Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1586: let's talk

Chapter 1586, let's talk about it (page 1/1)

"I..." Cheng Yingying's eyes showed panic and despair.

"Ying Ying, we have experienced so many lives in this two lives, isn't it also step by step?

The same is true this time!

Trust me! ”

Cheng Yingying’s panicked and desperate eyes gradually disappeared, and the color of regret appeared in her eyes.

"Guo Ge, I dragged you down if we left before..."

Guo Dian put a finger on Cheng Yingying's mouth, the sound is more gentle:

"Ying Ying, what has already passed, don't mention it. Take out your courage, we will go out together."

Cheng Yingying's eyes have a splendid color, and he said a little bit: "Well, you and my husband and wife fight side by side. You can't live on the same day of the same year, but you die on the same day of the same year. I will wait for you in my next life."

"Well, I will go to you in my next life."




The boundless monsters are instantly filled with the eyes of Guo Dian and others.

"Boss..." The hundreds of monks called out to Guo Dian in panic.


Guo Dian sighed and took the lead in rushing toward the monster.


This time Cheng Yingying did not hide behind Guo Dian, but stepped forward and killed Guo Dian to the monster.



"Oh ah..."

Guo Dian killed a monster, and from time to time for Cheng Yingying to resist the attack of the beast, but behind him, there was a cry.

After a short quarter of an hour, there was no screaming voice behind Guo Dian. Guo Dian's look is miserable. He knows that hundreds of monks have fallen, and there are countless monsters around him and Cheng Yingying, so that he can not distinguish the direction, only able to rush forward.

Two quarters later.

Guo Dian was bathed in blood, and his body was scarred, but Cheng Yingying did not have a scar on his body. That is because every time he was in danger, Guo Dian always stopped in front of Cheng Yingying, even if he was injured.

"Guo Ge..."

Cheng Yingying has been crying, Guo Ding shouted: "Cry what, you should be happy, see me show off the power, and do the beast."

"Yes...Yes...Guo Ge...Show your power...Hey..."

After another quarter of an hour, Guo Dian fell in the arms of Cheng Yingying, and looked at Cheng Yingying with deep affection, and she closed her eyes permanently. The surrounding monsters are like the tide of the sea, coming to Cheng Yingying.

"Guo Ge..."

Cheng Yingying clasped Guo Dian’s body tightly in her arms and screamed at the sky.


Cheng Yingying blew herself up, and the monster who rushed to Cheng Yingying rolled over...


Qin double and others have been far away from the mile, six people around a campfire, sitting in an empty wilderness, the meat is filled in the air, but only within a radius of ten feet, the piano double set a simple big Array, enveloped this small space.


Qin double cut a piece of monster meat, chewing slowly, Xu Kaiyun and others have also eaten, a monster is quickly eaten by a few people, each has eight full, Xu Kaiyun and other talents put Slow down.

"We are not far from the city of Wanshang?" Tang Li looked at the direction of the city, with a look in the voice.

"Yeah!" Qin double nodded gently: "When we get to the city, we will separate."

Chu vigorously squirmed his lips, and some of his heart was reluctant, but he came out for so long and wanted to know the condition of his grandfather's father. I closed my mouth.

Tang Han suddenly red eyes, fragrant and seductive monster meat, suddenly there is no taste, sitting down with his head down.

Qinqin raised his hand and touched Tang Han’s head gently: “When you listen to Tang Li’s words, go back to your family first. My way to the right gate is too far, too dangerous to take with you.”

Speaking of this, Qin double smiled: "Safely returning to the family, waiting for my sister to come back from the right door, I also hope that you can help my sister."

"I... don't want to be separated from you." Tang Han's tears fell. He has never been so close to a person, at this time a pair of eyes are watery, and a large drop of tears descends down the cheek.

The palm of the piano placed on Tang Han’s head increased the strength: “Reassured, my sister will go to you.”

"Really?" Tang Han looked up at the piano.

"I promise!" Qin said seriously.


Qin double turned to look at Xu Kaiyun, did not wait for Xu Kaiyun to finish, then shook his head:

"Open the cloud, you are also staying in the city of Wanshang, where you can practice well, don't worry anymore. And you have to understand the arrow that I am giving you, hope that we will meet next time, you and I can really fight side by side."

Xu Kaiyun’s face was awkward. He knew that this was a piano double that he could not see his cultivation, or that the piano pair was not sure to protect him on his way to the right door. In short, it is their own cultivation is not high. This can not help but make Xu Kaiyun depressed. At this time, he regretted some regrets and regretted that he did not practice seriously.

Depressed like a cloud, pressed into the heart of Xu Yun, he stood up and walked outside the battle, saying:

"I am going out for a walk!"

Qinqin's lips moved a bit, and finally did not say anything. Some things always require Xu Kaiyun to comprehend himself. Only when he realized it would he practice seriously.

Xu Kaiyun walked out of the big array and walked straight ahead, and soon disappeared. Tang Li said with some concerns:

"Qin double, open cloud him..."

"Reassured!" Qin double whispered: "He is not that simple, even if it is not, escape should be no problem."

Tang Li no longer speaks. The most important thing is that he also feels that Xu Kaiyun will not be in any danger. After all, they do not feel any high-level monsters around here. With the strength of Xu Kaiyun, as long as you don't encounter the monsters of the nine-day Xuan Xian, there should be no problem in escape.

Several people stopped talking, and they all knew that they would be separated soon, and the atmosphere was a bit dignified. Time passed by in silence, I don’t know how long it took, and suddenly there was a roar of Dafa in the distance.

"Open cloud has an accident!" everyone stood up.

Qin double walked out and said: "Strongly come with me, Tang Li and Tai Xiang stay here to protect Tang Han."

Chu vigorously followed the piano pair and walked out of the big array. The figure of the piano pair passed lightly on the ground. Chu vigorously took a big step and slammed. The two people’s figure was pulled out under the moonlight night in the wilderness. Blurred afterimage.


Qinshuang and Chu vigorously stopped, they saw Xu Kaiyun, Xu Kaiyun back to them both, there are large pieces of blood stains on his body, still dripping down the clothes, lying around him near the white demon The beast, each monster is blown off the head.

In a circle, scattered around the Xu Kaiyun.

The eyes of the piano are bright, and from the way the monsters died, she saw Xu Kaiyun revealing a way that she had not seen.

Very powerful way!


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