Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1572: Array

The crowd suddenly fell silent. As Qinqin said, the piano pair can leave cleanly, with the strength of several of them, even if they die, they will die behind them.

Is it zero?

They have too many people who are low-minded here. If they were not picked up by Guo Dian, even if they were not eaten by the monsters, I am afraid they would have starved to death. Leaving alone, that is to find death.

"I stay!" The fifth is the first opening.

"I stay!" Yu Feiyin followed.

"I stayed!"

"I stayed!"


As soon as they sounded, the eyes of the piano swept across the crowd, and everyone was quiet. There was a sneer in the corner of the piano:

“Really decided to stay?” Qin’s eyes fell on a monk in front of him: “How many people are in the habitat today, do you know?”

"Not... four thousand!" The monk slightly sank.

"How many people can fight above the fairy period?" Qin double asked again.

"This..." The monk was a bit stunned.

"Not less than a thousand five." The car strode came.

"The fifth count!" Qin double turned to look at the fifth count.

"In!" The fifth calculation immediately came out of the crowd.

"Show yourself to everyone." Qin double said faintly.

"I! The fifth count, from the fifth family, I think everyone knows the fifth family?"

Everyone nodded, and the fifth count continued: "Since everyone knows, then I will talk about the results of my calculations."

The look of everyone suddenly became tense. They all knew that the fifth family was studying heavenly techniques and was known for its calculations.

"Tomorrow!" The fifth sound is sounded: "The beast will come, and at least 50,000 monsters will come, up to 100,000."

"What?" The faces of everyone were terrified.

"Tell me!" Qin double suddenly raised his voice: "We only have 1,500 people to fight, and the monsters have at least 50,000, can you stop it?"

There was a desperate color on the faces of everyone, and some people began to tremble with their legs.

"You can't!" Qin said with a loud voice: "Do you think that you are all working hard, only I am wandering there? So, are you not fair, resentful, angry?"

"We..." The people bowed their heads one by one.

"That's because you can't stop the beast, and I can!"


All the people looked up and looked at the piano with excitement. Some people even could not help but ask:

"Can you really?"

The piano double looked at the monks quietly until the monks shut up one by one, eagerly looking at the piano pair, the piano double said:

"Because I am a fairy singer."


This time, everyone's mood is even more enthusiastic. Some people suddenly realized that:

"I understand that the squad is letting us clean up the base, for the sake of the array."

"We misunderstood the piano master!"

"We are sorry for the piano!"

"Piano, we are wrong!"


The piano is pressed down with both hands, and everyone is quiet. The piano double walked toward the middle ring and walked along:

"What to do, your mission is very heavy. After cleaning up the periphery, you have to clean up the middle section. After that, there is the Central District. I have to set up a three-tiered array. In the morning, I must clean up the three-storey area."

"Do not worry, the piano division."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Everyone left to do their own work, but only two people did not move, and the piano looked at the past, but it was Murdian and Li Qingyun. Qin double ignored them and walked toward the middle.

"Ink, let's leave." Li Qingyun said: "The beast will happen tomorrow, hiding here is waiting for death. We both leave together and hide, as long as we carefully converge, we will not be discovered by the beast. ”

"But..." The ink code hesitated: "The strength of our two, it is difficult to hunt the monster."

"That is better than waiting here!"

"How can I wait to die? Isn’t Qinqin not a fairy sergeant?"

"She said that you believe it!" Li Qingyun's face is full of disdain: "How old is she? It is a big Luo Jinxian, and a fairy sound teacher. How could it be a fairy singer? People's energy is limited.

Estimated to know a little fur, just thinking about the array, on her array, can block the monster?

Ink, if you don't leave, then I will leave, I won't wait here to die. ”

"Good! We are leaving!"

The ink ceremony finally made up his mind, and the two men strode outside the Dan League. When the two of them walked up the street, Li Qingyun turned his head and looked at the Qin double in the distance, shouting loudly:

"Qin double, after the end of the animal tide, I will come to see if you have a few bones left. Right, you can't recognize your bones at that time."

All the movements of the people are a meal, but the doubles of the piano are not talking back: "Hurry up."

The crowd immediately went up to the heat. When they cleaned up the periphery, Qin double gave them a jade, let them clean up the middle section according to the jade, and when they cleaned up the middle section, Qin double gave them a jade. Let them clean up the central area. The piano double came to the periphery again.

On the periphery, the piano pair is not prepared to lay out a pure array of methods, but by means of the base, the layout of the array. The combination of the two will make the explosion more powerful.

Not bad!

It is an explosion!

The piano pair must have ten seats in the periphery and then detonate. Each character array consumes a thousand symbols.

The piano was set up for an afternoon, and the ten seats were laid. Then began to set up a real array in the middle, a pattern set by the flag. Midnight that has been laid.

This night, no one slept, they were all ordered by Guo Dian according to the Qin double, concentrated in the central area of ​​Dan League, they are far from the Qin double in the periphery, in the middle of the array.

On the outskirts of Danmeng, the eight hundred monks who changed jobs from time to time killed the monsters that had entered here. Above the towers, Xu Kaiyun’s waist was quite straight, and occasionally he shot an arrow and nailed a monster. on the ground.

A round of moonlight with a faint **** color hangs the sky, and the moonlight falls down like a **** fog.

The figure of Qin double did not rush from the middle to the central area.

"Piano player!"

"Piano player!"


The piano nodded twice and then looked at Guo Diandao: "Guo Dian, recruit the monks who are responsible for the vigilance."

"Good!" Guo Dian responded with a voice, and he screamed: "Everyone is back to the Central District."


Each figure flew from the periphery to the central area. It was only a moment, and all the people returned to the Central District. Qin double took out a storage bag and handed it to Guo Diandao:

"I have arranged eight formations in the middle section. You distribute these jade cards to monks above the fairy period, and the monks wearing the jade cards can walk freely in the big array, and there is a method of using large arrays in the jade cards. I will open the big array, let the monks above the fairy period be divided into eight parts, enter the big array, familiar with the big array. There will be the battlefield where we hunt the monsters."


I am very grateful to Bai Zibing (500), only because of your world is warm (100), seriously study and study hard (100), seaphay (100), Heaven and Earth (100), Zenglu (100) reward!




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