Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1492: Final persistence

When she cultivated the gods, she knew that the gods could be called gods, but they could be called souls together with the souls, but there was no spirit, but they heard the word "spirit", where is the spirit? ?

Now the spirit is standing in front of her eyes, shaking her heart. She has never heard of a monk who has cultivated a spirit, but she has produced a spirit by mistake.

"It turned out to be really spiritual!"

The piano is a bit stunned. She doesn't know what changes she will have after she has the spirit, and she doesn't know what the spirit is.

"Well?" Qin double face suddenly changed: "My mysterious?"

At this time, there is a mysterious atmosphere in the heart of the road?


Yang Shen suddenly looked at the opposite spirit, she can feel the mysterious atmosphere from the spirit.

Do not!

Not mysterious!

Although there is a mysterious mood, but it is higher than that of the artistic conception, it is like the potential of the Italian, but it is higher than the potential. Although Xuanzhong has intentions, it is also higher than the meaning. Now in this spirit It also has mystery, but it is higher than Xuan. This is a qualitative improvement and a qualitative change.

how to say?

The piano is carefully considered, and the body structure in front of it is indeed mysterious, and the whole body is filled with mystery, but the former mysterious is like a dead object, but now the mysterious seems to have a spirit and become a living thing.

It is like a walking dead, suddenly has a soul, and turned into a real person.

Xuan is still mysterious, but it is not mysterious.

It is the mystery of the spirit!

Mysterious and mysterious, the door to the wonderful!

"I now have God, Spirit, and Soul. I really don't know what kind of cultivation path I have gone to!"

Qin double can not help but bitter.

"Forget it, or restore it first!"

Without the medicinal herbs, this time it was restored to repair, and it took nearly two days for the piano to fully recover. I got up and walked towards the central futon.

Outside the tower.

"Two days! Qin double only repairs the fourth layer of Da Luo Jinxian, how can it be held on the fifth floor of the tower for two days?"

"She is afraid that she has not yet entered the fifth floor." Han Qing thought.

"You mean that she is still recovering?"

"Not bad!" Han Qing nodded: "It has been two days, Qin double should return to the peak, and enter the fifth floor. Once you enter the fifth floor, it will soon come out soon."


The short-lived mind, the double string appeared on the fifth floor of the tower.

A light man was born in front of the piano double, and his body exudes the repair of the ten layers of the Great Luo Jinxian.

Qin double took a deep breath and smashed out a sword. The light man was not the enemy of the doubles. He was smashed by the heavens and the three.

The stars gathered together and formed two people. The piano doubled out again and killed two light people. However, Qin double has locked his brows. These two light people have joined together and have already had the strength of the early days of Xuantian. When the piano is joined by three light people on both sides, the three light people have joined forces to have the power of nine days of Xuanxian.

The Qinshuang can jump to a big stage because of the practice of practicing and the fellow practitioners of the Fa, and the real strength is equivalent to the fourth layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian. It is also just entering the mid-ninth Xuanxian mid-term, and the strength of the three light people teamed up. The original Qin double has the Tiandao three style of the fusion method. If it is fighting with other monks, it will definitely be able to raise the strength to a higher level. It is not impossible to fight and even kill a mid-day peak of Xuantian.

However, the power that these three people have joined together is also a combination of hundreds of millions of laws, even higher than the level of the piano. Qinqin is just a fusion of the immortality of the Tao, but these three people are the Dafa Jinxian period of perfection, and the power can surpass the Qintian three.

In this way, it is in turn to suppress the piano double, so that the piano double falls completely under the wind.

"It seems that it is impossible to let the fourth light person appear. If the fourth light person appears, the power of the four light people will immediately rise to the late nine-day Xuan Xian, plus the fusion of the Da Luo Jin Xian period. It’s almost impossible to stop the nine-day mysterious peak. It’s so understanding. It’s a pity that there is one attribute missing.”

Qin Shuang's three light people struggled, and at the same time began to comprehend and integrate the Tianxian period of Taoism. Suddenly, the piano doubles a look, she found that the speed of the fusion of the Taoist method almost doubled. It’s just an instant, and it’s just a matter of heart. It turned out that Naling was also involved in comprehension and integration.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

This level of fighting is different from before. It is only three days. The strength and physical strength of Qin double consumes 90%. Qin double looks at the three light people around. Qin double is very embarrassed at this time. Today's strength, it is impossible to kill these three light people, can insist on not being killed by three light people, it can be said that Qin double almost used all his cards. However, she still has a card, her eyes flashed through the deep light, and whispered:

"Then let us finally see the power of the integration of the four attributes, otherwise it will not be reconciled!"


Her one hundred and eight holes suddenly released the starlight, and at this time it seemed to create a universe around the double, and the double is the center of the universe, surrounded by 108 stars. That is the starlight sword she raised in the cave.

The three-year star travel has already allowed her to complete the star power in 108 caves. At this time, it broke out like a nebula, constructing a large Zhoujian sword array and spreading toward three light people.

The starlight spread like a scorpion. When it passed, everything was annihilated. The three light people were smashed by the stars, and they became a little bit of stars. At the same time, the piano doubles the mind and the fire breaks out in the heart, and that is the piano double scattered to destroy the chain.

Fairy fellow initiates!

The heart projection of a fairy rhyme is generated on the back, and the projection of the magic heart and the heart is made into a yin and yang fisheye. The spirit takes a step from the heart of the road, and then steps into the Taiji diagram and turns it into a s curve. Yin and Yang, separated by evil spirits.

The power of the piano doubles, and the comprehension has turned several times in this moment. Tiandi Avenue has become clearly visible. Qin Double feels that he has integrated into a mysterious and mysterious realm. He is kneeling in the heaven and earth avenue, as if he is holding it, he will hold the Heaven and Earth Avenue in his hand.


Four light people appeared around the doubles of the piano, and the light method released by each light person quickly merged, and Tianwei slammed into the double.

Heaven and the way three!

The sword in the hands of the piano crossed the mysterious trajectory in the air and battled with three light people. The fellow practitioners of the Simeons allowed the true strength of Qinshuang to jump to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period, but the four light people joined forces, and they had the strength of the late nine-day Xuanxian, plus their four fusion methods were far better. Qin double, actually blocked the attack of Qin double. However, their attacks were also blocked by the doubles of the Qinshuang, and the two sides were deadlocked during the constant battle.


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