Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1562: Step by step

Chapter 1562, step by step, soul (page 1/1)

"Ying Ying, don't say it." Guo Dian said hard: "You go back first."

"Oh..." Cheng Yingying smiled nervously twice: "How? With new love, I have no qualifications to speak? You can make a joke that destroys the group, in order to please your new love, Guo Dian Ah Guo Dian, a fox has fascinated you like this?"

"To shut up!"

Guo Dian finally couldn't help it. Cheng Yingying turned out to be a fox, and God knows if it will irritate the piano pair? God knows that Qin double is under anger, will it kill Cheng Yingying?

"Apologize, go and apologize to Qindao friends!"

“Apologize?” Guo Dian’s words completely angered Cheng Yingying, and her look instantly became awkward: “You make me apologize like this fox?

I am your Taoist! You let me go to an apology like an outsider? A fox? A donkey who doesn't know where to come from, do you want me to apologize to her? ”

"Dice, don't say it!" Cao Yi frowned. "Guo Ge makes you apologize, it is for you."

The car morning also said: "Xunzi, you go to the road to apologize, this thing will be closed."

Having said that, he also cast a praying eye on the piano.

"You also let me apologize?" Cheng Yingying looked incredulously at Cao Yi and Che Chen: "What qualifications do you have to apologize? You two are just two dogs of Guo Dian, when the dog can let her hostess Anyone else apologizes?


Is that fox ready to serve you three together? ”


The footsteps sounded, and the footsteps seemed to step on the hearts of everyone. The people couldn’t help but turn their heads and saw the pianos coming out. The people on both sides were flashing away.

Qin double step by step toward Cheng Yingying, she walked very slowly, but every step on the ground, but it sounded different voices, the sound seems to step on the human soul, the soul of people has a kind to explode The feeling, the eyes locked on the opposite Cheng Yingying.

"You, you, you... you... what are you doing?"

Cheng Yingying was completely captured by the momentum of Qin Double, and she was flustered and fearful for a time. Moreover, each step of the piano pair is stepping on the rhythm of the spirit of the soul, and the voice is like stepping on the soul of Cheng Yingying.

"What?" Qin double looked coldly at Cheng Yingying. At this time, she had already walked to Cheng Yingying's body, but did not stop, but continued to circle around Cheng Yingying, the strange footsteps, a little impact. The soul of Cheng Yingying.

"Treading step..."

The footsteps are clearly audible in the quiet lobby. Although the piano controls the sounds are directed at Cheng Yingying, but the ordinary footsteps that everyone hears make their souls feel uncomfortable.

Xu Kaiyun, leaning against the door frame, stood straight and looked at the figure of the piano pair, his eyes deep. His sound is not very good, but he is still familiar with the demise of the Xu family and Long Fengming. When he heard the piano playing the dragon and the phoenix, her heart was shocked. Now, from the footsteps of Qin double, I heard the rhythm of the soul-killing. Not letting his eyes widen, his body trembled slightly.

"Qin double is a person from the mainland of the warrior. How can she lead Long Fengming and destroy the soul? Is there a branch of the Xu family in mainland China?"

"But, is she a piano?

Should I ask her?

She should not know that this is the family biography of our family, otherwise she will not use it in front of me.


I must find an opportunity to ask a clear question, otherwise, once the family knows that she will lead Long Fengming and destroy the soul, the origin is not clear, the family will kill the piano double. ”

"Hey..." Cheng Yingying spurted a blood out of her mouth, and her crazy eyes finally revealed her fear.

Qin double stopped, standing on the opposite side of her, sparkling in her eyes, making Cheng Yingying's heart linger.

"Don't kill you today, not because you shouldn't kill, but because you have a good lover.

There is no more chance!

Again, you will die! ”

When the words fell, Qin double turned and walked outside the gate. Passing Guo Dian’s face, he gave him a deep look. Chivalry is like Guo Dian, but his Taoist is so regrettable.


When Qin double came out of the door, all the people felt that the kind of depression in the soul disappeared, just a few steps away, it was terrible.

The cold sweat on Guo Dian’s forehead has flowed down. He already knows that Qin double is only the sixth layer of Da Luo Jinxian’s cultivation. He does not have his own height, but the feeling he just gave him is that Qin double can easily kill himself.

Just taking a few steps, there is such a terrible effect, the sound is so terrible!

"This is a monk who can't be!"


A scream of sorghum emanating from Cheng Yingying's mouth, her face was full of horror, and the riot of the soul made her illusion in front of her eyes.


One of the **** sat on the ground, the lower abdomen was hot, and a yellow scented liquid was sprayed out. Her face was white, cold and sweaty, coming out of the body, flowing down from her face, and the whole person was embarrassed.

Fang Caiqin's footsteps sounded as if every step was on her soul. Every step of the foot made her soul shake, and the vibration of each layer of the soul gave her an illusion.

At this point, the footsteps disappeared, and the illusion disappeared, but the fear in the heart did not disappear.


She couldn't help but scream again, and the screams showed her tendency to collapse.

Guo Dian sighed and squatted down, looking at the wolf's Cheng Yingying, reaching out a big hand and holding her in her arms.


Cheng Yingying fluttered in his arms and burst into tears.

Yuan Long, who was hiding in the crowd, trembled. The impact of Qin double was too great. Although Qin double controlled the sound, he did not target him, but only the footsteps without attack, but also his soul. Feel the fear.

Xu Kaiyun's look is extremely complicated. Now he has confirmed that Qin Double must have been passed down by Xu Jia, but he does not know where to get it. Have you ever done anything wrong with Xu?

What should she do if she does something bad for Xu?

Hua Taixiang and Tang Han opened their mouths and laughed happily. Qin double sister is too handsome!

Chu vigorously stood there, there seems to be no response. Tang Li’s mouth curled up and revealed a smile. Now he is more and more confident to bring Tang Han safely back to Tang.

Xu Kaiyun put away the complexity of his face, waved his sleeves and turned and left.

Tang Li, Tang Han, Chu Dali and Hua Taixiang looked at each other and turned away. With the departure of several people, Cheng Yingying’s crying gradually became smaller. Guo Dian put his hand on it, and the cooked beast meat began to come up in a basin, and the lobby gradually recovered.


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