Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1534: go away

Qin doubled out and took it, looked at it, and threw it into the mouth.

According to thirty or nine days, Xuan Xian was silent. They looked at the medicinal medicine and swallowed a saliva neatly. They didn’t believe that Qin double had no medicinal herbs and fairy crystals on their bodies, especially the golden robes. Teenagers, but they did not speak. They are not stupid. They have seen these people kill the demon people's nine-day Xuan Xian. If they want to kill them, they will not be too hard.

At this time, it is still a little bit honest.

However, some people still look at the golden robe boy. They still know this golden robe teenager, because the reputation of this golden robe boy is not small in the ink star.

His name is called Chu Dali, the power of cultivation. And for some people... two.

In fact, the second of Chu’s vigorous efforts is more famous than the power of his cultivation.

Those nine-day Xuan Xian are considering whether Guan Chu vigorously points to Xianjing and Dan medicine, and at this time, they heard Chu vigorously:

"Miss sister, what kind of teacher just now, really shameless, so adults, but also others want something to eat. Miss sister is really good temper, change me, punch a fist."

Having said that, he also waved his fist in the air.

The thirty-nine days of Xuan Xian, who were behind him, immediately closed their mouths. They all heard of the middle school of this mixed boy, and maybe they killed them with a punch.

Qin double no longer speaks, and walks out of the underground city without any trouble. Suddenly her figure came down and looked at the powder under her feet. The red color of the powder was slightly fresher. Then she crouched down, grabbed it with her hand, stood up and sniffed the air. Xu Kaiyun on the side asked:

"Boss, what happened?"

"The demon monks who chased us in should be dead."

Xu Kaiyun grabbed a hand and the powder was a little damp. Then nodded:

"Those demon people are not high, and it is normal to die here."

"Hmm!" Chu vigorously nodded and said: "Their repair is not high, I easily came in."

Qin double no longer speaks, at this time she thinks in her heart, just leave here, everything will wait until I leave here. It’s just that she can’t show it on the surface, let the big demon discover that she can only walk without ill.

Finally, the piano stepped out of the dungeon. After a long breath and a few hundred meters, it stopped. Looking back at those nine-day Xuan Xian, slightly frowned.

"You seniors, you probably know about the situation. At this time, the ink star is in the avenue of the avenue. This area is the territory of the Yaozu. Now the Xianyuan force has changed, and we have not been able to absorb it. In addition, although the strength of the demon monk is not strong, there is not much, but when we come in, there are a lot of monsters. You..."

"Daoyou, the old man corrected, how do the Taoist friends call it?" A old man with a dry face walked up and handed it to a courtesy.

Didn't get big at all, but he listened to the big devil and said that Qin double was the reincarnation of the ancient overhaul. Although he did not believe it, the strength of Qin double made him respect. Treat it with the gift of the generation.

"Qin double!" Qin double courtesy.

"Qindaoyou, can you lend us some resources to restore and repair? When we go out, we must still." The correction said eloquently.

The piano blinked across the crowd and sighed: "You still don't understand how serious the situation is now!"

The piano eyes swept away, and the number of people, plus a few of them, thirty-nine people, took out the bodies of ten monsters from the storage ring:

"You should clean up first, then use the fairy to stand up. Things will slowly say later."

Then the piano doubled and sat down, took out the paper and the pen, and began to make the symbol.

She also has no choice. Today, her storage ring is full of fairy charms. When one is released, all the monsters are turned into ashes. She only has some low-grade firearms to make barbecues. Here again No trees.

Others also understood that the thirty-nine-day Xuanxian saw the fresh monster meat, and swallowed involuntarily. If they didn’t know that they could eat it, they now want to eat raw. .

In the case of not being able to absorb the scent of scent, it is too hungry for more than a year.

Soon, when the people worked together, the ten monsters were packed. Moreover, there is also a monk with water properties, which leads to the flow of water to clean the monsters and use them to stand up. At this time, Qin double also made some low-grade fire charms, released under the monster meat, the flame began to grill the monster meat, making a squeaking sound.

Thirty people were divided into several piles of animals sitting around the monster, and the piano turned to Tang Lidao:

"Former Tang, you know more about the situation of the ink star, you talk to them."

"Yeah!" Tang Li nodded. "In fact, I don't know much about the current state of ink stars. A year ago, I went out with Xiaohan with three old brothers..."

Thirty-nine days of Xuanxian’s heart is a glimpse. In fact, the Tang family’s Tianlun has not appeared for too long. It has already been suspected that the Tang family lost the skywheel. All the families of the ink star are eager to move to the Tang family. The situation of the Tang family was carefully monitored. They all know Tang Han, a person who is not to be seen. Later, it disappeared for four years, but suddenly it was taken seriously by the family. They have been exploring, but they have not discovered the secrets inside.

At the beginning of the Tang family ancestor Tang Qianshou concealed the repair of the Tianlun, but also the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the elders of the public. Before Tang Han did not grow up, he must not reveal the things that Tang Han possessed. Therefore, only a few people know that Tang Li does not know.

At this time, Tang Li said that the Tang family sent four nine-day Xuanxian to protect Tang Han to travel, they could not help but think of it five years ago, the Tang family suddenly shines brightly, is it related to Tang Han?

The flames burned and the beast meat snorted, and the oil blossoms began to pop up. The piano double took out the seasoning, and got up and began to spit the spices on each of the monster meats.


The thirty-nine days of Xuan Xian have forgotten to listen to Tang Li’s remarks at this time, staring at the barbecue.


Tang Li had no choice but to cough twice. Those nine-day Xuan Xian’s face was red, and he looked at Tang Li with a gaze. He just used the light to see the oily monster meat from time to time, but he could always control it. Listen to the story of Tang Li yourself.

"Then the demon suddenly attacked a lot. They first controlled the interstellar transmission array, blocked the ink star, and attacked the Terran and the Mozu. My three old brothers were all dead. I was also seriously injured and protected Xiaohan. All the way to escape. If not saved by the piano, maybe it is already dead."


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