Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1512: Heart

Chapter 1512 People's Hearts (Page 1/1)

"Well? Still?"

She saw that the sword in the hands of Tang Han did not lose the sword at all, and it was still a complete sword.

As soon as he raised his hand, he sacrificed a piece of charm and stopped the monster in front of him. His eyes were still staring at Tang Han, and he saw Tang Han once again spurting into the air.


The blade spurred out.

Do not!

It’s not a sword, it’s not right, it’s not a sword, and the piano is very clear. Tang Han’s sword is not an overall sword body, but a thin sword body composed of a sword. What he shot at this time was just a blade.


The blade was smashed in the air, and the intensive sword spurred in all directions, shooting a monster into a sieve. Blood rushed out.


The eyes of the piano are shrinking, and the smell of blood in the air makes her an elixir, and she smells a poisonous smell in an instant.

"Xiaohan, are you okay?" Tang Li’s back was bitten by a monster, and a large piece of meat was revealed, revealing the forest bones. However, he did not care, but looked at Tang Han nervously.

"Uncle, I am fine!"

"Piano double..."

At this time, suddenly there was a shout from a distance. When Qin and others looked for their voices, they saw five people rushing in the direction of them. The head was the woman with some temperament and melancholy.

The two sides joined forces and continued to kill outside.

Half a day.

After killing for half a day, the monsters are killing more and more, as if the surrounding monsters are running towards them. And the monsters in the distance are also gathering here. Looking around, surrounded by monsters, the color is only red, the ears are all beasts, as if in the blood of hell.

The sorcerer and the sorcerer did not eat the Qinshuang people, as if they were not willing. On all sides of the ground, the beast is like a tide, the sky, the demon is like a cloud.

Blood mouth, claws, waving.

A pair of demon eyes, as if it were a world of killing.

In this kind of non-stop killing breakout, the most testable person's mind, those who are not strong, will be scared, and once they are scared, they will reveal flaws. The five monks who merged with Qin double have already died.


At this time, in the hearts of these people, they could not contain this idea.

"Boss, will we die?" There is no fear in Xu Kaiyun’s voice, but there is regret: "I have not yet had a Taoist!"

Qin double did not take care of this kind of brain circuit, at this time she has not sacrificed the fairy, because the symbol of the immortal teacher has been thrown away, only the charm of the master class. Qinqin did not move these symbols for the time being, but began to consume Yuanli and the gods to kill the beasts. She left these symbols to give her the opportunity to recover the energy and consciousness that she consumed.

At this time, we can see that their respective repairs are in a state of affairs.

Qin double and Tang Li seem to be full of vitality, but other monks' faces have begun to pale, sweat-through clothes, and a force to consume a clean trend, that is, Xu Kaiyun is still a little normal, which makes Qin double to Xu home More amazing.

What kind of family is it, even if it is such a person who does not adjust, will it have such a cultivation?

"court death!"

Qin double was interrupted by the angry voice of Tang Li. Her eyes narrowed and she saw the woman with temperament and melancholy. Because Yuan Li and physical strength were too much, the movement had already begun to shape, and the flaws were revealed. The ultimate monsters kept their hands, the middle door opened wide, and a demon wolf rushed to her. She was in a wrong shape and hid behind Tang Han, and she squatted on Tang Han’s **** and flew Tang Han’s to the raging wolf.

Tang Li was already crazy, and rushed toward Tang Han, who was flying in the air. His face was stunned, his eyes were cracked, and his eyes were full of fear.

At this time, everyone is in a bitter battle, and both psychological and physical strength are on the verge of collapse. It is simply killing the monsters mechanically. No one would have thought that someone would start with their own people and look at Tang Han’s small body. Almost no response.

How cruel and cold it is!

Tang Han is wisdom again. After half a day of killing, he is also a child. At this time, watching the wolf demon who rushed to himself, his eyes flashed in confusion.

The wolf demon is more than five meters long, and a large mouth has been opened, revealing sharp fangs, and the **** smell in the mouth is coming. The sharp two claws have been less than half a meter away from Tang Han. It has bloodthirsty and killing in its eyes. It has to swallow Tang Han.

"I'm dying!"

Tang Han’s eyes showed endless despair.

"That's too late!"

Tang Li’s look is even more desperate.


Xu Kaiyun yelled angrily, mobilized Wan Jianfei in midair, and moved toward the wolf demon. However, it is too late.


Like the thousands of fairy swords, they overshadowed the beast.

At this moment, it seems that there is only one voice left between heaven and earth.

Jian Ming!

Wan Jian Qi Ming!

The body of Qinshuang is like a nebula in the same group. From her one hundred and eight holes, each of them has a star-shaped sword, like a hundred and eight swords, gathered together into a light river, toward Tang Han. Going away. Another example is a meteor shower, which is extremely fast.

Waiting until Tang Han's front, but left and right, like a river that meets the reef, rushing toward the monster around Tang Han.

"Puff puff……"

Countless monsters were twisted into powder by the sword rain, and the demon wolf was twisted into a blood fog.

When the piano doubled in the void, Tang Han’s small body flew toward the piano. The piano doubled out and held Tang Han in his arms. He grabbed the sword in his right hand and drank:


The fairy sword soared a hundred feet, was held in the hands of the piano double, swept a semicircle. A **** spurt, a monster will not have a head. Then erect the sword and go down.


Like a wave of waves, a wave of blood.

The Baizhang Xianjian landed, and the monster turned to the sides.

Tang Li grew his mouth and looked at the piano double incredulously. This scene was too illusory. The sturdy sword river made him dazzle in this nine-day Xuan Xian.

Tang Han, who was kneeling on the shoulders of the piano, stared at the surprised eyes. Until now, he did not know how he was out of danger. He was held in his arms by the piano. After all, it was a child. After the big shock, the eyes were red, that is, Tang Han, and the tears did not fall.

The woman with melancholy temperament has a panic in her eyes. At this time, I heard a violent drink, Tang Li punched her with a fist.

Her strength was originally much worse than Tang Li. Now she is both Yuan Li and physical strength. She did not respond at all. She was shot by Tang Li and died in midair. In the group of monsters, they are instantly shredded by the monsters.

The five people who came with the melancholy woman now have two people left. At this time, Tang Li looked at the two people, and the two men were full of fear.


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