Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1437: Devouring

The Dinghai sword among the two hands of the piano was smashed by the big demon's axe. The grade of the Dinghai sword was completely unsuitable for this level of smothering. Finally, under continuous collision, the smashed, the fragments spurred around. The big demon smashed the Dinghai sword, and sneaked into it, and the axe once again slammed into the piano pair.

The space seemed to be split by the axe, and a dark crack was formed, which made it feel like a pair of skin.

"The piano is coming!"

The crystal clear jade guqin instantly came out of the heart of the piano, and was dragged by the left hand of the piano. The right hand grabbed the seven strings on the piano and pulled it backwards.


The body of Qin double suddenly roared, and countless magic sounds sounded in the body, impacting the soul of Qin double, and the sound instantly became loud from small to small.

"Not good! Bloodsucker blood is awakened!"

Just for a moment, Qinqin felt his blood, and the blood of the bloodstains surged. A ring of buckles, like a typhoon, was growing rapidly, and at the same time, it began to lock the body of the piano.

Originally, you have just stripped the blood of the blood of the blood, and reduced the blood of the blood of the blood to the lowest level, which has no effect on the double.

However, at this moment, the blood of the Gorefiend broke out in an instant and became extremely powerful.


The magic suddenly burst into length, the magic is lingering, the magic sound is heavy, the magic prints flying, the magic seal constantly bombards the heart of the piano double, but the heavy magic print constantly impacts the Qinshen god.

"The Devil!"

The heart of the piano is amazed, this is the result of the cultivation of the demon body. The demon body is the magical martial art. It is suppressed by the lurking magical and **** demon blood. After the cultivation of the demon body, it is like pouring the nutrients into the blood of the demon heart, and finally reaches the critical point. Heart and blood demon blood broke out.

"This is where?"

Qin double turned around and found that there were no four big demons around, and there were no more tens of millions of demon and human monks in the distance. She seemed to be born in a dark and empty ink. .

Do not!

She seems to be in the darkness of the dark ink.

The darkness around the ink suddenly swayed, letting the piano see the rugged black lines, and then the surrounding scenery changed. She was born on an infinite continent.

Prosperous, solemn, brilliant...

Qin double does not know what words to use to describe the scene, each monk is very powerful, more powerful than the piano. Powerful that has not been seen. Qin Shuang’s heart could not help but panic.

"What is this place?"


"I am now at the Eagle Peak, how come here? All this is an illusion. Is the four big devils attacking me with a fantasy, or is the magic or blood of the bloodstain affecting me?"

Qinqin just thought of this, and saw the sky cracking countless huge mouths, countless strange, but very powerful creatures rushed out of the crack in the space.

Those creatures are so powerful that countless monks fight with strange creatures, and the monks in the film are constantly falling.

Qin double feels that some creatures are familiar, suddenly remembered that when he was in the mainland of the warriors, he once inexplicably entered a illusion, there is a long-term relationship, there is a guardian of the human race, and the attacking long-term is a strange creature like this .

"The smell of these creatures is somewhat familiar..."


The cracks in the space, with the strange creatures, seem to drive something outside the space. Blocks of large or small stones fall from the cracks. The stones are so heavy that they penetrate the monk's Tao. On the monk's body, the monk is alive and dead.

Qinqin looked stunned, not shocking the weight of the stone, but because she knew the stone. There is a piece in her town demon tower. It is the kind of stone that constantly exudes a mysterious force, and then is decomposed into a fairy power by the town demon tower.

"The stone in the town demon tower is like this..."


The huge roar, let the piano double spirits fall, could not help but fight a cold war, looked up, and saw countless monks with extremely large breaths rising into the sky, toward the heavens and the earth, a huge creature that almost obscured the sky shocked the past .

However, the huge creature is extremely powerful, so many of the great monks who screamed in the heart of the piano rushed to the creature, but they were suppressed by the creature, and they continued to kill those monks. The monks were like dumplings. Falling from the air.

Qin Qin suddenly stunned, suddenly violently said: "This is not true, this is a fantasy. Wake up!"


The huge roar drowned the violent drink of the piano pair, and the piano looked up and looked at it.

"Yu Tian?"

Then I saw a giant monk who was fighting with the horrible strange creature, and the monk was the one who had seen the obsession in the magical world of the warriors. When the piano doubled, it was sweating.

"If the sight is real, then I am... I have returned... hundreds of thousands of years ago?"

"Do not!"

"It must be an illusion! Wake up!"

"That is……"

Qin double saw a young man full of magical spirits, his look was shocked.

"It is the Lord of the Lord..."

The young man was the one who taught the two brothers to the piano and the arrogant.

At this point, I saw that the demon Lord said something to a young man who was equally enchanted. The young man looked firm and turned his back to the devil. In the moment when the demon devours the young man, the breath of his body soars and becomes more powerful.

A piece of magic shadow shrouded over, letting the piano double feel the boundless pressure. At this moment, her soul, the **** of the gods, were completely suppressed, and they could not move at all. Looking up, I saw the demon master standing in front of the piano double, snoring and shouting:

"Qin double, the world of catastrophe comes, the Bai people join hands, you let me swallow you, give you everything for the Baizu."

When the words fell, they saw that the devil advocated opening his mouth. The piano double felt that his body began to become smaller and flew toward the mouth of the demon Lord, and was eventually swallowed by the devil. Later, I felt that my soul, Yuanshen, Dantian, flesh and blood, all lost their feelings, as if they had not completely refining.

She seems to have nothing left and she has fallen.


I have not fallen!

If he and I are fallen, how can there be perception? ”


However, the piano doubles can't get the echo of the gods. So, it is not the gods that can keep themselves sane.


Still did not get a trace of response, so to speak, is not a god.

"what is that?"

Qinqin was in a hurry, she felt as if she had fallen into a dark hole, kept falling down, and this tunnel, which did not know how deep, seemed to be swallowing herself, so that she could be sober. A little bit disappeared.


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