Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1463: Foreseeable dilemma

That star force could not be absorbed at all and entered Dantian. However, in order to cultivate the swords of the big Sunday, she opened up a hundred and eight holes, not only able to absorb the fairy power, but also absorb the star power. The most important thing is that Qin double observes his own acupoints, and those who absorb the acupoints are slowly being transformed into star power by the star power in the cave.

That is to say, the practice of Qin double cultivation is no different from other monks. It is to absorb the scent of the sage, and then run in the body for a large Sunday, transforming into a fairy power, and infusing it into Dantian. This process did not help her through the hole. Originally, Qinqin thought that he had opened up 108 rounds of acupuncture points, would it be equivalent to one hundred and eight small Dantians, and now he is not more of a fairy power than other monks?

If you fight with other monks, will it be more durable?


It’s not the case at all!

When the piano is cultivated, it absorbs the scent of the body into the body, runs for a large week, and then completely infused into Dantian, as if the piano double did not open up a hole. Moreover, the star power in the cavern will not be used because of the battle, the celestial power in Dantian is exhausted, and instead of Dantian, Xianyuan is provided.

However, Qin double can use the star power in the hole to attack. In the view of Qin double, Dan Tian is a kind of practice of Qin double cultivation, and the hole is a way of her cultivation.

The two are not at all bound! Do not interfere with each other, and do not help each other.

If Qin Double wants to cultivate the star power in the hole, he has to look at the starry sky, otherwise he will not want to add a little star power. However, Qin Shuangping did not have time to look at it, so the star force was absorbed intermittently. Up to now, the star power in each hole has not reached one-fifth. This is why Qinqin has never released Starpower in battle. The reason, because she feels that the star power is insufficient.

However, she suddenly found out today that the starry beast's flesh contained star power, albeit weak. But Qin double understands that this should be the starry animal class that he eats is very low.


Because this is on the first floor, it is estimated that the higher the level of the starry beast, the higher the star power contained in the meat.

"Good things! It's too expensive!"

In this way, the Qin double did not speak at all, eating the starry beast meat in a big mouth, and the disk broke through the sky and Qingmo saw it, and rushed to eat it. Four dishes, less than a quarter of an hour, were robbed by three monks.

Looking at the four empty plates, the three monks were elegant again, each with a glass of wine and a shallow drink. Let’s break the sky, let’s say:

"How? This starry beast is good?"

Qingmo nodded: "Yes, it's just that the energy of the rising **** is too weak. And it's too expensive, not worthwhile."

"Can't say that." The disk broke the sky and shook his head: "The starfish we eat is very low grade. If you can be on the fifth floor, it will feel completely different. If you have enough fairy crystals, buy high quality every day. Starry beasts eat, your realm of the gods will increase rapidly. The most important thing is that there will be erysipelas in eating medicinal herbs, but there is no sequelae in eating starry animal meat.

Oh, I can't say that there are no aftereffects. ”

“What are the aftereffects?” Qingmo’s face changed.

"Did you find that there is star power in the starry beast?"

"Well, I found out." Qing ink nodded: "It is automatically released outside the body."

"Yes, it's this kind of star power. The starry animal we eat is too low, so this star power is also weak, it doesn't hurt our body. And we just ate it once. But if you eat it often, and If you are eating high-quality starry animal meat, then Star Power will be very overbearing, and it will hurt your body during the process of automatically emitting it outside the body.

However, this is for the poor of us, for the rich, this is not a bad thing, but a benefit. Because they can afford a lot of remedies to repair the body, so Star Power is a way for them to quench their bodies. ”

In the heart of the piano, the starship is going to sail for three years in the interstellar. Can you think about the stars in the past three years? It is used to absorb the star power into the acupoints, and at the same time use the star force to quench the body, but I don’t know whether it can absorb the energy of the gods and the gods in the void.

Is there that kind of energy in the void?

Otherwise, how can the energy of the starry beast contain the kind of energy?

Qin double did not go to the void, but also briefly entered the void to understand the meteor. However, she did not go into the void, nor did she perceive the mysterious energy of raising the god.

"Maybe you have to go deep into the void!"

"Then I said before!" The dish was broken and the piano was eaten. It was also necessary to give him ten Da Luo healing Dan, so he couldn’t wait for the piano to ask questions, then he said the topic before eating:

"The reason why Xianyuan Li and Tianlin Star on the Starship are now, as the Qingmo Taoist said, because the Starship is on the Star and closed the defensive shield, so above the Flying Boat. The concentration of Xianyuan is the same as that of Tianlin.

However, there is no immortality in the void, and some are just endless star power. At that time, the interstellar spacecraft sailed in the void, and there was no trace of scent in the entire interstellar boat. So, I think the question, even if you retreat, what is the use?

Maybe you think that I can retreat to cultivate the gods!

Not bad!

Although there is no sacredness in the void, the energy of the gods is stronger than the land. But don't forget, before you were able to retreat for a few years, even decades, hundreds of years. That's because there is a scent on the land. You can replenish all the energy your body needs by absorbing the scent.

However, there is no fairy power here!

What does Xianyuan force mean?

It means that there is no way to supplement the energy needed by the body by absorbing the scent of space. What will happen? ”

The faces of Qingmo and Qinshuang have changed.

“Think of it?” The disciples said with a smile: “Without Xianyuan, we will feel hungry, and the repair will slowly decrease. You can only take the remedy by absorbing the scent of Xianjing. Or by eating in the restaurant. The four dishes I ordered today are starry beasts. You can rest assured that there are also fairy meats on land. However, they are expensive and expensive.

Let me talk about this fairy crystal, no matter how many fairy crystals you bring, but you live on the first floor, it is estimated that there are not many fairy crystals. If you refine your cultivation with Xianjing, with the repair of your two big Luo Jinxian, I am afraid that one day you need a small one million yuan. 30 million top grades are enough for a month, but this is to sail for three years in the void. Do you have so many crystals? ”


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