Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1532: Blood river

"Crap! Didn't you see the horn on my head?"

Qin double turned to Tang Lidao: "Is there a Mozu in the ink star?"

"There are! Ink stars, demon and demons coexist." Tang Li nodded.

"Where is the blood river?" Qin double looked at the demon.

"Under my ass!" Speaking of this, the face of the Mozu is full of grief and indignation: "The one who took me by Wanli is to let me suppress the blood river every moment. Once I leave, or I fall, The blood river will spew from under my ass."

Qin double sank: "Show me."

"No!" The Mozu monk shook his head and said: "Now my strength has fallen so badly. Once I break the seal, even if it is only a trace, I want to seal it again. I can't do it at that time. At that time, I will be swallowed up by the blood river. ""

The knowledge of Qinshuang was swept under the body of the Mozu monk, and it was indeed the trace of the seal. This blood river is not a good thing to listen to, the piano does not dare to take risks. I thought about it:

"What is the blood river?"

"I don't know, just listen to what I have said in thousands of miles. The terrain here has not been known for hundreds of millions of years. Naturally, it has formed a **** battle. It is also a chance to pass by here and discover this dead city. After the investigation, it was discovered that the underground actually formed a blood river. He could not destroy the blood river, and then destroyed the blood, and the dead city was buried underground, and a large array of seals was re-arranged. Finally, I grabbed me and let me sit on the line, constantly sending the seal to the seal and maintaining the seal."

Having said that, the big devil is crying.

"I didn't provoke him, I was arrested by him. I have been here for a long time, it is estimated to be a million years. Oh... and I don't know anything recently. I can't absorb the energy." I can't absorb the vitality, what do I take to maintain the seal? I can't seal it when I see it, and the blood river spreads out, then I will die.

Fortunately, suddenly came to such a monk, I absorbed their strength, let me recover a lot, who knows that you are almost exhausted. Oh..."

The double look of the piano is awkward. After all, this demon head is in the seal of the blood river. If the blood river erupts, it will cause havoc. Shrugging shoulders:

"You attack me first, I am just self-defense."

"Forget it, for the life of the ink star, I will not care about you. You go." The great devil said generously.

The sneer in the heart of the piano, for the life of the ink star? When was the devil so sad?

Then he shook his head and said, "No!"

"What else do you want?"

"You have said that I have used the secret method and the loss is very big, so you have to compensate me, otherwise I will not leave. I don't know if you really seal the blood, kill first. You, look at it."


"Less nonsense!" Qin Shuang's tone is impatient: "Or compensate me, or we continue."

"You are not afraid to kill me, blood flowing out?"

"Not afraid! Just seeing it." Qin double's look is more and more impatient: "Hurry up, don't use ordinary things to compensate me."

The big devil silenced for a moment: "You tell me first, what happened to the ink star? Why can't I absorb the energy?"

Qin double turned to look at Tang Li, Tang Lidao: "This monument was opened before the battle of the avenue."

Qin doubled his head and swept over the nearly nine-day Xuan Xian, and there was a pity in his eyes:

"So, they don't know?"

"Yeah!" Tang Li nodded, then sighed: "The avenue of the road, blood river, really autumn!"

"Do you know the blood river?"

"I don't know!" Tang Li shook his head. "But once you hear it, it's not a good thing."

Qin double looked at the big demon again, and told him what happened to the ink star now, and the nine-day Xuan Xian behind them also heard it clearly. Those nine-day Xuan Xian can't change their faces. Those demon monks turn around and run, don't look at them are nine days of Xuan Xian, but now it is the end of the strong, knowing that it is not the opponent of Qin and so on, since it is the avenue of the road, Qin double they will never let these demon monks Leave alive.

"Kill them."

Qin double screamed, Tang Li, Tang Han and the golden robe teenager rushed toward the nine-day Xuan Xian of the Yaozu. Qinqin and Xu Kaiyun stand side by side, each bending the arrow.


Each arrow harvests the life of a demon monk. The demon monks can't even beat Tang Han in a fairy's day. Even the flight is swaying, hehe. It was only less than two quarters of an hour, and those demons were killed. There are only thirty people left in the nine-day Xuan Xian, guarding and looking at the piano doubles with fear.

"Tang Li, do you have a family of Tang?" Qin asked.

Tang Li shook his head and then walked over to a monk, arching:

"Xiao brother, what about our Tang family?"

"Dead! All are dead!" Xiao said with a speech: "We came in tens of thousands of monks, I am afraid that we are left now."

Tang Li stunned for a moment, then turned his face and turned to the piano double.

"Tang Xiong!" Xiao Tanyan said in the back: "Can you lend me some medicinal herbs and Xianjing?"

Tang Li looked at the Qin double, but when he saw the double look of the piano, he turned around and said nothing:

"No, when you go out and see, you know what the world is today."

"Let's say, what compensation is given to me?"

"No!" The big devil shook his head and said: "As you said, now is the avenue of the avenue, the demon is dominant, I can not absorb the energy, so sooner or later are dead."

Qin double thought: "This way, as long as you take out the compensation I can see, I will give you some demon. Let you maintain for a while, maybe we can destroy the maturity of the avenue, then you I can continue to live."

The big konjac snorted: "I have had enough of such a day. What is the difference with death? Unless you promise me, get a monk to replace me."

Qin double shook his head and said: "I don't have that ability. I promise you the most. If I meet a thousand miles a day, I will plead with him."

The big devil is sinking.

Qin double said faintly: "Devil, don't be too much! I don't see what blood river you said, who knows what you said is true and false?"

"Good!" The big nod nodded. "I promise you, but I have conditions."

"Let's talk." Qin double said faintly: "But I remind you, I don't have to agree with your conditions. And even if you promise, if you can't get anything that makes me happy, our agreement will be void."


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