Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1472: Hua Taixiang

Qinqin followed Qingmo and went out. He saw Qingmo took out more than thirty original stones and placed them on the ground. Then he took out a brand that had already been prepared and inserted it on the ground. The piano looked around and saw the above. There are 300,000 top grades. The piano is a little bit, a total of thirty-six original stones, if they are sold, it is also 10 million top grades. The piano double regrets, and I knew that it would be good to leave those rough stones that were not obtained from the Minamata Mine.

Looking towards both sides, I saw countless monks taking out their own original stones. Some monks also divided the original stones into different piles, marking different prices.

Qin double suddenly felt that he really was like a dumpling, only knowing cultivation, there is no business brain! Moreover, the monk who discovered the mica star also loved the gambling stone, and the thirty-sixth original stone of Qingmo was gambled in less than two quarters of an hour. And it also cut out a kind of fire mother, the value of more than 20 million top grade Xianjing, the price of the thirty-six fast stone sold by Qingmo is twice as high, so that the original face of Qingmo’s excitement instantly becomes The bitter gourd face. Instead, the heart of the piano is instantly balanced.

Seeing that the jellyfish was opened, the monks were so excited that they rushed to the original stone sold by other monks. Qing Mo’s heart was also moved. He felt that he might be able to open a mineral worth tens of millions of dollars, and then he would encourage the piano to try together.

When the piano doubled in the heart, she suddenly rang her own mystery. I wonder if Xuan could find into the inside of the cockroach and explore the real ore?

At the thought of this, Qin Shuang’s emotions were also very exciting. Instead, he urged Qing Mo to hurry and make Qing Mo Dun feel inexplicable.

Two people came to a nearby stone pile. There are more original stones here, and there are more than two hundred. The piano double tries to release the mystery. When she just released Xuan, she was still cautious. She didn’t know if the monks outside the Tianlin Star had cultivated Xuan’s?

If so, it will be perceived by people. The piano doubled back and forth around the circle for a few laps and found that there was no abnormal color in the monk, and the heart could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that this mystery should be a high-end way in the whole spiritual world!"

The piano was a little bit proud in the moment, and then excitedly shrouded the original stone in the mysterious five, and then infiltrated into the original stone.

After about half an hour, the piano double retracted Xuan with some regrets. She found that Xuan should be able to penetrate this kind of shackles, but his own mysterious realm is still low, only able to penetrate into a thin layer.

But this is also the appearance that can penetrate into it, and the gods can't penetrate even one layer.

"It seems that this time is not enough. When I reach the mysterious weight, I will find another place to gamble."

Looking at the green ink, I saw Qingmo pick a piece of stone with a price of 800,000 yuan, and I have already paid for it, and I am preparing to cut it. There are still a lot of monks around.

Qin double walked over, standing behind the crowd with his feet and looking at the dark ink inside to see what he could cut.

Suddenly, a slightly childish sound rang at the side of the piano:

"You don't gamble on stone?"

When the piano turned around and looked around, he saw a young man of about fifteen or six years old standing by his side, looking at himself with the jewel-like innocence.

"I don't gamble!"

The piano doubles his head, but then the brows are slightly wrinkled. She feels a little familiar from this young boy, but seriously looks at this boy, he really doesn't know!


Really very familiar!

Qin Shuang just wanted to perceive it carefully, and he heard a sigh of sighs and hurriedly turned his head. It turned out to be a black-and-white gambling, and that was a solid broken stone with no ore inside.

Qingmo came to the front of Qin Double with a look of frustration, and his face was still unwilling. Qin double smiled:

"I still want to gamble?"

Qingmo hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "Do not gamble, you don't gamble?"

"No gambling!" Qin doubled his head and shook his head: "I'm not sure!"

Qingmo airway: "Where does this kind of thing come from? Is it safe to call it a gambling stone?"

"Ha ha……"

Qin did not care about him, turned his head and carefully looked at the boy around him.

The fifth layer of the Da Luo Jinxian was repaired higher than himself. Her heart suddenly moved, and the familiar atmosphere that was about to be forgotten came to mind.

“Flower too sweet?”

"Master, you didn't forget me!" The boy shouted.

Suddenly, the strings of the piano were upside down, and both hands caught the blue ink and the flowers were too fragrant. They took the steps and the three people’s figure appeared 100 meters away. When they were only three places, the ground suddenly became one. The roots are sharp, and there are dozens of feet. They are stabbed upwards and make a sharp sound of breaking.

In an instant, the tens of meters in a circle is like a huge nail board.


Three pieces of chess spurred toward them three, lightning fast. If the right hand of the piano doubles the piano, it will fly out.

Fu Qin refers to!


The three pieces were hit by the plucked fingers, but they did not break, but they borrowed a force and rushed toward the three people more quickly. The piano doubles like a sword and stabs toward the piece that shoots at himself.

The power is extremely fast and the speed is great!

A little starlight.


That piece of chess was actually exploding by the piano!

Looking around to Huataixiang and Qingmo, I saw that the two pieces had been turned into two people at this time, one black and one white, fighting with Qingmo and Huataixiang. Both of them completely took the upper hand, and the eyes of the piano could not be seen as black and white.

"This is two ghosts, attacking yourself is a ghost repair!"


Qin doubled and turned to the first, then saw a chessboard thrown at the three of them. Instantly zoom in and cover them in three.

When Qin Qin traveled around, he saw that the scenery around him had changed, and the plains were everywhere. At this time, the two armies, one black and one white, smashed toward her.

Looking at a black and white team, like a black dragon and a white dragon, strangling toward him, the fierce flame is like a wolf.

The piano double does not frown. Although she hasn’t used God’s knowledge to sweep, but she just looks at the momentum, she knows that every ghost that makes up these two teams is the cultivation of Da Luo Jin Xian, and the way from these two teams to their own, this black and white The team also formed a battlefield.

Qin double spreads the knowledge of God...

“Well?” Qin’s double look: “After closing the gods?”


The field of the fire attribute of the piano double emanate, enveloped itself, and then the gods spread out, communicating the water thunder beads on the right wrist, the water mine beads turned into a sword, and then the field was collected.



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