Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1584: go away

"Guo Dian, I advise you to leave here immediately. Now the gates leading to the Wanshang City have no monsters, and the monsters have been attracted to it, so this is the best time to leave."

"Leave?" Guo Dian shocked: "Now?"

Qin double said seriously: "Guo Dian, with your strength can not withstand the next animal tide, here is to wait for death, always try to find a way to live."

Qin double looked at the gate of the city, and then looked at Chu. Chu vigorously perceives the eyes of Qin double, then opened his eyes and looked at the piano pair. Qin double light:

"Can you go?"

Chu vigorously cracked his mouth and said: "Yes, I am in good health."

"Then we will depart immediately!"

"You are going now?" Guo Dian asked in surprise.

"Yeah!" Qin double stood up and said: "We are going right away. I don't want to experience a beast. I don't have so many flags."

The big gaze that fell in the central area, slightly indulged:

"Whether you stay, this big array will be left to you. In fact, if you encounter another animal tide, this big array is useless."



The piano double flew up and down the tower, and Xu Kaiyun followed him and landed on the ground, then walked toward the gate.

"Can we... follow you?" Suddenly a voice began. Then someone spoke:

"We want you to be the boss."

"Where are you going, where are we going?"

Qin double turned and looked at the eyes that everyone expected. He shook his head slightly: "I can't take you with you now. You can only find the space to survive by yourself, because I have to go to the right door, it is too far away from here, too. Danger. You follow me, the danger is not less than staying here, even more dangerous. If I go to the right door to do things, we have a goodbye, at that time, we can fight together against the catastrophe."

Seeing the look of the people, the piano smiled a bit:

“Even they are!” Qin double pointed to Tang Han and others: “We will be separated when we get there, and now we are together, just by the way.”

Everyone was silent, at this time their hearts were very upset, followed by the piano double to the right?

They dare not think!

Too dangerous!

Stay here?

That is waiting for death!

leave here? Where are you going?

Where to go?

Qin double sighed and turned to the gate of the city. Xu Kaiyun and others also sighed in their hearts, and they could not protect these people, just after the piano.


In the distance came the roar of the monster, and the sound of killing, the piano double looked at it, it seems that there are some ethnic monks who are killing with the monster.

However, Qin double can not manage so much, in the era of catastrophe, people are dead all the time. There is no monster at the gate now, but it is only short-lived. It will not take long for the gates to gather countless monsters and lose the opportunity to leave.

She can't miss this opportunity!

This opportunity was spent on her vast resources, energy, and the injury of Chu and Tang Li.


The six people of the piano double rushed toward the gate of the city, encountering the monsters, they did not evade this time, but killed directly.

At this time, there are not many monsters in this area, and they have to grab time and rush out of the city gate at the fastest speed.

The city gate is looking forward!

At the gate, there are only three or two monsters, one is open.

"Really gone!"

In Danmeng, more than 4,000 people did not react until they disappeared for a long time until the figure of Qinshuang and others disappeared. For a while, more was awkward.

In just a few days, Qin double has conquered these people, especially in the end of the Holocaust, the life guarantees that people do not have, and it is more likely to be worshipped for the strong who save them.

"Let's leave too." Cao Yi said softly: "Qin double they are so strong, they are eager to leave, there must be their reason."

Everyone is in the heart, they have a blind trust in Qin double. Therefore, Che Chen also immediately said:

"To go, we must go immediately."

"Good!" Guo Dianyi gnawed his teeth: "Let's go now!"

"I don't go!" Cheng Yingying suddenly shouted in fear: "The beast has already disappeared. It is safe here. Why do you want to go? There are monsters everywhere, even if you can leave the city? It is not everywhere. Is it a monster? There is still a big battle to protect us here. There is only one dead road to go out, I will not leave!"

For a time, some people are determined to leave, but some are beginning to hesitate.

"Ying Ying, listening to the piano double is not wrong, follow me."

"I don't go! Go, go! Anyway, your soul has been taken away by the piano, don't care about me, hehe..." Cheng Yingying cried on the ground.

Guo Dian silently for a moment, then looked at Cao Yi and others: "You go first, go immediately, I will come later."

"Big brother..."

"obey, go!" Guo Dian shouted.


At this time, a hundred miles away, the weihai woman was surrounded by countless monsters. The weihai woman jumped from the third floor when she saw the piano double they left, but wanted to chase the piano, but Surrounded by countless monsters.

"Damn, **** it!"

The Wei'an woman picked up a casting hammer in her hand and rushed to the outside of the beast. She shouted: "The piano double boss, wait for me."


The stalwart woman kept flying a monster, and strode to the piano. She felt the piano double looking back at her and was excited at the time.

"Boss, you wait for me, I admire you, I want you to be my boss. My name is iron soft, the fourth layer of Da Luo Jinxian, the early stage of the fairy master, I follow you, I can refine it for you!"

However, the piano double just looked back and turned around and headed toward the gate.

Within the Dan League.

More than 4,000 people also feared to leave the city, and went to the wilderness. Finally, more than 3,000 people left with Che Chen and Cao Yi. Guo Dian took Cheng Yingying and hundreds of people to stay in Dan Meng. Cheng Yingying’s face showed a smile with a pear and a rain.

"Guo Ge, we now have a lot of monster meat, and we don't have to go hunting for a few years. We are hiding in this big array and practicing, there is no safer than this."

More than two hundred miles away.

Tianrui stood above the tower and looked at the back of Che Chen and Cao Yi and then turned his eyes to the direction of Dan Meng. Double eyes are thoughtful. Suddenly, his double eyebrows wrinkled a little, and there was a bit of pain in his eyes. The blood in his body rushed, and the blood was coming out of his 100,000 sweat pores, like a **** fog, wrapped him inside. .


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