Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1523: Sleeping

After each generation of the Tang family's patriarchs abdicated, they will study and assemble the skywheel and assemble each step of their own. At the end, the assembly will not be carried out at that step, and it will be recorded and left for later generations. However, after more than a thousand years, no one has ever assembled the skywheel again.

The importance of the skywheel is self-evident.

After Tang Qian’s abdication, he settled in this courtyard and pushed the assembly of the Tianlun every day. No one dared to come here. It was the patriarch Tang machine who did not dare to come here without the greeting of Tang Qianshou. If this disturbs Tang Qianshou, even if Tang is a contemporary patriarch, even if Tang is the son of Tang Qianshou, he will be chased by Tang Qianshou.


What did he see tonight?

He was attracted by Jinguang and came here. He saw his silly son, who was sitting opposite Tang’s hand and playing the parts of the skywheel, which would be killed by his grandfather.

Therefore, his first thought was to swear, but he exchanged a scream and let him shut up.

He didn't understand it, but his eyes fell on Tang Han's hand and wanted to see what he was doing there.

This can be seen, the whole person is staying there.

The skywheel is a round hidden weapon that is said to be fully assembled and more than two meters in diameter. At this time, the Tian Wheel in the hands of Tang Han has assembled a quarter.

You know, this is the first time since the skywheel became a pile of parts, more than a million years ago!

"This is this... is this true?"

"This is this... is this silly boy doing it?"

The patriarch and several elders could not help but exchange their eyes and face the shock.

When Tang machine waved his hand, someone closed the gate of the courtyard. Then Tang Ji came to Tang Qianshou and Tang Han with a few elders, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out, watching Tang Han quietly.


Tang Han was constantly assembled, and the sky wheel in his hand gradually became bigger, and the eyes of Tang machine and the elders became hot.

We must know that since the Tang family did not have a Tianlun, it has gradually become weaker in the past 10,000 years, and there is already a danger of being squeezed out of the top 100 spiritual worlds.

Now I have seen the skywheel gradually become bigger in the hands of Tang Han, how can I not be excited?

Another hour passed, and the Tianshen in the hands of Tang Han had already been assembled in half. Tang Han’s face was paler, and the big big sleepy eyes were low.

At this time, Tang Han often needs to think for a while before assembling. The speed is much slower, but the assembly continues, which shows that Tang Han has not made any mistakes so far. This made everyone's heart excited, and the impoliteness controlled their body not to tremble, for fear of a little noise, bothering Tang Han, their eyes were gathered on Tang Han's hands, no one noticed, Tang Han’s face was pale as paper, sweaty and sweaty, as if he had just fished out of the water.


The last part was assembled, and the first rays of the sun fell from the sky and sprinkled on the skylight, shining brilliantly.


Tang Han leaned back and stunned on the ground.


Tang machine looked nervous and stepped forward to hug his son. His knowledge was swept, and his face showed an anxious color. At this time, Tang Qianshou was even more eager to look at. Even the Tianshui couldn’t take care of it. One step came to Tang’s front. The gods swept Tang Han in the Tang machine’s arms, and then frowned:

"The mind is too expensive and hurts the heart."

"That... okay?" Tang asked with concern.

"Of course it's okay, ah hahaha..." Tang Qianshou laughed loudly: "I didn't think that there was a person with a heart in my Tang family."


The horror of Tang machine and the elders, then ecstasy.


That is the heart of the refiner. Anyone who has a heart will become a master if he does not die. They have a natural understanding of the refiner, as if everything is in the heart of three inches.

It's just that such a person is very rare. It is usually rare in a hundred thousand years.

Tang machine was so excited that he was shaking. He said, "Really?"

"Of course it is true! If there is no heart, how can it be assembled?"


Tang machine and the elders all reacted, looking at Tang Han one by one, as if looking at a rare treasure.

"No wonder Xiaohan does not take care of those stinky boys, it is because they can't see them!" A elder.

"No wonder Xiao Han is not talking, but the mind is immersed in the refining device!" There is a long road.


One elder, you say a word, I praised Tang Han in a word, completely forgot that they saw Xiao Han not pleasing to the eye. And Tang machine is just a smirk, and the smirk is full of pride.

"What is his cultivation is the refining period?" Tang Qianshou's face was gloomy.


Everyone closed their mouths and looked at Tang machine. Tang’s proud face is also stupid, stuttering:

"Father... I also forced him to practice, but...he just didn't want to practice, stayed in the library all day..."


Tang Qianshao nodded. He had never seen anyone with a heart. Just because Tang Han assembled the sky wheel, he judged that he had a heart. The heart speculates that people with a heart should immerse their minds in the refiner, and they are not willing to practice.


Tang Qianshou frowned and said: "You must let Xiaohan practice, otherwise the life is short, how can this be done?"

Tang machine and the elders’ faces are all changed. At this time, everyone’s heart is very clear. Tang Han is the hope of the Tang family’s revitalization. As long as there is Tang Han’s day, at least the Tang family will not be squeezed out. If Tang Hanshou If the Yuan is long enough, it can make a hidden weapon beyond the sky wheel, and maybe the Tang family can go further. And to increase the life of Shouyuan, this is a must.

"Who is he a child?" asked Tang Qianshou.

"My son, your grandson."

"My grandson!"

Tang Qiang immediately opened his eyes and smiled: "My species is amazing."

Tang machine and the elders are crying and laughing.

"Father, Xiaohan him..."

"I am afraid I have to sleep for a long time! He consumes too much thought."

Tang Qianshen indulged for a moment, then took out a jade slip, sent some messages, and handed it to Tang Jidao:

"These medicinal herbs are ready for me immediately. There are some medicated herbs in the medicinal bath. I will be ready for me immediately. From today, Xiaohan will live with me. I will help him practice."

"it is good!"

Tang Ji’s heart was overjoyed, and the elders were also happy.

Tang machine left with the sky wheel. From today, Tang Qianshou does not do anything else every day, that is, to take care of Tang machine.


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