Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1496: puppet

The gaze is a shrink, in front of her sight is the star-street. In front of her is a very large square, and the star-picking building is in the middle of the square. It can be seen that this star-street building is the most prosperous place in this city. It can come to the monks of the star-studded building. It should be the hero of all parties.

At this time, in the square around the Stars Tower, there are all kinds of bones everywhere. Imagine how fierce the war broke out here.

"Well? What are those? Is it?"

The eyes of Qin double have a lot of huge flaws in the square. Those dragonflies have various shapes, humanoid shapes, and monster shapes. However, at this time, those who are completely smashed are completely shattered. Some of them are not scattered, but they lack arms and legs, or their heads are smashed, or they are hit by a big hole. Anyway, there is no good one. of.

The binoculars slowly and carefully swept through the area, and did not find any traces of the beast. The figure was under the cover of some tall bone shelves and walked toward those who walked. When I saw some storage rings on the road, I picked them up. However, there are not many storage rings. I saw that there were also demon monks in the city. The storage rings were taken away by the demon monks, and the piano doubles only smashed some of them.

Before Qin Qin came to a human form, only this human figure was broken by half a body. There was a human figure next to it. It should be the master of this human form, but only a bunch of bones were left by the monster. I searched it carefully, but I didn't find any storage rings. Qin double is very interested in that ,, carefully looked at it, to make sure that this is awkward, but it has been broken and can not be used.

Qin double will continue to search for these broken shackles, and also find two storage rings. From the inside, it is known that these scorpions should be made by a monk of the Mohist family. Each of the storage rings has a jade slip, but inside is the inheritance of making enamel, only the first three layers. Qin double will continue to search, she decided to search all the cockroaches here, maybe get more inheritance jade.

After an hour, Qin double stood in front of a tiger-shaped scorpion. This tiger-shaped scorpion is as big as a small house. It is golden and lifelike. It is very mighty, but it is hit by a body more than one meter at this time. The big hole, lying on the ground outside the big hole, lies a pair of cockroaches.

Presumably this deputy is the master of this tiger-shaped scorpion, but he has already died here and is being eaten by the monster. The gaze swept over the shackle, but did not see the sly left-handed bone, and circled around the tiger shape, and did not find it. After thinking for a moment, the gods shrouded the tiger-shaped scorpion, and the eyebrows were a spurt. One hand slid out and lifted the tiger shape, and saw a squashed left hand lying on the ground. It should be that the palm of the monk was cut off by the demon, and then the tiger fell and fell on the palm of his hand.

The piano double took the storage ring that was placed on the palm of the hand, and the gods sneaked in. The things inside did not look carefully, just looking for jade. There are several jade slips. After the piano is explored one by one, the face is a hi. Although she does not know how many layers of Mohist surgery, there are six layers of jade in this jade. Qinqin stood in front of the fallen tiger-shaped scorpion and indulged for a moment, then turned and went to the star-street building.

Carefully entering the star-receiving building, I saw a monster beating inside, just because the piano double was very careful, using the furniture and decoration inside to hide his body shape, and converged all the breath, did not let those monsters Found her. Qin double sneaked into the door closest to himself, then squatted, slammed the opportunity, flashed out, and then gently closed the door. Looking around, I found that there was no monster, the gods only swept through the room, and did not spread out of the room, and finally found that there was no danger in the room, which was a thought to enter the town demon tower.

As soon as he entered the town demon tower, Qin double began to comprehend the martial arts. In the ten years of the town demon tower, the piano doubled against the December fruit has not completely failed, still has nine times the comprehension, and will fully understand the sixty-six. When the mind was moved, it appeared again outside the town demon tower.

At this time, the outside world only passed less than four days. Qin double quietly opened the window, rolled over and swept out, and came to the tiger-shaped scorpion. This cockroach is relatively small, only one side of the body is A big hole was blasted, and the double-handedly lifted the tiger-shaped scorpion, jumped in from the big hole, and carefully observed the inside of the device, and found that it was not damaged. The big hole just happened to enter the door of the raft, and the piano doubled. Sweeping, the space inside is not small, there are no problems with sitting six or seven people. She sat down at the front seat and saw that she had a countertop in front of it with a separate embossed pattern.

At this time, I have already realized the Qinshuang of Qicheng's gongs, and I can see these plaids at a glance. Pressing to a pattern, it is convenient to find out an organ. When the piano looks around, you will see six top grades, but the six top grades have become ordinary stones.

"It should be that this monk only cares about killing the enemy, and forgot to replace the fairy crystal. Let Xian Jing consume an empty space, and the moment he stops, he will be killed by a big demon!"

Qin double took the six scrapped celestial crystals, and then took out six new top grades, placed them inside, and then pressed the plaque on the table, and the organ that had been explored shrank back. Restored the original appearance.


The huge scorpion tiger emanate a layer of defensive mask, even the big hole was shrouded. The gods of the piano double spread out, and they saw several monsters running out of the gate of the star-street building. I heard the cicada coming from outside, rushed out, and then flew toward the piano.

There was a smile of excitement in the corner of the piano, and the heart said: "I don't know how fast this tiger is?"

Retracted the gods and then injected the gods into the three plaid patterns on the table. The two big eyes of the tiger suddenly shone. At the same time, Qin's knowledge of the sea clearly felt that the tiger saw everything around him, as if the eyes of the tiger were the eyes of the piano.

Then the mind is moving, the tiger will move. At this time, the tiger seems to be part of the body of the piano. It is completely controlled by the gods. As long as the piano is in the heart, the tiger can make The corresponding action.



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