Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1538: Immortal

Chapter 1538, The Junjunwei (Page 1/1)

The speed of both sides is very fast. The rock elephant group did not stop because of the doubles and so on. In fact, so many rock elephants rushed, it was impossible for the rock to stop. As long as the rock stops, it will be hit by the rock behind it. Therefore, on both sides of Qin Double and others, countless rocks roll like a torrent of torrents.

Qin double and others do not care about the rock elephants on both sides. They only want to penetrate the rock elephant group as soon as possible. The piano doubles and hammers the rock elephant. From the sky, the rock on the ground is like a big river, flood turbulent. The Qinshuang and his people are like the same leaf boat, and the rapids are formed. The rock elephants that are constantly being bombarded by the piano are like the waves that are stirred up by the bow.

"Ha ha……"

The strong woman stood on the top of the mountain and could not help but laugh.

"Chu vigorously, I always feel that I am strong, but now I have no chance to even contribute. Oh, he must be very depressed, hahaha..."


A rock just like a star pill jumps, and the piano doubles with both hands and shakes the blood. It’s just that this long river is too long. The piano has been smashed for so long, and the power has already consumed more than half, but it still has not pulled out this rock like a long river.

However, the strong woman above the mountain is very clear. Now Qinqin is about to break out of the rock elephant group. In a few more years, it will be able to kill.

"This power is stronger than me!"


The strong woman's big feet squatted on the mountain, and the body swooped down to the bottom.

The vulture in the air saw the sturdy woman and swooped over to her. When the strong woman thought about it, she took out a caster hammer from the storage ring and hovered like a vortex. The caster hammered open.


A circle of vultures will be broken and flew away in all directions.


Her feet fell on the ground, and then she took two thighs and chased the past toward the piano.

"Wait for me!"

In the back of the piano double hundreds of miles away.

A dozen of crickets rushed on the endless plains. In the first plaque, the corrections retracted the gods who explored backwards:

"You can't run like this. The monsters in the back have already caught up, and more and more. With the strength we are recovering now, if they are caught up, they will die here."

"What should I do?"

"Diverted!" Corrected the road and said: "We can't escape on the plains. The plains are too suitable for the monsters to run, and there is no cover in the sky. It is suitable for the gathering of the demon birds. We have to choose a favorable terrain to get rid of these monsters and Demon bird."

"There is only to change the gray forest, in the forest, there are trees to block the demon birds, and it will also block the pursuit of the beast, we are relatively easy to get rid of the animal tide."

"Go, change the endless forest!"

Corrected the sound of the gods into a single cymbal, then deflected and rushed toward the ashes of the forest.


The sturdy woman has already rushed into the rock elephant group, waving a caster hammer and flying a rock elephant, while the gods in her mouth said:

"Too's too strong, that girl... No, she is my boss in the future, the boss is the disciple of that family? This power is no one. She must also be a fairy teacher!


definitely is!

Just look at her sledgehammer, it must be! ”


When the piano doubled and smashed a rock elephant, he saw an empty space in front of him.

"Get out!"

"Get out!"


Chu vigorously turned a head in the air, two fists waving in the air, and others were not cheered. Some autistic Tang Han is also a smile on his face. The eyes of Qin double are full of worship and dependence.

Qin double took out the Hummer Road: "Let's go! Open the cloud, you come to the imperial."


Several people entered the Hummer, and Xu Kaiyun rushed the Hummer forward. Qinqin sat in his seat and recovered his strength. What she consumes is not Yuanli, but physical strength. It can't be recovered with the remedy. It can only be recovered slowly through rest.

"Treading step..."

Intensive and rapid hooves, the Hummer pulled a long, fuzzy afterimage on the plain.


Suddenly, the Hummer fell to the ground, and the five people in the Hummer instantly sweated, and a strong pressure quickly approached from the horizon, accompanied by a huge roar.

"The power of Xianjun!"

The four words instantly appeared in the hearts of five people. Xu Kaiyun was also suppressed by the prince of Xianjun, losing control of the Hummer and letting the Hummer fall to the ground.


A huge roar passed from above.


The five people in Hummer spurted a spurt of blood, and the eyes of five people were extremely shocked.

This is not a fairy, but three immortals, and these three immortals are still fighting violently. It was the violent battle of the three immortals, the collision of the princes of the princes, and the aftermath of the five people in the squadron spurted blood. And the inside of the five people have been hurt.

The body of the piano double is the strongest. In the early tenth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, it is very close to Xianjun, so the injury is the lightest. Followed by the Tang dynasty on the first floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, once again, the great power of the great Luo Jinxian, and his talents are different, and the damage he received was only a little heavier than Tang.

I don't know what the practice of Xu Kaiyun is. Although the injury is very heavy, there is no danger to life. However, Tang Han’s injury has been too heavy and has passed out.


There were a few loud noises in the sky, and the moment went away, let the piano and other people spurt a few mouthfuls of blood.

Qinqin raised his hand and wiped the blood from his mouth. He climbed out from the Hummer and then lifted the Hummer, only to find that the Hummer had been damaged.

"Xiaohan!" The anxious shouts of Tang Li from the horse.

Qin double explorer grabbed Xu Kaiyun.

"Open the cloud, hey!"

Xu Kaiyun thought of a move, a leopard appeared in front of the piano double, the piano double opened the leopard door, put Xu Kaiyun into it, and at this time Chu vigorously climbed out from the Hummer, Tang Li also held Tang Cum out.

The piano doubled into the leopard and said: "Come in."

Chu vigorously three people drilled in, Qin Shuang Yu made the leopard rushing away.


Tang Li’s knowledge enveloped Tang Han and his face was gray. Tang Han's five internal organs have been broken, the vitality disappeared, and the dead air is spreading.

Qin double took out a Vientiane fruit and threw it to Tang Lidao: "Put this out of the juice, and he drank."

"This is... Vientiane fairy fruit?" Tang Li looked at the Vientiane in his hand in surprise.


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