Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1052: Snatch

Chapter 1052 escaping (page 1/1)

Soon, everyone gathered the bear demon together and put it on the campfire. The piano double sits and does not speak, the four great gods take turns to compress the vitality, and the town demon tower is hidden under the skin of the left hand, and the source is constantly providing the sacred spirit. At this time, it is the turn of Qinglong Yuanshen to compress Yuanli.


The flesh of the campfire came with a sound of oil, and a trace of fleshy fragrance spread out. It is also strange to say that today's vitality changes, the human race can not absorb, and the body of the monster is also the demon power. However, the demon power in the body of the demon, after the human race ate, but it can be transformed into a fairy power. I don't know if there is a change after the Yaozu has transformed the Yuan Li in the body.

The rest of the people did not speak, Liang Cixi sat there, slightly squinting, holding two pieces of fairy crystal in his hands to practice, Xu Kaiyun lying on the grass, his face bored looking at the stars.

The wind glared at the bear meat on the bonfire, as if eager for the bear meat to be cooked early. Hai Yunying sat there with his legs, his chin on his knees, and some disappointment. Wen Tianbao's eyes kept turning, and I looked at it for a while, and then I looked at it and finally turned to Qin:


The piano double eyes, did not lift up, as if not heard. Her Qinglong Yuanshen is compressing Yuanli, Xuanwu and Baihu Yuanshen, as well as Yangshen and Ling are constantly integrating the Tao of the Tianxian period, only the fire and the phoenix gods are alert.

Qin double is not a husband. On the occasion of this avenue, if you can unite some people, Qin double will do it. However, as far as these people are concerned, she has no bad views on Xu Kaiyun, but it is hard to be trustworthy. Liang Cixi and Fenglili, Qinshuang have not yet figured them out, and naturally they will not easily believe them. The people who want to unite with the piano are those who can give the back to each other. But there is really no good impression on Wen Tianbao and Hai Yunying.

Later, Qin Shuang gave up the mind of dealing with these few people. Anyway, when you get to the city, you will break up with them. Therefore, when Wen Tianbao spoke to her, Qin double was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Seeing the attitude of Qin Double, Wen Tianbao’s face suddenly rose red and took a deep breath:

"Qin double, since we form a team, of course, the stronger each person's strength, the safer we are."

Qinqin still looked down, and Xu Kaiyun suddenly came to the mood, turned over and sat up, to turn the barbecue on the campfire.

Seeing that the piano is still not paying attention to him, Wen Tianbao’s heart is full of anger, but when he thinks of the clean and neatness of the piano doubles, the heart is suddenly afraid of it, and thinks that his cultivation is only the peak of the fairy. If you can break through to Luo Tianxian, the security will be more violent. What is relying on in this catastrophe?

Your own strength is to rely on!

At the moment, I have the courage to say: "Qindaoyou, I am not asking for it. I hope that you can take out some of Xianjing and give it to us, so that our strength can be improved, so our team is also more Safer."

Qin Double finally lifted his eyes and looked at Wen Tianbao on the opposite side, faintly said:

"Our team? I promised to team up with you?"

"Are we not a team now? We are going together!" Wen Tianbao asked inexplicably.

Sitting on the side of Liang Ci's mouth, there was a sarcasm, and the sound of the piano doubled out:

“Walking together is a small team?”

"Is it not?" Wen Tianbao said.

"Oh..." Qin double sneered two channels: "You have to be clear, you are behind me, I have never said that I want to team up with you."

"Hello hahaha..." Xu Kaiyun suddenly laughed.

The sarcasm on the face of Liang Cixi is even worse. There is no slight change in the look of the wind and the glass. Wen Tianbao and Hai Yunying have changed their faces. Opened his mouth, but he touched the cold eyes of the piano, and his heart was a glimpse, closing his mouth.


Six people suddenly jumped up and looked around, and they saw a surge of water coming from all directions. Everyone knows how to go out, and the look is a change. It is not a tide, but a rat tide that does not look at the margins.

The moment of the madness of the gods, I also saw the cultivation of the rat demon, the cultivation of the rat demon is not high, most of them are the fairy season, and in the double look of the piano, this day is still just breaking through of. However, at the thought of, so many mouse demons almost broke through at the same time, this avenue is really dangerous. The Terran wants to save the avenue, I am afraid it is not easy.

"Go, Captain!"

The piano was lightly drinked and killed to the side of the tiger.


When Qin and others just stepped, they saw three huge figures and rushed toward them. It was three rat demons that were more than 20 meters long, with the breath of Luo Tianshang. One pounced on the piano double, one plunged into the wind glaze, and the last one rushed to Liang Cixi.

The piano has a palm like a knife, and when the palm of the hand is pulled out, a flame knife is seen toward the rat demon, and the rat is turned into two halves. Looking back, I saw Xu Kaiyun following behind me, seeing the piano looking at him, and grinning with a smirk. Qin doubled a white eye and looked at it. He saw that the wind glaze and Liang Cixi were completely forced by the two powerful rat demon. The wind glaze and Liang Cixi were the second floor of Luo Tianshang, one is Luo Tian Shang Xian first floor, but the two mouse demon have the strength of Luo Tianshang mid-peak peak.

When the piano eyes flashed, the first layer of Liang Cixi of Luo Tianshen was even stronger than the wind glaze of the second layer of Luo Tianshang. If Liang Cixi had already fallen into the wind, the wind glass was unbearable.

At this time, Wen Tianbao and Hai Yunying, who did not attack the rat demon of Luo Tianshang, opened a road from the rat tides of the fairy, and rushed to the unicorn of the windy glass that was closest to them and stopped on the official road. Run over.

Two people rushed into the unicorn, and the unicorn rushed in an instant, and soon disappeared into the night.

"My sister!"

The wind and the glass were in a hurry, and they were chaotic, and they were caught on the shoulders by a rat, and they tore off a piece of meat.


The piano is like a piano, and the **** pop up.

Fu Qin refers to!


The heads of the two rat demon were put in two blood holes, and the two demon slayers were directly crushed. Two huge rat demon slammed into the ground.


The piano flew away in a two-way tiger shape, and it was drilled into the raft, followed by Xu Kaiyun, followed by Liang Cixi and Fenglili.



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