Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1470: attention

"What do you want to try?"

The monks were eagerly looking at the piano pair, and they saw that the hair of the piano pair suddenly swelled. Every hair was like a sword with the same handle, and spurred in all directions. The entire deck was shrouded, and the sound of the broken space was heard on the deck.

On the deck, all the monks were stunned to find that the top of each hair had a little crack in the space, constantly cutting the surrounding space. The hair is criss-crossed on the deck, stinging and stinging, dazzling.

This is the space blade that Qin double comprehends. The power of one-time maximum power to release the space blade can only release a two-inch long space crack. However, the space blade magic is distributed on each hair, as long as the hair is so thin, the space crack is good, so the piano double can release a lot of space blades at once, and put it on each hair. This kind of space blade doesn't have much power, but it is undoubtedly the best way to explore the grievances hidden in space.

Pang Xianjun's eyes lit up, and the long knife in his hand began to scream like a dragon, stacking his strongest power, ready to burst out the strongest blow.

Suddenly, after the space crack at the top of one of the strings of the piano pierced a little space, a sigh of resentment emerged from that space.



All the hairs of the piano pair gathered there, and the cracks in the top of the numerous hairs cut the space there, revealing the grievances hiding there.


Each of the piano's hairs releases three heavenly styles, and the intensive swordsman madly cuts the grievances. The grievances jumped out of the hidden space, and stretched out a big hand and grabbed the piano to the double. The performance of the piano pair is shrunk back like the tide.


At this time, Pang Xianjun broke out his strongest blow, and the whole void seemed to illuminate, like a wide sun falling from the sky.


This is no longer a long knife. It is simply a light ball, a huge light ball, and it is bombarded on the body of the grievance. The grievance is suddenly blasted out from the deck, like a meteor. The starship was flying out and crossed the void.

"Open the hood and leave quickly." Pang Xianjun snorted.


The defensive hood opens and the starship begins to start and then accelerates.

"He is coming!" Suddenly a monk shouted in horror.

The monks turned their heads and saw that the huge grievances were chasing over the interstellar flying boat, and they were quickly approaching. The monks were nervous in the hearts of the monks. Although Qinqin was able to find out where the grievances were hiding, it was only a kind of space magical power of Qinshuang. Her cultivation was only a second layer of Da Luojinxian. It was too low. !

If the piano double is killed by the grievance, then all the monks on the flying boat are a disaster. Who knows when he appears and then kills one monk?

As the huge grievances get closer, the monks look more and more nervous, and even some monks have a hint of fear in their eyes.


At this time, the speed of the Starship's ascending began to get faster and faster, and the distance between the Wraith and the Wraith began to gradually pull away, which made all the monks on the Flying Boat breathe a sigh of relief, even the Pang Xianjun. exception.


The huge grievance also knew that he couldn't catch up, stopped the huge body, held his hands up, and roared toward the starship.

On the starship.

Pang Xianjun confirmed that the grievances could not catch up and did not go back. It is really awkward to be hammered by the grievances, which is detrimental to the image of Xianjun. I can't stay here. But the four nine-day Xuan Xian late monks nodded to the Qin double friendly place, and then left.

The monks looked at the piano with a different look. They almost all recognized that the piano pair was the monk who had been quenched with a star force on the deck. They used to think that the piano was a soil bun, a fool, and now see the piano double. However, he is proficient in space magical powers, and can't help but alleviate the mind of the little piano.

Some people came forward to say hello to the piano, and they knew each other, and then they left. Some people kindly reminded the piano to use the hidden dangers of the star force quenching body. Qinqin also seriously thanked others, and gradually there was no monk near the piano. Only one blue ink, whisper:

"You still have space magic?"

"Learning in the space tower of the Ouyang family."

"But your space magical power seems to be very low. After the war between the two races, did you go to the space tower of the Ouyang family to comprehend for a while? With your contribution to the human race, and the status of the emperor, the Ouyang family should Will not refuse."


Qin double couldn't help but pat the thigh, and regretted it with a look: "I forgot!"

Qingmo’s face is speechless.

"Are you still preparing to quench the body on the deck?"


"That's just you!"

Qingmo also left, and on the first floor, there was a pair of pianos. She walked to the front of the deck and sat down on the knees.

Let the Qinglong Yuanshen go to the Yuan Ying period, let the Fengfeng Yuanshen go to see the starry sky, feel the avenue, and absorb the star power into the 108 points, let the white tiger Yuanshen absorb and compress the metallic fairy power Let Xuanwu run the sword and absorb the star power to wash the body. Finally, let Yang Shen enter the town demon tower, and begin to use the water mine beads to cultivate the royal thunder.

The fifth floor of the flying boat.

In front of the railings of the deck, there were six monks standing on the front and rear decks with star-stamped monks. At this time they were looking down at the first railing and sitting on the knees. double.

Han Qing eyebrows said: "Have she practiced for eight months?"

"Yeah!" Yun Cang nodded and said: "In addition to the days before going to the waste star, they have been quenching."

"Hey! It's not easy. It seems that she is not like the poor ghost monks who live on the fifth floor. She should be very rich. And she will have space magical powers. Such an Yingjie, I really want to be strong." Han Qing eyes light.

Wutai said faintly: "It is estimated that there is not much money to go. There are some medicinal herbs. Xianjing is not estimated."

These monks did not pay attention to the piano doubles for eight months and did not take the medicinal herbs. When they thought, Qinshuang should swallow an remedy every few days to repair the body damaged by Star Power.

"Hey..." Han Qing suddenly sighed a bit: "This time I have been drifting in the void for four years, and I still haven't touched the feather of the avenue."

Six people are silent. These six people are all nine days of Xuan Xian's cultivation. They are riding a starship, they want to try their luck and see if they can meet the feathers of the avenue. Although they know that this is a chance, there is no chance, but once they have met it?


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