Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1576: For seaphay to become the fifth ally to add more!

They raised their faces one by one, looking at the figure above the tower, the eyes of a hateful adoration in a pair of eyes.

The figure is not stalwart, it looks excellent, the straight spine, bright like the stars, calm and calm look.

The wind passed.

The clothes are flying.

Let those Terran monks have a thought in the heart that they want to follow.

This woman will surely go to the peak.

This beast wave, the Terran must have won the final victory.

All the monks, this kind of thoughts surged in their hearts at this time, their trust in Qin double developed into worship, in their hearts, the horrible beast has become no longer terrible.

Because there is a piano double!

"We have survived!" an old man whispered, and the thought of living made his nervousness vent, and the whole person lost his strength and sat down on the ground.

"Yeah, we have survived!"

Some monks sat down on the ground, and some monks held each other together, some cheering and some crying.

"we won!"

Suddenly a monk jumped up from the ground, waved his fist, and was excited and mad.

"we won!"

"we won!"

"we won!"


The monks in the Central District jumped up excitedly and furiously waving their fists.

"Piano double sister, you are amazing!" Tang Han raised his smile and looked at the piano double.

Qin double shook his head gently: "It’s still early to win, and there are still more than 40,000 monsters left."


There was a scream from afar, and the heart of the piano was a tremor, and quickly stared.

I saw a four-armed scorpion striding from a distance. The four-armed scorpion was far away from Dan Meng. At least a hundred miles away, and the height was over a hundred feet, then the head also had the tower of the piano. high. Zhangkou shouts, the airflow ejected like a dragon.

"Nine days of Xuanxian late!"

Tang Li and Qin Shuang almost simultaneously exclaimed birth, Tang Li is the real nine-day Xuan Xian, and Qin Shuang's Yuan Shen realm is nine days Xuan Xian, so both people can instantly sense the repair of the four-armed scorpion.

Nine-day Xuanxian ninth floor!

This repair is not a large array of pianos that can be strangled, and it is not the sound of Qin double can kill.

The four-armed scorpion is only a hundred miles away from here, but each step is more than ten miles. It is only nine steps to get here. And in the Qin double view, this is still the four-armed squatting toward this place with a relaxed attitude, not at all its speed.

Tang Li frowned slightly, nervously said: "Qin double, look at this four-armed look, seems to have given birth to a trace of wisdom."

In the heart of the piano, look at the four-armed look.


Even from the speed of the four arms, you can see that the four arms are born with wisdom, otherwise the instinct of the beast, since it is discovered here, will naturally come all the way.

not to mention……

The four-armed eyes were looking forward to the piano above the tower, and there was a hint of play in the eyes.

This is to evolve into a demon!

The avenue of the road!

The demon who occupied the advantage, it really accelerated the evolution!

On the other side of Dan League, about two hundred miles away, there is also a broken tower, leaving only six floors. Above the tower, at this time stood a blood robe youth, but it was the Tianti who left after the **** river from Wanqiushan.

At this time, Tianrui stood quietly above the tower, and the **** red robes screamed in the wind. The eyes became more blood red.

From time to time in the sky, there are demon birds swooping down toward him. From the body of Tianrui, they have found dozens of blood-colored tentacles, entangled those demon birds, silently sucked those demon birds, and dried up the demon birds. The body fell from the sky.


The eyes of Tianrui are glanced around, and soon his eyes looked in the direction of Dan Meng, because a small beast was erupting there.


In his vision, he saw ten big bursts, and countless monsters turned into pieces. Later, he saw the piano double on the tower.

Tianrui’s mouth is upturned and reveals a smile.

"Qin double, you are also coming to the spiritual world!"

The tentacle that popped up in the sky retracted instantly, and the breath of the whole body completely converges. Even his figure almost disappeared into the space and people could not see it.

The demon birds hovering over the tower were confused for a moment, then circled a few more times and flew away.


The explosion of the ten large arrays lasted for a quarter of an hour. In the right direction of Dan League, about a hundred miles away, a three-story building with three floors facing the window stood a woman on the stalwart. Like, the woman who appeared on the mountain.

At this time, the girl with thick eyebrows looked at the explosion of Dan Meng’s direction, saw countless huge airflows, and flew countless incomplete monsters to the sky, smashed and fell.

It’s like a storm!

"This..." Wei'an woman's eyes widened: "This is the formation of the detonation!"

“Is there a master of fairy tales?”

The stalwart woman’s face showed a hesitant color and whispered:

"The master of the fairy tales is very powerful! I am going to continue to find the boss who used the hammer to fly the rock like a bomb, or go there to find the master of the fairy tales?"

Business casting!

"There is still a big array!" Wei's woman excitedly shot the window sill, and her eyes showed excitement: "It's amazing!"


Tianrui and Wei'an women turned their heads at the same time, looking at the direction of the sound of screaming.

"Four arms!" Wei Wang woman looked shocked: "It seems that the strength is very strong!"

"Nine-day Xuan Xian ninth floor!" Tiansui binocular miniature: "Qin double has trouble this time!"

“Everyone returns to the Central District!”

Above the tower, the sound of the double piano was clearly transmitted into the ears of every monk. At this time, all the monks also saw the four-armed squats that were quickly approaching. The huge body of the heavenly place gave them the pressure. It’s too big, although far from them, but like a huge mountain, it is hitting them.


Only in an instant, the monks returned to the Central District, looking back at the four-armed scorpion, and then looked up at the piano double on the tower. At this time, no one made a little noise. Although they were extremely fearful in their hearts, this short experience, their hearts have already trusted the piano pair, and the piano pair has become their spiritual pillar. As long as the piano does not panic, they will not collapse.

Above the tower.

Qin double has been sitting cross-legged, with a guqin on his knees. The hands are stroking on the strings, and the Gorefiend-controlled soul songs are infused under the force of the Qinshen’s Yuanshen, and they are accurately sent into the ears of each of the eight monsters. .


I am very grateful to the witch Palang (500), study hard and study hard (100), elegant and rainy (100), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100) reward!



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