Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1568: Night storm

For those of them who are low-educated, food is their life. It is because of their survival that they have feared Guo Dian and others. But once there is no hope of living, there is only dissatisfaction and resentment in the heart.

"Boss, what about our food?"

"Boss, are you going out to collect these things?"

"Boss, we don't have a refiner here. It's useless to collect these things. As the lady said, these materials are **** for us now!"

"Why are you listening to the piano? Are you really fascinated by the piano? What do you let you do, what do you do, no matter what we are? Then what did you take us over?"

"The lady said it is good, we need food, don't take it."

There was a hint of excitement in the eyes of the ink and the Qing Li Qing. They also went out to collect materials this time, but they knew that the people in the piano pair were resting in the habitat, which made him feel awkward. Especially yesterday, when Qin double was in front of everyone and said that he didn't know him, now I think of it, my face is still hot. He now wants these people to drive them out of the piano and let them die in the mouth of the beast.

The fifth calculation and Yu Feiyin went out to hunt with the car in the morning. In fact, Yu Feiyin did not understand the arrangement of the piano pair. At this time, the voice was entered into the secret channel:

"Five, Qin double, what is this?"

"Architecture!" The fifth did not hesitate to answer.

At this time, Guo Dian opened his eyes and looked at the monks who were full of dissatisfaction and resentment. His heart was weak.

Are you wrong?

Is it wrong to accommodate these monks who are low-ranking?

I am going to go out hunting hunting monsters every day, just to give them a bite to eat, to prevent them from starving to death, and even to practice, but now?

They don't know that the beast is coming, they only know dissatisfaction and resentment. If they know that the animal tide is coming, I am afraid it will cause confusion immediately.

This is also why Guo Dian did not tell them that the beast was coming. Once it caused confusion, there was only a bad point and no benefit.

Powerless to let Guo Dian silence.

"Five, even if the refining division of the piano double, want to refine the flag, I am afraid it will take a long time? But, you have not counted, the animal tide will come soon? It is too late!"

"I don't know!" The fifth is simply shaking his head.

"Do you calculate?"

The fifth count turned a blank eye and passed the voice into the secret channel: "Do you think that I am so easy to calculate? Since Qin double suddenly let Guo Dian collect these things, it is to be arranged. Since it is going to be arranged, she knows the animal tide. I am coming. After I calculated last night, I originally wanted to tell Guo Dian, but when I saw that I was going to collect these materials, I knew that Qin double had already known.

Now that she knows it and has made arrangements, she must have her way. Why should I spend my **** to push it?

However, how did she know?

I am more and more interested in her now! ”

"Give me shut up!" Guo Dian suddenly screamed, his eyes swept to those who condemned: "Garbage? You are the real garbage. If you don't have me Guo Dian, you have already become the monster's droppings. If you don't want to be here, give me a roll."

"Roll?" Cheng Yingying's voice is getting cold: "Do you want me to roll too?"

"Ying Ying..."

"Guo Dian, I have to look at it, you and the piano are both savage, what will happen.

Guo Dian!

Don't regret it! ”

When the words fell, Cheng Yingying turned and left, Guo Dian looked at the back of Cheng Yingying's departure, but there was no movement under her feet, but her eyes became awkward.

"Boss..." Cao Yi is a friend of Guo Dian for many years. He is very clear about Guo Dian and Cheng Yingying.

Guo Dian shook his head and said: "Nothing, let her calm down first. We must first survive. I will explain to her later."

"Yeah, you must live first!" Cao Yi sighed.

Guo Dian also sighed a voice: "I don't know if I can survive! You go out to collect materials, have you ever encountered a monster?"

"Yes!" Cao Yi's face became serious: "The beast has a tendency to gather toward this side, and the surrounding monsters are beginning to increase."

"The situation I encountered is also." Che Chendao.

"Me too!" Guo Dian's eyes could not help but show a trace of confusion: "There is nothing wrong with the double guessing of the piano, and those monsters are estimated to discover us today."

"Go, let's go see the piano!"


All the people who went out to collect the materials came back, and Qinqin once again entered the town demon tower, this time began to refine the flag.

The small building is quiet, but the Dan League is not calm. There have been sporadic monsters who have discovered Dan Meng. Guo Dian and others have been hunting all the monsters found here. The panic has spread in Dan League. No one can fall asleep on such a night.

Tianming time.

When those who were repaired underground and hid in the room came out, they had a strong **** taste, and they were so breathless that they couldn’t breathe. They looked at the position, and some people were scared and their legs were soft.

A venomous corpse lay on the ground, and there were tired monks. The monks went out to collect the materials of the day during the day, and they fought for another day at night. They didn't even collect the dead bodies.

"Last night our habitat was attacked by the monsters?"

"So many, there are more than three hundred?"

"Damn, are these monsters found here?"

"Are we going to be besieged by the monsters?"

"How to do?"


The panic quickly spread in Danmeng. The monks who were repaired as low were completely scared. They remembered the horror of the beast when they attacked the city. Many children were already scared to cry.

Guo Dian sat tired on a stone and looked at Cao Yi, who came over: "How much has been injured?"

"A lot!" Cao Yi sighed a sigh: "We can fight the people above the fairy period, only nearly two thousand, but last night's casualties nearly five hundred."

Guo Dian bit his teeth and silently said: "Clean up the battlefield and appease those who are low."

"Understand!" Cao Yi looked at the small building: "The piano has not come out yet?"


His voice did not fall, he saw the door of the small building opened, the piano double came out, Xu Kaiyun and others followed. Guo Dian hurriedly got up and strode toward the piano. At this time, someone stepped forward to the front of the piano.


Qin double glanced at the man with a smile on his face: "The fifth friend."

"I am practicing heavenly skills!" The fifth look said solemnly: "I calculated it last night, and we have a day and night."


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