Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1439: Counterattack

A rush of time has passed.


The verdant wood property Yuan Li has reached saturation.

Know the sea.

The Fire Dragon Yuanshen **** took over the White Tiger Yuanshen, while the White Tiger Yuanshen began to run the White Tiger Road, guiding the fairy power in the body on a large Sunday, pouring into the Dantian, the golden fairy power is becoming rich, Start to produce a piece of golden clouds.

Qinglong Yuanshen began to slowly accept the work, ready to take over the Xuanwu Yuanshen.

The piano **** of Qinshuang began to check his body.

With the completion of the completion of the wood properties and fire properties, the mana of the Qin double has been further enhanced, and both the explosive power and the reserves of Yuanli have doubled.

This is only one aspect. With the growth of mana, the musculoskeletal and blood vessels of Qin double have been improved, and the power that really broke out is definitely more than double.

Qin double can feel that his body has become more powerful. It was originally only the beginning of the ninth floor of Xuantian, and it has now climbed to the peak of the ninth floor. By the time when his own water properties and metallic strengths complete the breakthrough, Qin Double believes that his physical strength will break through the mid-ninth layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian.

She felt that her blood became more pure. Originally, because of the devil's body, it stimulated the blood of the blood demon, and made the blood of the blood demon grow stronger, making the blood of the body weak. However, the appearance of Gongdebei not only refining the blood of the blood demon to the thinnest extent, but also making the body of the piano double more pure and powerful.

The most exciting thing about Qin is that her heart has been honed in the eternal eternal, has been tempered, become stronger, more tough, reached the eighth layer of the Great Luo Jinxian, and is ready to break through to the ninth. Floor.

Above the Tao.

There are all kinds of lines, which are the lines of the avenue, full of mystery, swimming outside the heart, constantly purifying the blood in the heart, so that the blood of the piano is constantly stronger and more pure. .

However, when Qinqin saw the merits of the heroes in the sea, his heart was a sinking.

Gongde monument has lost a lot of money this time. It is only a quarter of the original size. She can’t help but think of the words of the devil. What if I really want to consume the merits?

"The merits are not omnipotent. It can't completely purify the Gorefiend, but it can only weaken it. It can't destroy the Devil, and it can only suppress it.

And when I was not born and died, the merits of the monument did not respond at all.

Everything depends on myself! ”


Qin double suddenly observed that his bones have already had a glimmer of light, and there is a tendency to change to jade bones. It's just that the speed of change is extremely slow.


Qin double saw his own heart, and also had a tendency to transform into jade color. The same is true of his own blood. Although there is only a very rare one, it is only a trend of jade, but this is undoubtedly good news.

It is necessary to know that the jade body of the Qin double cultivation is a quenching body, that is, the body is cultivated into a jade body. It has only been unsuccessful, and today it has finally transformed into a trace. This is the first step into the threshold of jade.

Although it is a small step, it is a big step from entering this threshold.

However, Qinqin still can't feel the benefits that this jade has brought to her. It is estimated that at least Yuchengcheng will be able to feel the real benefits.

The Yuanshen breakthrough, the two elements to complete the breakthrough, the body began to make jade, has a Taoist heart, plus the mysterious five weights, as long as you have a good fairy, killing these four big demon is enough.

Qin Shuangyang God returned to his place and his body was murderous.

The piano doubled up the Feng Yu sword, and fifteen water mine beads turned into a big sword, which was held in the hands by the piano. The sword was fifty feet long, and the sword had a trace of thunder.

"The soul burst!"

As the spirits of the evil spirits lead into the chapter of the soul explosion, like the four big demons without phase, they feel that their souls are ready to move, as if they are bursting. It takes more energy to suppress the soul.

"Five thunder!"


Countless Thunder descended from the sky and bombarded the heads of the four great demon. The four big demons have fought off the demon soldiers.

The piano dances with water and thunder, and the thunder of the sword shines, blending with the five thunders that fall down in the sky. It seems to be like no phase.

Starlight gather!

Hundreds of millions of stars sway and gather into Jackie Chan.

A star dragon screams and dances, and it radiates a starlight, and goes away like a non-phase bombardment.

"No phase!"

Like a phaseless offering, the demon soldier resisted five thunders, and one hand sent a palm to the star dragon. This palm was shot, and in front of him, everything lost its color and became black and white.

The star dragon smashed into black and white, and the cockroach disappeared instantly, and the starlight exploded and turned into black and white.

"No color, no phase!"

In the heart of the piano, there was a glimpse of the opposite face.


The two monks came up with these two words in their hearts.

The other three big demon, looking at the eyes of Qin double is full of fear. They never imagined that Qinqin was not only powerful, but also a violinist. He also had a treasure that could constantly release the supernatural powers. The book was too far away, and if it was turned over, it would be released.

Three heads and six arms, all kinds of magical powers, repairing the immortal, as it is.

Thousands of miles away, tens of millions of monks and demon monks in the fierce battle, can not help but look at this huge movement.

The piano and the body of the martial arts are ninety-seven feet tall, and the top of the sky is at the same time.

"Like no phase, die!"

This sound contains the soul-killing, and the rolling sound is rushing toward the image, and it blasts in the air. The sound is thousands of miles away.

The sound waves swayed into the squad, and went to the lockout of the Eight Diagrams, which was surrounded by the center. However, it was blocked by the tens of thousands of demons built by the tens of millions of demon monks, and because it was only a thousand miles away, it only hit half of the squad, and the power disappeared.

In the large demon squad, the lower monk monk was repaired by this sound, and the soul of the screaming screams of tens of thousands of demon monks, fell more than 20,000 demon monks.

"Good prestige!"

Wang Yuntong in the Eight Diagrams Locks is burning.

"The immortal is like this!"

To the star of the double star.


Like the four big demon murderous days, the eyes are like arrows, cutting to the piano double. Holding a big axe and swearing:

"Qin double, humble people, today let you kill you in front of tens of millions of people."

Qin double eyebrows raised: "Just by you? Who are you?"

The axe big demon was furious, and the big axe in his hand swallowed, and the anger spewed out of his mouth.

"I am..."

"You don't have to sign up." Qin doubled and looked at him: "I will die under my sword anyway, and the little person doesn't have to be named."


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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