s body was crushed, and when the battle was over, the blood and the two gods of the sky were sucked into the mouth. Then I turned to look at it, and the fierce eyes were like the essence, drawing an arc in the air.

Ouyang Yin and Wang Dan were in the middle of a jump, and the fierce eyes of the Taishi gave them two great pressures.

However, the two people are still not convinced, and do not feel that they are weaker than the Taishi.


Wang Dan offered a long whip and went to the battlefield. He shouted:

"Too fight, I am going to fight you."


A whip rushed toward the Taihuo, and the whip instantly burstped several tens of feet, like a giant pillar, sweeping over the battle.

There was a steamer in the hands of the Taishi, and the long whip smashed the past.


The steamer collided with the long whip, and the front end of the long whip suddenly circled into a circle, and turned toward the head of the Taizheng.

The Taishou raised his hand and grabbed the whip ring. The whip circle suddenly collapsed, and the whip tip bounced like a meteor hammer to the wrist of the Taishi.

The battle was overwhelming and greeted the tip of the whip. The whip tip suddenly rose and retracted, like a dragon looking up. Then slammed forward and forward.

The long whip is straight, like a big gun with a length of dozens of feet.

The steamer in the right hand of the Taishou traverses. At the moment when the long whip passes through the steamer, the steamer suddenly turns sharply, twists the long whip, is twisted by the steamer, and the long whip is shortened rapidly. Pulling Wang Dan quickly approached the front of the Taizheng.

Stepping out of the battle, Wang Dan, a palm, inserted into the heart of Wang Dan.

Wang Dan Li Zhang like a knife, smashed the past toward the palm of the Taizheng.


The two men's palms collided, and a circle of white light spread rapidly around the circumference.


The earth between the two people broke into a gap and spread sharply.


Wang Dan spurted his nose and nose, and the flesh and blood on his palm collapsed, revealing the white bones of the forest. The figure was like a projectile flying backwards, and the long whip went out from the vulture in his hand and brought the flesh and blood of his palm.


When the battle was taken one step at a time, it took a few dozen feet and went to Wang Dan.



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