Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1459: Expensive journey

Without him!

It is really too few people on the left side, only the two monks of Qinshuang and Qingmo. And the monks on the right side, regardless of the Terran or the demon monk, saw the Qinshuang and Qingmo at this time, all of them gave gifts, and the noisy voice became quiet.

On the top of the flying boat, on the railings of the layers, some monks were squatting, looking down at the Qinshuang and Qingmo. The face of the old man behind the left table shows a strange color:

"On both of you?"

Qin Shuang and Qing Mo looked at each other and the piano double remained silent. The eyes that looked to Qing Mo are clearly defined. You are high and you answer. Qingmo looked helplessly at the piano and then politely replied:

"Predecessors, Tianlin Xingren and Yaozu have just erupted two ethnic wars, so..."

The old man behind the table, and the monks who were kneeling on the railing, understood that the big Luo Jinxian on the Tianlin Star should not be dead or injured.

"On both of you?" asked the old man.


Qingmo nodded, he and Qin double tacitly did not mention the demon peak, that is the opportunity of the Tianlin, once these foreign monks know, I am afraid it will lead to a chaos.

The old man shook his head, and there was a regret on his face that he couldn’t make any money.

"Where are you going?"

He went directly to ask Qingmo, but did not ask the piano pair in front of him. The piano was moving in both hearts. It seems that this is because Qingmo’s cultivation is higher than himself. From this point, it can be seen that the outside world only looks at the strength. It is more cruel than Tianlin. Qinqin immediately took a step back and gave the position to Qingmo. She has made up her mind and kept a low profile.

"I am going to Zulongxing."

"Go to the Dragon Star!" The old man, because he had only two people on his side, also had patience and said nothing:

"There is only one way to go to Zulongxing."

"Also ask the seniors to advise!" Qingmo hurriedly prayed.

"Idle is also idle!" The old man waved his hand: "The whole spiritual world is a piece of stars, you know?"

"Yeah!" Qingmo nodded quickly.

"The whole star field is divided into three levels. The more you go to the middle, the better the cultivation environment and the more prosperous. The more you go to the edge, the worse the cultivation environment. For example, you are at the edge of the sky, for many thousand years, There is no one-day Xuanxian."

Both the eyes of Qingmo and Qinshuang have a sly color. The old man continued:

"The three levels are the inner star field, the middle star field and the outer star field. The inner star field is the middle star field, and the outer star field is the star field like the edge of your astronaut. The middle star field is between The star domain between the inner and outer stars.

Of course, the three stars are also hierarchical.

For example, the inner star domain is composed of thirteen stars. The best in the cultivation environment is the star field in the middle, called the star field. The second is the four major stars around the star field, and the dragon star that this kid is going to is one of the stars in the four stars.

There are eight major stars outside the four stars, and the cultivation environment is slightly worse than the four stars.

The mid-star domain is also divided into three levels, consisting of about three thousand stars, each of which has countless stars. The outer star field is about 10,000 stars, and it is divided into three levels. The more you go, the better the cultivation environment. Your Tianlin star is the lower star field in the alien domain, and the middle star of the alien domain. Domain and upper star domain.

Both the inner and middle stars have interplanetary transmissions, so in general, there are no interstellar boats in the inner and middle stars. Or to say, there is no such a long-distance interplanetary boat like us. There is no transmission array in the alien domain, so we will have our interstellar boat.

For our starship, let’s start from the starry field of one of the upper stars of the alien domain and come to your Tianlin, where the monks who want to go to the Zhongxing domain will board the ship. Then we left Tianlin, and we will take another route, bring a group of monks, and finally stop at the Xuanhuangxing. The Xuanhuangxing domain is your destination. ”

"Xuanhuang Xingyu?"

“Yeah!” The old man nodded: “The Xuanhuang Xingyu is the outermost part of the Zhongxing domain. We will stop at Baoyuxing. If you go to the alien field of the flying boat, the flying boat can take you directly, but you want Going to the Zulongxing, you will only be at the end of the Xuanhuangxing, and then take the transmission array to the Zulongxing. So, you are taking the whole journey, you need 10 million top grades.

Of course, this is only the price of the first layer. There are five layers in the flying boat. Each level is added, and 10 million top grades are added. Which floor do you live in? ”

Qin double and Qing ink heard this price, but the heart was a pumping, but there was no change in the face. Qin double has learned the price from Wanjie Commercial Bank, and I hope that Qingmo also has a channel for him to know the news.

Qingmo immediately took out a storage ring and handed it over. The old man took the storage ring and glanced at it. He shook his head and handed a bracelet to Qingmo.

"This is your proof of identity, or it can be said that your ticket, don't lose it. There is your room number on the first floor, go find it yourself."

“Thank you for your predecessors.” Qing Mo put the bracelet on his wrist.

The old man may have received the fairy crystal, and his heart is happy. It may also be because the two people, Qinqin and Qingmo, are very bored, and they add another green ink:

"Kid, you'd better prepare some fairy crystals in this month. Or you can exchange the treasures of Xianjing."

“Why?” Qing Mo asked inexplicably.

"Ride in the transmission array!" The old man said: "You are going to the Zulongxing, Zulongxing wants the inner star field, so you have to take the star field to transmit the array.

Why do we dock the flying boat in Xuanhuangxing? Just because the mysterious yellow star has a star field transmission array, you have to take the star field transmission array to reach the purple crown star field in the inner star field. The star field transmission array of the purple crown star field is in the purple crown star, then you have to take the interstellar transmission array. I count it, you have to change to the seventeen interplanetary transmission arrays before you can reach the Zulongxing.

The price of a transmission array is about one million top grades, and you have to take 17 times, which is 17 million top grades. But this is not a big head, the big head is the star field transmission array. You need to cross the five star fields from the Xuanhuangxing domain to the purple crown star field. It is a tens of millions of top grades in a star field transmission array. That is to say, you need to prepare 50 million top grades. Together with 17 million, you need a total of 57 million top grades. ”

Qingmo’s face was green at the time. Although he was equipped with 70 million top grades, it was enough to travel. But there is almost no fairy crystal for cultivation. There are a total of 13 million top grades, which sounds a lot, but a monk like the Da Luo Jinxian realm, with the cultivation of Xianjing, the 13 million top grade Xianjing, it is barely enough for two months to cultivate. And I also handed over 10 million top grades, so I left 3 million top grades.


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket! *


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