Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1433: breakthrough

Now the demon of the Yaozu finally appeared, so all the Yaozu soon gathered around like no phase. However, because there are too many Da Luojinxian in the fall of the human world, there are only twenty-one Da Luojinxian, and they are still in the early to late peaks. Even after Luo Tianshang experienced the casualties of the human peak, it is now less than five hundred.

However, the Yaozu did not worry, because the Yaozu suffered heavy casualties in the human world, and the Terran was the same. Only the Terran 10th List was killed by five people, and the remaining five were missing. It is said that the peak of the people is chasing the five people, and maybe they are all killed by the human peak.

In this way, what do the Terrans still fight with the Yaozu?

The Yaozu can completely destroy the tens of millions of ethnic monks who have crossed the land of the sun. And as if there is no such thing as thinking about it, as long as he leads the demon to destroy the tens of millions of people, the position of the demon can not be shaken, even if it is a resurrection, even if he is not an opponent of the war, At that time, when he ascended to the top, there must be thousands of demons to besiege the Taishi, and the Taishi must die.

Tens of millions of demon monks quickly assembled, and the demon cloud came. When the Terran learned the news, it was inevitable that they would panic. Because Ouyang Yin and others have disappeared, the legend is dead.

Today, there are only eighteen people in the Dalu Jinxian, three fewer than the Yaozu, and Luo Tianxian is nearly one hundred less than the Yaozu.

How is this going?

At this time, the patriarchs of the five major families personally went into battle and formed an alliance to prepare for the **** battle with the demon.

Retreat is not able to retreat!

At this time, the Yaozu will definitely pursue the victory, and will cross the land of the heavens and break into the corner of the East. The final habitat of the Terran will disappear.

No one pays attention to the demon peak, and the Ouyang Yin four people on the demon peak are caught in a deep level of understanding, and they do not know what is happening outside the demon world.

Also in the deeper level of understanding is the Qin double, with the help of the December fruit, she finally captured the thin nine-day Xuanxian level of heaven in a month and a half.

In this way, even if it is not far from the battlefield, I do not know that the war between the Terran and the Yaozu has completely broken out.

This war is fierce and unusual. To Jin Ding and Ouyang Liang, Kong Ling and others know that with absolute strength, it is not the opponent of the Yaozu. I am afraid that if it persists for less than half a month, the Terran will collapse across the board. Therefore, before the demon family came, they put thousands of people into a big array.

A large array that can be defended and attackable.

Gossip locks the sky!

When the demon squadrons came, it was natural to see that the Terran had laid a large array. Although they did not know what it was, the Yaozu were not stupid. They would not directly enter the Eight Diagrams Locks, but by thousands. The Wan Yaozu monks formed a large array of their inheritance memories.

Wan Yao Dafa!

The Wan Yao Da Gu will lock the Eight Diagrams of Heaven in the middle, and the layers of the people will kill the Terran monks.

However, this gossip lockup is the Lujia's township formation. Although the Lu family did not pass the core of the gossip lock to the monks, they only need to know how to walk. Moreover, Lujia divided tens of millions of monks into eight brigades, each of which was hosted by thousands of Lujia monks. The Lu family chief personally hosted the central line of the Eight Diagrams Locks, waving the flag, and the gossip locks smoothly. .

Wan Yao Dafa, in the inheritance of the Yaozu, has a long history, its power is extremely powerful, and at this time the strength of the Yaozu itself must surpass the Terran, gradually suppressing the Eight Diagrams of the Terran Locks, the Eight Diagrams Lock Abandoned the attack and completely entered the defense state.

Looking from the air to the bottom, the middle is a large array of octagons, made up of tens of millions of monks. The gossip is running, and the fairy tales are pervasive. The whole big squad picks up a large chain, and the layers are criss-crossed in space. Formed a large bowl of inverted buckles, but this large bowl is made up of countless chains, against the attack of the Yaozu.

Beyond the Eight Diagrams Locks, it is a circle. This circle encloses the Eight Diagrams Locks in the middle, gathering all kinds of demon shapes in the sky, smashing and slamming, and constantly fighting against the Eight Diagrams Locks. Under the gathering of the Wan Yao Da, the power is multiplied, and the bombardment of the Eight Diagrams Day is faltering.

In the middle of the cave.

Qinqin felt that he had captured a heavenly road of nine days of Xuanxian, but that day, the road continued to break free, letting her suffer from controlling the heavenly road, but had no energy to comprehend. This state has lasted for more than a month, and it is the piano. The hearts of the two are also a little anxious. And the magic heart glared at her anxiety, constantly attacking the heart of the piano.

The heart is wilting, but the magic is growing.

Qin double is concentrating on controlling the heavenly road. This is what she can hardly find. If this heavenly road breaks away, Qin double does not know if it can capture another one?

The instinctual piano double took out the devil's secret and got the lotus swallow, the four great gods, and the big yang **** including the Taoist heart began to grow.







Qin double's knowledge of the sea, the sound of the sound of the singer, the glory of the sun, the five major gods and a large yang **** body flashing, like a fairyland, fairy rhyme like a flying.

Qin Shishuang’s four major gods and a large Yuanshen broke through the first layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian.

At this moment, the piano double seems to open a door and see a more magnificent world. The soul has never been transparent. Her gods and yang gods stepped into the nine-day Xuanxian, and entered the realm of Xuanxian, as if they had taken off the ordinary, and the gods of the gods and the gods revealed a mysterious atmosphere.

This is Xuan Xian!

However, it is only the Yuanshen and the Yangshen that the Qinshuang has broken through to the nine-day Xuanxian. There is no breakthrough in its cultivation. If it is a breakthrough to the nine-day Xuanxian, it is the real entry into the realm of the fairy, the soul of the Yuanshen. It is a fusion of the flesh and the body of Xuanxian.


The accumulation of the double vitality of the piano finally reached its peak at this moment, breaking through the bondage, and four sounds were heard in the body.

With a glimpse of the sea, the sea has doubled and is endless.

The four great gods reached ten feet, and the whole body shone.

The flaming red is the phoenix god. Flying in the sea, such as the great day.

The azure is the Xuanwu Yuanshen, sneak in the knowledge of the sea and Jiuyuan, and push the waves.

The golden one is the white tiger god, sitting in the golden hall, such as the emperor.

The blue color is the dragon god, turned into a giant tree, rooted in the golden palace.

The flaming light, the blue light, the golden light, and the blue light illuminate each other in the sea of ​​knowledge.

A Dantian, Dantian space expansion doubled.

The huge flesh is standing in the mist of the fairy, and it is mysterious.


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